Как Сделать Шарики В Кружочке Телеграмма В Telegram

Как Сделать Шарики В Кружочке Телеграмма В Telegram

Как Сделать Шарики В Кружочке Телеграмма В Telegram
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Title: Creating Ball Bots in Telegram: A Step-by-Step Guide

Telegram, a popular instant messaging app, offers a unique feature called "Bots" which can perform various tasks, from setting reminders to playing games. One of the most entertaining types of bots are ball bots, which create animated ball effects within a chat. In this article, we'll discuss how to create a simple ball bot for Telegram using Node.js and the Telegram Bot API.


1. Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer.
2. Basic understanding of JavaScript.

**Step 1: Creating a new bot**

First, we need to create a new bot on Telegram. Go to Telegram's BotFather (@botfather) and start a chat with it. Follow the instructions as follows:

1. Type `/newbot` and name your bot.
2. Choose a username for your bot.
3. Type `/setprivacy` and choose the privacy settings for your bot.

BotFather will then provide you with an API token. Keep this token safe, as we'll need it later.

**Step 2: Setting up the development environment**

Create a new directory for your project and initialize a new Node.js project:

mkdir telegram-ball-bot
cd telegram-ball-bot
npm init -y

Install the necessary packages:

npm install node-telegram-bot-api --save

Create a new file named `index.js` for your bot's main logic.

**Step 3: Writing the bot's code**

Open `index.js` and add the following code:

const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');

const token = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'; // Replace with your bot's API token

const bot = new TelegramBot(token, {pollingInterval: 1000});

bot.onText(//start/, (msg) => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hello! Welcome to the ball bot.');

setInterval(() => {
bot.sendMediaGroup(chatId, [
{media: 'inputMediaAnimation', animation: {type: 'ball'}},
{media: 'inputMediaAnimation', animation: {type: 'ball'}},
{media: 'inputMediaAnimation', animation: {type: 'ball'}},
{media: 'inputMediaAnimation', animation: {type: 'ball'}}
}, 500);

bot.onText(//help/, (msg) => {
bot.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, 'Type /start to start the ball animation.');

Replace `'YOUR_API_TOKEN'` with the API token you obtained in Step 1.

**Step 4: Running the bot**

Start the bot by running the following command:

node index.js

Now, start a new chat with your bot and type `/start` to see the ball animation.


In this article, we've created a simple ball bot for Telegram using Node.js and the Telegram Bot API. The bot sends a welcome message and continuously sends animated ball media to the chat. You can extend the functionality of this bot by adding more features, such as allowing users to control the ball's size, color, or speed. Happy coding!

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