Just Non Consensual

Just Non Consensual


Just Non Consensual
The type of sex where afterwards you regret your decision and wish you had said "No".
Friend 1: "I went to this party the other night and I ended up doing -something-" Friend 2: " You wish you said 'No' now huh?" Friend 1: "Yeah..." Friend 2: " Post Non Consensual sex gets you every time bro..."
Also know as rape play . In the BDSM community, consensual non-consent is a mix of role playing and an extreme power exchange in which one person is “raped” by another.
Consensual non-consent is not actual rape, instead it is a BDSM scene heavily discussed between the two parties with established boundaries and safe words. It is requires complete trust between the people involved and is safe, sane, and consensual. It is also often used by rape survivors to help cope with their trauma.
My boyfriend and I did a consensual non-consent scene last week and I felt much better after it.
by knightofflowers January 23, 2022
To consider someone's feeling and ask them for consent to deny their consent
Partner 1: I won't to try something different to day
Partner 2: sure 😃
Partner 1: Can I get your consensual non-consent before we begin
Partner 2: Get out of my house I'm calling the police
When a streaming service i.e. Hulu or Netflix auto plays a Movie or TV show you would never agree to willingly watch--and then you realize Comcast is going to charge you for streaming something that never should have been a thing--EVER!
Non consensual Streaming is when after binging every episode of Homicide Hunter in existence, and several documentaries Netflix auto plays the family friendly kids movie Trolls... You didn't like trolls as a kid, why?! Just...why? Netflix? .... Are you drunk?

There’s No Such Thing as “Non-Consensual Sex”
We must abolish the use of passive words to describe violent acts.
“Calling Indians smart is just as racist as saying Asians can’t drive”.
We know who we are, or not — the Google Memo
Why I’ve Decided to Stop Straightening My Hair
Effective Business Environment Reform: A Gendered Perspective
(re)Learning How To Be An Antiracist
The Handbag — And How It Threatened His Masculinity
That Ultra Creepy Time I Walked Onto The Set of A Hitchcock Film
In an article in my local paper today, it was reported that a 20-year-old assistant wrestling coach had “non-consensual sexual intercourse in the spring of 2016 with a girl who was 15 or 16 at the time.”
All about living as a sex-positive person and parent, body acceptance, what it’s like to be a rad fatty, polyamory, feminism, social justice, divorce, and more. I write to connect and constantly strive to jump into hope with abandon.
Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.

I didn’t say yes, but I didn’t say no either.
Men Are from Mars, #Women Are from #Venus.
East or West, Our Fight Isn’t A Contest
Do we protect our daughters or educate our sons?
This International Women’s Day, Do More Than Just Celebrate.
A Letter to My Ex-Wife Before She Marries
The 5 Grieving Stages of Cutting Toxic People Away from Your life.
S ixteen years old, heartbroken because the golden boy I loved did not love me any more, I once kissed another boy at a party to make the golden one jealous.
It never works, does it? I don’t think my golden boy even noticed. I’m not sure he was even in the room. I was though, I was in that sticky-floored room above a…
We are a community of strong women who share our personal stories about how we’ve survived and thrived in our lives. We share our messages to heal and help others learn from our experiences
Lover of words, books, hiking, nature and big skies. Running is my favourite thing (after the words & the books). As feisty as I need to be. theunravelling.net


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TW!!! ‼️‼️RAPE AND INCEST ‼️‼️
I do not support either of those
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