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My husband wanted a wife swap. I almost slapped him when he asked me first. I came from a conservative family. We don't even think of such stuff. But, he was so adamant for years.

I couldn't believe the same argument went for three years. One fine day I shouted at him and asked 'What is that he wanted from me in his life?'

He came forward, held my face gently, 'Honey, this is my fantasy from childhood. Please, understand at least when I am persistent from years. It's not like you will have sex with some random guy. There is a very good friend of mine and we can trust him, he is very safe in case if you have issues with having a stranger.'

I couldn't believe he told me about this guy. I broke down, 'Why are you doing this to me?' I asked.

He consoled me and literally begged me how badly he had this fantasy from childhood. I understood I don't have any choice to continue this marriage so I nodded painfully.

That weekend in our house the couple came to our house. After small talk of what to do and what not, his friend took me to our bedroom. His wife and my husband went to another bedroom.

He asked me to undress immediately. He wanted to see me naked so badly. I've decided what ever happens I would let this night go by. I undressed. He leered at me like an animal. Then he took me to the bed and things went on. He kissed me, licked me, sucked me. His tongue wandered my whole body much to my humiliation. I could have sex but he was humiliating me with his licking my every inch of body. I was freezed when he pulled my hands up and licked my armpits. He took his time patiently not in any hurry as if the chance wouldn't come again. When he finally entered me missionary position it was hell. I fought back pain and tears. His cock was big, much bigger than what I got used to. I just laid there as he entered me in and out for twenty minutes. When he reached his climax he asked if I could take it in my mouth. I said no firmly. i haven't even done that with my husband. He said he could finish it earlier if I could do so otherwise the sex would go for another half an hour. After all this I had to go through a blackmail? he clearly knew I didn't like the sex and now he is cashing on it.

I couldn't believe my life when he pushed his cock into my mouth.I feel like throwing up. It stinks. I took it out and
told him that I am not able to do it. He told me I could have sex for another half an hour if so. I pleaded him to agree for a handjob but he didnot. And I had to take it in my mouth again. I hated it but I sucked it.He wanted me to use my tongue more. He cums in my mouth and it tastes like shit. He held my face tightly as he came in mouth in case if I take it out, but his intention was something more. He held there long after ha came as a result I forcibly swallowed it. He then left me to take shower.He didn't even had the courtesy to offer me bathroom first. I laid there exhausted getting into terms with what just happened.
Nasty husband basically forcing his wife to have sex with another guy he should have his balls kicked.
Wonder how long the marriage lasted after that. ?
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My wife, Lauren, went away for the weekend with her mother, ostensibly for some R & R at a spa in Pennsylvania. She might have just gone to her parents’ house and hid there for 48 hours . I wouldn’t blame her if she did.
This left me alone with the children from Friday evening through Sunday. Expectations were low as I am a sometimes-depressed/always-lazy parent who preaches discipline, which in reality translates to impatience, yelling, and finally caving to all their desires.
Lauren (before leaving): I left you four notes.
Lauren: Four! Read them and text me any questions.
(I have skipped Friday night as no major injuries occurred and the children made it to bed on time. I would argue that my superior parenting was the cause. Reality would say they were exhausted from school.)
I’m not sure how it’s mathematically possible. Liz and Matt know twenty other kids tops. Yet there are multiple birthday parties every weekend of our lives. I’m convinced some parents throw their kid a
party three times per year. Which brings me to my first problem. Lauren’s aunt can’t make it. I have to become the parent who brings the kid who isn’t invited.
11:16 A.M. We arrive and I explain to Jenny’s mom that the babysitter bailed.
“Of course he’s welcome! What’s his name?” Jenny’s mom says (while cursing under her breath).
Matt hides behind my leg. He’s in a stage where he does this a lot.
Like the hypocrite I am, I totally excuse this behavior when it’s me he’s clinging to, as opposed to when he does it with Lauren.
Speaking of types of invites, a cousin to the “uninvited sibling” is the “parents’ friends’ older kid who’s invited to avoid offending the parents’ friends even though they didn’t want to come anyway but didn’t want to offend you.” I scan the room and get a look at all the children running around. I spot an older kid not participating. I make eye contact and nod my head at him like, “I feel you, kid.” He looks back at me and appears to be debating if he should scream “Stranger Danger!”
It’s time for the kids to eat. Minus my obsession with germs and complete lack of self-control when there are three pies of pizza sitting there and no one to tell me “No,” I think this portion of the party goes fairly smoothly.
Am I too old to eat icing from a cupcake?
At home, we watch New York Minute with the Olsen twins which won 14 Academy Awards, I believe. I try not to look at my phone and the college football games. Liz loves it. It’s kind of entertaining. Wait,
did I just say that? Have I lost that much perspective after less than 24 hours with my kids?
(Does anyone else find these notes slightly condescending?)
5:58 P.M. It’s time for showers. Do they really need showers? Lauren didn’t say anything about showers in her note. In my mind, I run through their various exposures to the outside world. My germaphobia and my laziness are in a tight battle.
I play in the poker tournament. In a past life, I played a lot of poker and it’s one of the two activities (along with eating peanut butter straight from the spoon without choking) that I’m good at. So I
last until the final table. It’s getting late.
What???? That’s a violation of babysitting etiquette. You can’t leave the house until the parents come home.
We’re down to five people and it’s $1,000 and town bragging rights on the line. I am at a crossroads. It’s been a long time since my gambling problem directly interfered with my life.
“They’re sleeping. What’s going to happen?”
“It’s only $1,000 to the winner, right?” I confirm. I think if it was more than $5,000, I’d have to take my chances. I intentionally lose and leave.
11:00 A.M. Birthday party for Matt’s classmate. We’re on time to this one since Lauren’s aunt is watching Liz, and bringing one kid to a party is 50 times easier than bringing both.
Twenty years (and pounds) ago, I was a good athlete and played competitive tennis and soccer. (Lauren met me later and refuses to believe that I’m capable of extending past whatever speed I get up to when I run to the free sample line at Costco.)
I’m also a sports fan, and I badly want my kids to play sports so I can live vicariously through them. I just need something to root for again.
It was hard to accept that I may not ever have that experience.
1:25P.M. (clinic halfway done) I have finally gotten their cleats and shin guards on. Liz is wearing jeans because she only cares about her appearance and has no interest in running, which, at least when I was
playing, was an essential part of soccer.
Matt is more interested, though he spends 90 percent of the clinic picking the wedgie out of his butt from the jersey that’s tucked into his shorts because it’s huge on him. He is engaged
Until he’s not. “Daddy, my hands are cold.”
Fuck, I forgot the gloves. I spend the next twenty minutes intermittently blowing hot air into his hands and sending him back out to play.
We started out okay on Friday. I have since been broken down. In this case, I used McDonald’s as a bribe to get my kids to cooperate while getting ready for soccer (which didn’t work anyway). I also want to close the weekend strong so that Daddy gets proper credit. What’s the point of this weekend if not to make me the favorite parent?
I eat McDonald’s for the first time in a decade. A few thoughts: One, this food is delicious. Two, how do I have to go to the bathroom already? It just went past my esophagus three minutes ago. It’s a public bathroom though so I hold it in.
Matt and Liz are only eating the French fries.
“Three bites of your burgers,” I threaten.
“Four bites,” Matt bargains against his own interests.
“Matt, four is more than three,” Liz points out, ruining things.
I go to my bag of tricks. “Five-and-a-half bites each.”
Note: I’m not sure why exactly I’m so anxious for them to eat a burger over the fries. Protein, maybe? I think I’m just personally offended that my children ignore food. As I am a total pig, I would question
whether they are in fact my kids. But I can’t imagine there’s a man out there who Lauren could have had an affair with who has this level of disregard for food.
We arrive home and I can see the finish line. I could stick them in front of the TV until Lauren gets home. Does New York Minute Part 2 exist?
I decide against the television route. If Lauren walks in and they are watching TV, she will assume they have been in front of the TV all weekend.
“Kids, let’s clean up.” They have no interest in complying, but I have one card left to play. When they finish, we will bake an apple pie from the 564 apples left over from apple-picking last weekend.
“Would you like some apple pie, dear?”
“No. We met a nutritionist. I’m eating clean now.”
Whenever Lauren is introduced to something new, it changes her entire perspective on life. Until the following day when she forgets about it. I excuse myself to go upstairs. I am not as organized as Lauren and don’t plan weekends away. But I will now pretend to use the bathroom for the next thirty minutes.
This article was originally published on 1.25.2019


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I came home from work early one day to walk in on my wife having s** with her best friend's husband. This is a man that has been married to my wife's best friend for 14 years and someone I am friends with. I opened the door to our bedroom and my wife was riding him. She turned around and looked at me and so did he. I was in absolute shock. I closed the door and went to get my keys. They made no attempt to come out of our room, which leads me to believe they continued having s** . I left the house and went to a bar to get drunk. My wife called me an hour later asking where I was and saying she was so sorry that I had to witness that. I went home ad asked her how long it has been going on, she told me for the past year and a half. I'm devastated but don't want to divorce her. We've been together for 21 years and I would hate to see it end like this. I asked if her best friend knows and she said she doesn't. Part of me wants to snap and part me wants to let it go.

You should of screwed him while he banged your wife and then make him suck the c** out of you.

This is probably the reason she is f****** someone else in the first place. because her husband is such a f****** p**** . she knows she can get away with it

You're a sap, you deserve to be married to a w**** .

If that was me i would be doing life without parole for double homicide.

The wife of our next door neighbor came over one evening while my wife was supposidly at her Mother's. She came on to me and I said no, we should not do this. She said well my husband is f****** your nwife so I thought you might as well f*** me. I said she was lying & she pulled out some pics she took that they know nothing about! I was shocked. Then she told me my daughter was his, not mine! I still did not have s** with her and never mentioned it to anyone!

Me i am different your would have heard about me on the news. for being sentence to life without parole for 2 homicides

It's surprising how and what happens when a fellow catch's wife. I went hunting for a weekend, wife had a BF over and they got into the ropes, whips, chains with lock's that he brought and when it was over on a Sunday afternoon they could not find keys When I called and said I was about 30 minutes out, He left her there so as not to get caught when I showed up , She had One Heck of a Excuse ! and waited till Monday morn to call a locksmith cause the hacksaw would not cut the chain / locks. She divorced me !

I just saw your post was from 2013 so I guess you made a decision. Please update on what is going on

My friend, if she didn't even come out of the room to chase you down, and explain, SHE DOES NOT CARE/RESPECT YOU If she called you after an hour, not right away, SHE DO9ES NOT CARE/RESPECT YOU If she's been having an affair for a YEAR AND HALF and could look you in your eyes all that time, and not tell you, SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOU! You can't put a price on your manhood, your self image, your pride ,or your sanity!! DIVORCE!!! for your own sake. She will NEVER change, and SHE DOESN'T WANT TO CHANGE, especially after all this time. and it WILL destroy you( more than it already has )

If that was my wife i would be doing life without parole for double homicide


I'm sorry this happened to you and that you are too weak to even consider that this woman is not something you should be with. I hope i am wrong but my intuition tells me that this will not be the last time she hurts you. With a little luck maybe she won't leave you for some other guy she cheats with only to take half the s*** and then demand alimony for God knows how long. Good luck man!

I'm sorry but the reason why your wife is having s** with another man is because you are a. "nice, loving, kind hearted,supportive, wonderful father and provider and are a great guy that everyone seems to like" ....... You let her walk over you when you should have held your ground.. Think back and you will find it

Expose the Affair to Her bestfriend, she deserves to know. Then to family and friends before she makes up a story. WTH? So "I'm sorry you had to see that?" But not sorry for betraying you? 🚶🏽‍♂️⬅️⬅️⬅️🔥🚮

Tell her friend she as well deserves better, pack your bags and leave you do yo keep on being the best man you can be!. Leave her at all costs

My wife caught me in bed with our lovely daughter. I should say reverse cow girl. Our daughter did not stop. She smiled and said Hi mom. Dad said you are a cold fish. Have not given him any in 3 years. So I wanted to help him out. It’s better than him getting an std at a strip club. It’s the first time I have ever had a sportsman’s double. I am a very happy man.

Wow 21 years of marriage. She’s be messing around for a year and a half. I would have broken out my cellphone and recorded this. Then left. You say she called you an hour later? After they were finished I presume. Oh I would have went home and had a very deep discussion about her behavior. I also would have sent the recording to my email. I would let her talk. As she wanted to. Then I would have looked at her and said. Now since you are a neighborhood s*** . There are a few things I want to do and you are going to do them. I would start by naming random things I would never do but tell her she’s going to do these things or else you can f*** the whole neighborhood. While you are a Single. You will lose everything. Like what do you want me to do she’s asks. S**** a dog. Oral with a young girl. Around our daughters age or younger. Set me up with your very best friend. You will stay and watch us have s** . Sun tan nude in our back yard. Refrain from having s** for a month. When you do have s** . You will not have an o***** for a month. In other words. We are going to be in a master/ slave relationship. Tell that stud no more strange from you anymore unless I say you can. Unless you agree to this. I will start the divorce proceedings tomorrow and I will tell the children and show them what you have been doing in our bed. Your call. Then turn and leave.

You should try to write something a bit more believable. This was not.

If that happened to me i assure you she wouldn't be found for a very long time, i would have her scattered all over the country in little pieces

Since she just looked at you I would of said ok hope your enjoying lets now f*** a threesome and
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