Michael AlstonCoursework university degrees (Schoharie) hi so monday is assistant principal appreciation day look at that little smudged it's April it's April it's assistant principal appreciation day so we're going to go out get some appropriate gifts for our assistant principals so we have Elaine archambault Wilhemina Picard and rich right three assistant principals in mmm USD CSU that do amazing work and are going to be surprised done on monday hopefully with some great tokens of our appreciation what we do here just go back back back back [Music] looking for that dare to be great gift for each of our mrs. okay so we've done our shopping for assistant principal appreciation day now it's time to get organized for assistant principal appreciation day this one's for you assistant [Music] one eternity later we're in Elaine's office so we're in rich rights office I recruited an assistant chef Wallace it's really his idea rich [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Union Theological Seminary.