К. Роджерс. Видео
Антонина БородинаИнтервью и презентации
Carl Rogers and Paul Tillich #1 - (1960) [25 min.] Rogers and theologian Paul Tillich
Carl Rogers and Paul Tillich #2 - (1960) [28 min.]
The Therapist (1960) [30 min.]
Conversations with Carl Rogers #1 - (1983) [29 min.]
Carl Rogers, Part 1: Motivation, perception, learning, the Self, encounter group movement. [48 min.]
Carl Rogers, Part 2: Educational system, student unrest, issues in contemporary psychology [51 min.]
Carl Rogers on Marriage: Persons as Partners (1973) [30 min.]
Three Approaches to Psychotherapy II (1978) Part 1: Client-Centered Therapy with Carl Rogers, Ph.D. [45 min.]
Carl Rogers on Empathy Part 1 (1974) [24 min.]
Carl Rogers on Empathy Part 2 (1974) [26 min.]
Carl Rogers on Education Parts 1 & 2 (1972) [1 h. 03 min.]
Терапевтические сессии
The Client (1960) [27 min.]
Mr. Lin (1955) [59 min.]
Sylvia - The Struggle for Self-Acceptance (1980) [20 min]
Carl Rogers on Marriage: An Interview with John and Nancy (1972)
Carl Rogers on Marriage: An Interview with Jane and Jerry (1972) [47 min.]
Carl Rogers on Marriage: An Interview with Hal and Jane (1972) [44 min.]
Carl Rogers on Marriage: An Interview with Bob and Carol (1972) [45 min.]
Carl Rogers On Counseling: A Personal Perspective (1977)
Carl Rogers The Right to Be Desperate Parts 1 & 2 (1977) [52 min.]
Carl Rogers Counsels an Individual on Hurt and Angers Parts 1 & 2 (1977) [1 h. 08 min.]
The Inner World of Counseling with Carl Rogers Part 1 (1980) [27 min.]
The Inner World of Counseling with Carl Rogers Part 2 (1980) [30 min.]
Journey into Self (1968) [45 min.]
Carl Rogers on Facilitating a Group (1970) [25 min.]
Carl Rogers Conducts an Encounter Groups Parts 1 & 2 (1970) [1 h. 06 min.]