
Today, the web is ablaze with talking about blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. It shows up inside and out that truly matters to be among the best examples of the front line time. From electronic life to news conveys and even government authorization, it is hard to go a singular day without something Cryptocurrency related being in the news. The talk on the topic is extraordinarily dazzled with strong estimations on all sides of the multi-faceted way that is the advanced money conflict. There are the people who think of it as an air stash and there are other individuals who say it can annoy the overall economy.

Blockchain Technology which is the inside Technology behind the cryptocurrency is doubtlessly depicted as an important disruptor of the overall business process. In any case, it appears as though essentially more thought is being paid to cryptocurrency than to blockchain Technology. Various representatives have bounced on the impermanent prevailing fashion to make ICO fights, pitching tokens to the overall public and raising a colossal number of dollars. In less than a long time since Satoshi Nakamoto familiar Bitcoin with the world, an incredible arrangement seems to have happened in the advanced cash space. The point of convergence of this article is to take a gander at the impact that cryptocurrency is having on the overall economy.

in case you are hunting down a platform inclined to be completely disturbed by blockchain technology, look not any more remote than the Karatcoin.


Of all the valuable metals, gold is the most prevalent as a speculation. Financial specialists for the most part purchase gold as a method for expanding hazard, particularly using prospects contracts and subordinates. The gold market is liable to theory and unpredictability as are different markets. Contrasted with different valuable metals utilized for the venture, gold has the best place of refuge and supporting properties over various nations

there is a platform that will manufacture a substantial gold market utilizing blockchain technology, this is Karatcoin


This KARATCOIN Project joins blockchain Technology with gold. the objective of the KARATCOIN project is to make a platform that has numerous capacities. to be specific exchanging gold testaments, trading KARATCOIN tokens, and sparing and exchanging currencies utilizing a gold card.

Objects of the Project:

Karatcoin fundamentally giving money related administrations which will catch the gold market at first. Karatcoin will center around the advancement of gold and mining development of gold mining organizations.

Karatcoin building a platform to exchange gold authentications over all outskirts, exchange karatcoin tokens, likewise spare and exchange cash utilizing gold cards.


No-geo confinements – When gold is changed over in crypto-gold, you can recover it in any nation *. Transport-related expenses and related duties are limited by leaving the crude material in its place of starting point.

Store physical Gold – Physical Gold resource can be put away inside the curve and keep it Gold Authentications in your wallet at Karat Blockchain, gold is protected from political impact and will build its incentive after some time.

DPOS Agreement – The expenses will be utilized as returns for financial specialists as opposed to excavators. This will expand the security, bring down power utilization and quicker check time (10 seconds).

Gain Settled Income – Declarations of Gold are sheltered ventures. Our Authentication gives you 2 half-yearly coupons with up to 6% intrigue.

Gold Mines Benefits – Vote in favor of gold mines to back and take an interest in dynamic intrigue esteems from the subsidizing gave to chosen mines.


●Start: Sep 3, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

●End: Nov 11, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)

●Number of Tokens: 24,000,000 KCD (24%)

●Tokens exchange rate:1 KCD=$0.1

●acceptable currencies: Paypal, Stripe, BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DASH, DOGE, ETC, QTUM, TRX, XEM, XMR, XVG, ZEC

●minimal amount :$100

Distribution of Coins

More Info:

Visit: https://karatcoin.co/#tokenSale

Website: https://karatcoin.co

Whitepaper link: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/karatcoin.co/files/docs/KC_WP.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4932340

Telegram: https://t.me/KaratcoinGroup

Author : nisamarysa

Profil bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2347714

Wallet : KTCwSVizsnbAidCt3MeUvTE1Wh36kr2QFpn

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