Статьи Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Статьи Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Антонина Бородина

The Carl Rogers Reader / Kirschenbaum H., Henderson V. (Eds.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989. 526 p. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. An Experiment In Christian Internationalism // The Intercollegian (YMCA) 39. № 9. 1922. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Needed Emphases In The Training Of Clinical Psychologists // Journal of Consulting Psychology. № 3. 1939. p. 141–143. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Processes Of Therapy // Journal of Consulting Psychology 4. № 5. 1940. p. 161–164. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Comments On The Report Of The Comittee On Psychological Work In Institutions For Delinquent Boys And Girls // Journal of Consulting Psychology. 1942. p. 163–164. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Psychologist`s Contributions To Parent, Child, And Community Problems // Journal of Consulting Psychology 6. № 1. 1942. p. 8–18. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Therapy In Guidance Clinics // Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 38. 1943. p. 284–289. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Psychological Adjustments of Discharged Service Personnel // Psychological Bulletin 41. № 10. 1944. p. 689–696. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Development Of Insight In a Counseling Relationship // Journal of Consulting Psychology 8. № 6. 1944. p. 331–341. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Counseling: Chapter V // Review Of Educational Research, Vol. XV, № 2. 1945. p. 155–163. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Psychometric Tests and Client-Centered Counseling // Educational Psychological Measurement 6. 1946. p. 139–144. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Recent Research in Nondirective Therapy and Its Implications // American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 16. 1946. p. 581–588. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Significant Aspects of Client-Centered Therapy // American Psychologist 1, № 10. 1946. p. 415–422. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Observations on the Organization of Personality // American Psychologist 2. 1947. p. 358–368. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Divergent Trends in Methods of Improving Adjustment // Harvard Educational Review 18. № 4. 1948. p. 209–219. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Role of Self-Understanding in the Prediction of Behavior // Journal of Consulting Psychology 12. 1948. p. 174–186. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Questions Facilitators Might Ask Themselves (from the article «Some Implications of Client-Centered Counseling for College Personnel Work») // Educational and Psychological Measurement 8. 1948. p. 540–549. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Coordinated Research in Psychotherapy; a Nonobjective Introduction // Journal of Consulting Psychology 13. 1949. p. 149–153. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Attitude and Orientation of the Counselor in Client-Centered Therapy // Journal of Consulting Psychology 13. 1949. p. 82–94. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Basic Orientation for Counseling // Pastoral Psychology 1. № 1. 1950. p. 26–34. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Why Pastoral Psychology? – An Editorial // Pastoral Psychology 1. № 1. 1950. p. 5–6. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Through the Eyes of a Client - Part I // Pastoral Psychology 2. № 16. 1951. p. 32–40. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Through the Eyes of a Client - Part II // Pastoral Psychology 2, no. 17. 1951. p. 45–50. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Through the Eyes of a Client. Part III // Pastoral Psychology 2. № 18. 1951. p. 26–32. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Where are We Going in Clinical Psychology? // Journal of Consulting Psychology 15. 1951. p. 171–177. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict - Part I // Pastoral Psychology, 1952. p. 14–20. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict. Part II // Pastoral Psychology. 1952. p. 37–44. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Becoming a Person. Two Lectures Delivered on the Nellie Heldt Lecture Fund. Part I // Pastoral Psychology. 1956. p. 9–13. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Becoming a Person. Part II. Two Lectures Delivered on the Nellie Heldt Lecture Fund. Part II // Pastoral Psychology. 1956. p. 16–26. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Issues Concerning the Control of Human Behavior // Science 124. № 3231. 1956. p. 1057–1066. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Note on «The Nature of Man»  // Journal of Counseling Psychology 4. № 3 1957. p. 199–203. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Tentative Formulation of a General Law of Interpersonal Relationship // Mimeographed article, University of Chicago, 1957. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Client-Centered Theory // Journal of Counseling Psychology 3, no. 2. 1957. p. 115–120. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change // Journal of Consulting Psychology 21. № 2. 1957. p. 95–103. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Too Much Stress on Rogerian Technique? // Pastoral Psychology. 1958. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Persons or Science - Part I // Pastoral Psychology. 1959. p. 25–36. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Persons or Science - Part II // Pastoral Psychology. 1959. p. 19–26. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Development of a Scale to Measure Process Change in Psychotherapy // Journal of Clinical Psychology 16. № 1. 1960. p. 79–85. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Nature of Man // Pastoral Psychology, 1960. p. 23–26. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. What We Know About Psychotherapy // Pastoral Psychology 12. 1961. p. 31–38. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Learning to Be Free - Part I // Pastoral Psychology, 1962. p. 47–54. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Learning to Be Free - Part II // Pastoral Psychology. 1962. p. 43–51. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Learnings From a Study of Psychotherapy With Schizophrenics // Pennsylvania Psychiatric Quarterly, Summer. 1962. P. 3–15. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Interpersonal Relationship: The Core of Guidance  // Harvard Educational Review 32. № 4. 1962. P. 416–429. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Toward Becoming a Fully Functioning Person // Perceiving, Behaving, Becoming, 1962 Yearbook. Ed. A. W. Combs. Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1962. P. 1–10. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Freedom and Commitment // Freedom to Learn: A View of What Education Might Become. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1969. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Toward a Science of the Person // Behaviorism and Phenomenology: Contrasting Bases for Modern Psychology. Ed. T. W. Wann. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. P. 72–92. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Toward a Modern Approach to Values: The Valuing Process in the Mature Person / Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 68. № 2. 1964. P. 160–167. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Dealing With Psychological Tensions // Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 1. № 1. 1965. p. 6–24. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Questions and Challenges Facing a Humanistic Psychology // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 5 Spring. 1965. P. 105–107. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Thoughts Regarding the Current Philosophy of the Behavioral Science // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 5 Fall. 1965. P. 182–193. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Concept of the Fully Functioning Person // Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 1, no. 1. 1963. P. 17–26. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Therapeutic Relationship: Recent Theory and Research // Australian Journal of Psychology 17, no. 2. 1965. P. 95–108. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Silent Young Man (Chapter 17) // The Therapeutic Relationship With Schizophrenics by Rogers, Gendlin, Kiesler, Truax. University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, Milwaukee, and London). 1967. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Therapeutic Conditions Antecedent to Change: A Theoretical View (Chapter 6) // The Therapeutic Relationship With Schizophrenics by Rogers, Gendlin, Kiesler, Truax. University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, Milwaukee, and London). 1967. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Camelot - A Fable Retold // La Jolla, California, USA: Western Behavioral Science Institute, 1968. P. 6. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Interpersonal Relationships // The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 4, no. 3. 1968. p. 265–280. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Increasing Involvement of the Psychologist in Social Problems: Some Comments, Positive and Negative // Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences 5. № 1. 1969. p. 3–7. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Letter from Dr. Rogers // 1970 г. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Carl Rogers Describing His Way of Facilitating Encounter Groups // The American Journal of Nursing 71. № 2. 1971. p. 275–279. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Comment on Brown and Tedeschi`s Article  // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12, Spring. 1972. p. 16–21. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Social Issues Which Concern Me  // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12. № 2, Fall. 1972. P. 45–60. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. My Philosophy of Interpersonal Relationships and How It Grew // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 13. № 2, Spring. 1973. P. 3–19. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Interpersonal Relationship That Helps Schizophrenics  // panel discussion “Psychotherapy is effective with schizophrenics”, American Psychological Association Convention, Montreal. 1973. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Questions I Would Ask Myself If I Were a Teacher // Education 95. № 2. 1974. p. 134–139. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Empathic: An Unappreciated Way of Being // The Counseling Psychologist 5. № 2. 1975. p. 2–10. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. New Directions for Humanistic Education: An Introduction to NCHE  // Peabody Journal of Education 53. № 1. 1975. p. 1–2. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Growing Old – or Older and Growing // Humanistic Psychology 20. № 4. 1980. p. 5–16. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Notes on Rollo May (отрывки из научной публикации Rollo May: Man and Philosopher // Perspectives Humanistic Psychology Institute 2. № 1. 1981. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Some Unanswered Questions // Journey 1. № 1. 1981. p. 1–4. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Reply to Rollo May`s letter to Carl Rogers // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22. № 4. 1982. P. 85–89. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Psychologist Looks At Nuclear War: Its Threat, Its Possible Prevention // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22. № 4, Fall. 1982. p. 9–20. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Way of Meeting Life An Interview with Carl Rogers // The Laughing Man 5. № 2. 1984. p. 22–23. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Carl Rogers Speaks on Characteristics of Effective Counselling  // transcriptions of informal remarks made by Rogers, 1985. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Comment on Slack`s Article // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25. № 2 Spring. 1985. p. 43–44. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Reaction to Gunnison`s Article on the Similarities Between Erickson and Rogers // Journal of Counseling and Development 63. № 9. 1985. p. 565–566. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Toward a More Human Science of the Person // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25. № 4 Spring. 1985. p. 7–2 [Читать]

Rogers С. R. A Client-Centered/ Person-Centered Approach to Therapy // Psychotherapist’s Casebook. Theory and Technique in the Practice of Modern Times. Ed. I. L Kutash and A. Wolf. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1986. p. 197–208. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. At the Heart of South African Struggle // La Jolla, California, USA. 1986. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Measuring the Self and Its Changes: a Forward Step to Research // Humanistic Psychology Archives, University of California. 1986. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Reflections of Feelings // Person-Centered Review 1. № 4. 1986. p. 375–377. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Rust Workshop: a Personal Overview // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 26. № 3 Summer. 1986. p. 23–45. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Formative Tendency / Humanistic Psychology 18. № 1. 1987. 23–26. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Client-centered? Person-centered? // Person-Centered Review 2. № 1. 1987. p. 11–13. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Comments on the Issue of Equality in Psychotherapy// Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 1 Winter. 1987. p. 38–40. [Читать]

Rogers, Carl R. Inside the World of the Soviet Professional // Counselling and Values 32, no. 1. 1987. p. 47–66. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. Steps Toward Peace, 1948-1986: Tension Reduction in Theory and Practice // Counselling and Values 32, no. 1. 1987. p. 12–16. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Underlying Theory: Drawn from Experience with Individuals and Groups // Counselling and Values 32, no. 1. 1987. p. 38–46. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning / In Humanizing Education. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 1967, 1-18. Also published in New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. Ed. J. T. Hart and T. M. Tomlinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970. And in The Carl Rogers Reader. Ed. Howard Kirschenbaum and Valerie Land Henderson. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1989. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. The Processes of Therapy // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60, no. 2. 1992. p. 163–164. [Читать]

Rogers С. R. What Understanding and Acceptance Mean to Me // Journal of Humanistic Psychology 35, no. 4 Fall. 1995. p. 7–22. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Hill-Hain A. A Dialogue With Carl Rogers: Cross-Cultural Challenges of Facilitating Person-Centered Groups in South Africa // Journal for Specialists in Group Work 13, no. 2. 1988. p. 62–69. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Lee R., O`Hara M. Storyboard - Conversations with Carl Rogers // Emergent Relational Consciousness, 1984. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Roethlisberger F. J. Barriers and Gateways to Communication // Harvard Business Review July/August. 1991. p. 28–34. [Читать]

Rogers С., Richard E. Farson Active listening / Communicating in Business Today R.G. Newman, M.A. Danzinger, M. Cohen (eds) D.C. Heath & Company, 1987. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Ryback D. One Alternative to Nuclear Planetary Suicide  // The Counseling Psychologist 12, no. 2. 1984. p. 3–12. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Sanford R. Reflections on Our South African Experience // Counseling and Values (Special issue on Carl Rogers and the person-centered approach to peace) 32, no. 1. 1987. p. 17–20. [Читать]

Rogers С. R., Tillich P. A Dialogue  // Pastoral Psychology, 1968. p. 55–64. [Читать]

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