Jamie BrownApa queensland university (Warren) well also Oh we have a waiver for you guys but wall videos these guys downs you John question fifteen I want a favor Ted I want a favor to the time 9a six five four three two one good thank you you volunteered me for the pendulum swinging - that's not one to you for the think that okay oh do would you rather be facing gear to go off that way oh this one rewrote a barb is far away it's less you have it on high shutter super VHS lens cap off okay you got a tape in there hey Nick yeah ma feels pretty good man standby the wind change hey Nick you know are you gonna go from there you know what would be better you could get your team on this that way I can write my record I can get the Browns I get more of course like this okay then just hold their birthday ten seconds so you guys bless you love you Nick Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Morris Park, Bronx.