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Jwh 210

Jwh 210

Наркотик дживиаш (JWH) - что это такое?

Jwh 210

Наркотик дживиаш (JWH)

Jwh 210

Contact name: Alex. Site: pharma-chemic. We will send you samples of these substances for FREE! Have time to order, the number of probes is limited! Dear Clients! For your convenience, we have created a page ' Gallery of our substances '. On our site will be posted photos of substances that are sold and not available. This page is created for study purposes. You are welcome! For this you need to leave a review about our store on the site Reddit. Check with the manager for details. In China, since September 1, there was a new law, which have added new material. List of prohibited substances can be found on the page ' Prohibited Substances '. If you want to know the list of legal substances and their cost, click ' Request Price-List '. You can order a free trial order of any substance! This price includes the services of our agents for safe and hidden packaging. For customers from Russia, it is possible to receive a probe using the method 'Bookmark'. Now we have the opportunity of deliver goods from the Netherlands. The minimum order is g. For customers from Russia there is a delivery bypassing customs house, with further sending to your city or by the method of 'Bookmark' in large cities. Full chemical name: 4-ethylnaphthalenyl- 1-pentylindolyl methanone. JWH is synthetic analgesic preparation. It has a direct effect upon the receptors CB1 and CB2. Its molecule contains a naphthalene ring, for instance, unlike JWH which does not have it. This substance belongs to naphthoylindole family. Since October in many countries, including Sweden and Russia, the powder has been fallen under the ban, now its distribution is controlled by the relevant government agencies. Most likely, it was put under the ban because JWH is a synthetic analog of cannabis. Before you buy JWH on our site pharma-chemic. Here you can find JWH trip reviews telling that the duration of JWH action is about several hours and its action begins immediately after taking the drug, reaching its peak in approximately 30 minutes. The preparation JWH trip stirs up lots of feelings in a man who has taken it: euphoria, stimulation, causes an excitement and produces a psychedelic effect. Before the ban some experimenters often used the following recipe: 1 gram of the powder is mixed with 20 grams of coltsfoot leaves and a smoking mixture is ready. While smoking, it was noticed its restorative and invigorate effect. Name required. E-mail required, but will not display. All rights reserved. Reprinting of the information is liable only with the permission of the Administration and an available active reference to the source. The products are delivered from China. The delivery term of the goods depends on the remoteness of the buyer. On our site you can purchase pharmaceutical chemistry intended only for laboratory and chemical research. Please, note that before you make an order, you should verify the legality of the products in your country. Our company is not responsible for ordering the substances prohibited in your country. All the responsibility and any possible consequences rest on the Customer. Problems with email Attention! Pharmaceutical Chemistry Co. Gallery of our substances on site pharma-chemic. The list of Banned Substances for sale in China since September 1, In China, since September 1, there was a new law, which have added new material. Do you doubt the reliability of our store? Order a free trial order! New kind of safe delivery from the Netherlands Now we have the opportunity of deliver goods from the Netherlands. Home Cannabinoids JWH Sport Pharmacology.

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