Kahlan Mfc

Kahlan Mfc


Kahlan Mfc
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If you're an author stuck for ideas, or a reader dying to see a particular pairing or scenario played out in a story, this is the place for you. You can either submit a challenge HERE or simply take a gander at the challenges listed and see if any take your fancy.
If, once you've created a response to your challenge, you decide to submit it to the site, please remember to include the challenge number - then we can all take a look at what inspired you.
I've divided the challenges up into six main sections, although more will probably be added in time.
Criteria: Insert a kiss. Take a scene from a TV show or film where you felt as if the characters were going to kiss or should have kissed, but didn't, and insert that kiss.
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Criteria: Take any fandom pair but the pair must be a blonde and a brunette. Have them get caught in a kiss (or maybe something more...) in any place except the bedroom. Include the quote "Is that my..." You can finish the quote with whatever comes to mind. It can be any genre. Have fun :)
Length: Any
Challenger: Sin
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara
Criteria: Their memories held captive, Kahlan and Cara are transported to a mystical plane, where they must join forces to defeat the Keeper and return to their bodies.
Length: mid-long
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Pairing: Jessica/Wendy
Criteria: Wendy's dreams take a decidedly new direction following her lip-stick kiss with Jessica.
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Flashforward
Pairing: Janis/Mia
Criteria: A second, less widespread flashforward, brings Mia back into Janis' life.
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka/H.G.
Criteria: Myka learns the truth behind Warehouse 12 and vows to set H.G. free.
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Lip Service
Pairing: Cat/Frankie
Criteria: Frankie tries to 'grow up' in an attempt to win Cat back.
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Lip Service
Pairing: Tess/Lou
Criteria: Lou turns up late one night on Tess' doorstep. Can she ever make amends?
Length: any
Challenger: ralst
Fandom: Cowgirl Up
Pairing: Any
Criteria: 2011 - It really was just a weekend away. Not life changing, but one that brings this group of women back together at the Double D on a future weekend. Or together for other real life adventures.
Length: any
Challenger: Nancylee
Fandom: Cowgirl Up
Pairing: Any
Criteria: 2011 - We follow the women home and see just how much of the Double D and the relationships and hook-ups they made impact their lives.
Length: any
Challenger: Nancylee
Fandom: Cowgirl Up
Pairing: Any
Criteria: 1876 - The women find like kinds at the ranch and decide not to return to their normal lives. They stay and build their own community. Like the Gold Rush drew people from all over the world for their chance at striking it rich, the Double D becomes a community of women of that time who need a place to run to.
Length: any
Challenger: Nancylee
Fandom: Cowgirl Up
Pairing: Any
Criteria: 1876 - The Double D residents and the bunkhouse guests unite and leave the ranch using their collective skills for good and evil. They travel under disguise as an All Girl Wild West Show, while they become a notorious outlaw gang robbing banks, stages and trains along the way.
Length: any
Challenger: Nancylee
Fandom: The In Crowd (2000)
Pairing: Brittany/Adrien
Criteria: As cheesy as I thought the film was, I felt there was a lot of sexual tension between the two characters and I would like that to be fleshed out. I'd like to read a fic where Brittany decides she wants to get Adrien into her bed but Adrien is reluctant. I'd prefer Brittany to be as dominant in the bedroom as she is outside of it but I don't mind Adrien taking control every now and then. I'd like the story to be set toward the beginning after Adrien "saves" Brittany from the pool. I'd like romance, angst and a bit of bondage involved but NO non-consensual acts.
Length: I'd prefer the fic be no less than 1,000 words but I'll take what I can get. A series would be wonderful but I know that might be pushing it.
Challenger: bellslash
Fandoms: Sanctuary / X-Files
Criteria: Bring Helen Magnus (and any of her help, if you like) in to consult on an X-file for Mulder and Scully. At some point Scully must utter the phrase "bloody hell". Extra karma points for appearance of Lone Gunmen (I want to see Frohike have a meltdown over being in the same room as Scully and Magnus).
Length: preferably over 1000 words, and as long as you'd like
Challenger: Abnormal Newt
Fandom: Sanctuary / X-Files
Criteria: Bring Helen Magnus (and any of her help, if you like) in to consult on an X-file for Scully and Reyes. Extra karma points for appearance of Shannon McMahon (the female super soldier).
Length: preferably over 1000 words, and as long as you'd like
Challenger: Abnormal Newt
Fandom: Sanctuary / X-Files
Criteria: Mulder has a run-in with Ashley Magnus as they are both on the case of the same abnormal. Would love to see it open with Mulder taking a good Magnus whipping as they interfere with each others' surveillance or capture efforts. They disagree on capture methods or maybe the significance of the creature, make it something interesting, up to you.
Length: preferably over 1000 words, and as long as you'd like
Challenger: Abnormal Newt
Fandom: Sanctuary / Alien Resurrection
Criteria: Ripley finally makes it back to earth, but of course with altered DNA. She ends up in the Sanctuary and in Helen's care. For goodness sakes, let the poor women get some lovin' (nothing too crass, please), preferably with each other.
Length: preferably over 1000 words, and as long as you'd like
Challenger: Abnormal Newt
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Meredith/Addison
Criteria: "Meredith lay naked on the big bed in Addison's luxury New York apartment, gazing out of the floor to ceiling picture window at Central Park 40 stories below..."
Length: Any
Challenger: Medic One
Fandom: Criminal Minds/NCIS
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Criteria: JJ and Em friends with Abby and Ziva. After Doyle shows up and Emily disappears JJ asks Ziva how Mossad would deal with the arms dealer. Garcia and Abby are old friends and put their talents to use in tracking the arms dealer Ziva goes off the grid and helps Emily dispose of the garbage and get home to her girl.
Length: Any
Challenger: glcolin
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Criteria: Miranda and Andrea have been dating for awhile now. The twins are very happy and are positive Andy will be around for good. The twins film them playing 'Girlfriend Tag'. It is meant as a sort of time capsule present for some future anniversary but can the couple agree on any of the answers.
Length: Any
Challenger: N
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Criteria: A video of Grey's anatomy with Callie and Arizona with song using , one time by Justin Bieber Challenger: blouk
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Criteria: A video of law and order S.V.U with Alex and Olivia using song need you now by lady antebellum
Challenger: blouk
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Criteria: A video done to the song More Love by Jon Licht. The song is from the second season of Dexter and is available on YouTube.
Challenger: Sin
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Criteria: A video done to the song After Tonight by Justin Nozuka.
Challenger: Sin
Fandom: Popular or The Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Brooke/Sam or Emily/Andrea
Criteria: A video done to the song Jungle Drum by Emiliana Torrini.
Challenger: Sin
Fandom(s): Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): The Good Wife
Pairing: Alicia/Kalinda
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Better Off Ted
Pairing: Veronica/Linda
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Lie To Me
Pairing: Gillian/Ria
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): The Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Emily/Andrea
Challenger: Sin
Fandom(s): Lost Girl
Pairing: Bo/Lauren
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka/H.G.
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Lip Service
Pairing: Cat/Frankie
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Lip Service
Pairing: Cat/Sam
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Lip Service
Pairing: Tess/Lou
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Lip Service
Pairing: Tess/Fin
Challenger: ralst
Fandom(s): Burlesque
Pairing: Tess/Ali
Challenger: Jo
Fandom(s): McLeods Daughters
Pairing: Regan/Stevie
Challenger: Lisa
Fandom(s): Flashpoint
Pairing: Donna/Jules
Challenger: Lisa
Fandom(s): Rush
Pairing: Stella/Shannon
Challenger: Lisa

Great Lakes Junior Varsity Championship
Sat 01/22

Registration closes at 11:59 PM on Thursday, January 20. No registrations will be taken on the day of the event.
Marian Central Catholic High School: Woodstock, IL
  All event times are Close of Registration.
48 Fencers: 48U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
52 Fencers: 1E 51U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
33 Fencers: 1E 32U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
72 Fencers: 1E 71U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
63 Fencers: 63U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
63 Fencers: 63U's 
could be a E1 event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)

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