Как Писать Эссе На Вош По Английскому

Как Писать Эссе На Вош По Английскому


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Образцы написания эссе (сочинений) для олимпиад по английскому языку.
Social network technology is making young people more antisocial.
People have been socializing since time immemorial . We still want to have active social life. It explains the increasing popularity of social network sites in recent years. How do these sites influence life of young people?
In my opinion , social networking sites have negative effect on social life of young people . First of all , teenagers often forget that online popularity and real life popularity are not the same.
Consequently , they have hundreds online friends and serious communication problems in real life. Secondly , the sites offer many time wasting activities, so young people spent hours on these sites. As a result they do not have time to do more productive activities, like doing sports or hobby. Finally , this lifestyle is very bad for physical and mental health, so teenagers have different problems, such as poor eyesight or inability to have real conversation.
On the other hand , some people claim that social network sites influence lives of young people in a positive way, because the sites allow contact with people from all over the world. Besides , they bring people with common interests together.
I strongly disagree with this view, because communicating with people you do not know are very unlikely to meet, even if you have common interests, is superficial and cannot replace face-to-face.
Despite other people’s opinion I still believe that social networking sites do not improve young people’s lives, but only complicate them. (238 слов)
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trevelling and studying abroad.
Over recent years , the number of people studying and travelling abroad has increased considerably . This has both positive and negative aspects .
At first sight , education and travel in foreign countries appear to be entirely beneficial and advantageous. For example , studying other languages abroad expands and improves our abilities and job prospects. In addition , by studying or simply travelling abroad, we can discover many differences in terms of culture, way of thinking, history customs and lifestyle; the awareness of these differences makes us more tolerant and open-minded. What is more , we gain a broader experience of life in general.
On the other hand , it may indeed be true to say that travelling and studying abroad could influence us in a negative way. The experience could be so powerful, and alter our way of thinking so greatly, that we lose our cultural identity. If we integrate into the new society, we will almost certainly meet difficulties when we try to readjust later to our own culture. Another potential problem is that we may become a victim of discrimination, and lose our confidence as a result. Since their behavior and customs may be very different from those of the inhabitants of the host culture, we may encounter negative reaction – unfriendliness, or even hostility, for example.
There are many choices and it is for those who travel to weigh up both sides of the issue and come to their own conclusion. (260 слов)
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