Jupyter Notebooks Latex

Jupyter Notebooks Latex


Jupyter Notebooks Latex

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I have a python project in jupyter notebook, and I want to display the final output with latex.
I want this to be formatted using latex:
I read a bunch of forums but the fraction wasn't working for 2digit numbers
Any suggestions would be very helpful :)
You can directly display it as Latex using Latex . To keep the curly brackets as literals for Latex you need to use double {{ }} . Otherwise the \frac does not obtain the full operands.
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I am new to Jupyter and only somewhat experienced in Python, however have many years of experience with C, MATLAB, and others. At this time I know how to launch Jupyter notebook and carry out calculations.
That said, I know Jupyter notebook environment can be used to carry out scientific calculations and write science articles all in one place, but need to know how?
Please tell me the simplest approach for including LaTex in my notebook?
Please tell me the simplest approach for including LaTex in my notebook?
Just some starting pointers:
See the bottom of my post here and then Tony Hirst’s ( @psychemedia ) post right after that one for links to great examples. This trick might help you down the road when trying to combine with text and control how it displays in Jupyter. Also see here and here for reminder about %%latex cell magic . (In regards to the `%%latex, actually see the link to use in an example notebook in this post because it seems it has to be full-blown latex code and not just simple equations that work easily elsewhere with just dollar signs bracketing them, i.e., MathJax.)
can be used to carry out scientific calculations and write science articles all in one place, but need to know how?
While you can combine Python’s math abilities and Jupyter’s markdown/Latex/MathJax abilities, see here , for convenience with calculations, SymPy is a package that you’ll probably want to check out. See:
As for writing scientific articles in it, you may want to look into Curvenote. See here . Also see the JupyterLab extension for live editing of LaTeX documents .
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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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I'm working on my thesis using LaTeX (via overleaf.com). I have a number of Jupyter Notebooks (formerly IPython Notebook) that I would like to include as appendices. I've tried 2 approaches:
1) Using nbconvert to convert the notebook to LaTeX and putting it into my project using \include{} .
2) Using nbconvert to make pdfs and include them with pdfpages .
Option 1 is problematic because the tex output has lots of preamble statements (like \usepackage ) that I need to move in order to get to document to build. Option 2 is difficult because I can't figure out how to get the included pdf pages to be numbered correctly or to show up in the table of contents.
Essentially, I'm just wondering if anyone out there has figured out a good way (or even a not-so-good way that at least works) to include Jupyter notebooks as pages in large LaTeX documents.
Jupyter Notebook is a "a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text." In my case, I'm using it to provide demonstrations of Python code for optical remote sensing so there's Python code, explanatory text, and outputs (tables, images, plots, etc.).
Jupyter has built in functionality that, as I understand it, uses pandoc to convert it's normal html output into LaTeX. However, it seems there are some limitations in that process that are preventing me from generating LaTeX that is suitable for my purpose. I'm relatively new to using LaTeX so I'm having trouble even coming up with a sensible way to approach the problem.
For Option 2, does it do what you want if you use something like this?
Here is how I like to include Jupyter notebooks in a LaTeX document with \include{} .
Your LaTeX can reference whatever you like in the overall LaTeX document.
This code creates test.md which is the intermediate file.
This will create test.tex which can then be inserted into your main LaTeX document with \include{test.tex} .
Note: The listings package must be available to your LaTeX installation. Dropping the --listings option works, but produces Tex which includes additional command sequences you may not want in your main Tex file. Add the standalone option -s to preview the pdf or to see which command sequences and packages you might want to include in your main Latex document:
You can then open the pdf test.pdf for a preview.
Take a look at Authorea ( http://www.authorea.com ) - it's similar to Overleaf, but offers a few more advanced features, including easy integration of ipython notebooks. See https://www.authorea.com/users/9932/articles/11070 for more info
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I installed VS Code today and created a very simple jupyter notebook which runs without any errors, but does not render the LaTex in VS Code even after installing the LaTex Workshop extension.
When I run the same notebook directly in jupyter, it renders fine.
This is the code from the markdown cell in question:
In jupyter, the cell looks like this:
In VS Code, the cell looks like this:
I found why that happens. The answer is that the Python extension of vscode (which is the one who allows to open jupyter notebooks inside of it) currently does not support this feature offline. They even open an issue because of this.
This problem was fixed in the last version of vscode and the jupyter extension.
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