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June 14, 2018 / 12:54 PM

BEDFORD (CBSDFW.COM) - A Harwood Junior High School counselor turned herself in to Bedford police after allegations that she engaged in an improper relationship with a former student.
In May, the Bedford Police Department became aware of the allegations of a potential inappropriate relationship between 33-year-old school counselor Shannon Hathaway and the ninth grader. The department's Criminal Investigation Division began to follow up on the report and notified the H-E-B Independent School District of the allegations.
The police investigation revealed that a male student who had attended Harwood Junior High School during the previous school year (2016-2017), was allegedly involved in a physical relationship with Hathaway. At the time of the relationship, the student was 17 years old.
Documents said that Hathaway and the teen had sex nearly a dozen times -- including eight times at his Euless home and another two or three times at her Keller home -- adding that "Hathaway was in love with the student and would leave her husband for him."
The teenager ended the relationship after his mother caught him and Hathaway naked in bed together, according to the arrest warrant affidavit. The teen's sister reported the relationship to police.
After the criminal investigation was complete, an arrest warrant was obtained for Hathaway for the offense of Improper Relationship Between Educator and Student. A lawyer representing Hathaway contacted the department and arranged for her to surrender herself at the Tarrant County Sheriff's Department.
Hathaway resigned prior to surrendering to the authorities. She had been with the district since 2012.
The H-E-B ISD released a statement which said, "The safety and security of our students is H-E-B ISD's number one priority, and isolated incidents such as this one violate the trust between student, parent and school personnel, and will not be tolerated."
Authorities are encouraging parents to talk with their children about Hathaway and this incident. "We're not aware that this happened to anyone else," said Lt. Mike Hager with the Bedford Police Department. "Discuss this with your children. You have to be comfortable with your child and the school district."

First published on June 14, 2018 / 12:54 PM

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Iowa State University. "Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 August 2009. .
Iowa State University. (2009, August 19). Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study. ScienceDaily . Retrieved June 27, 2022 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817142855.htm
Iowa State University. "Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study." ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817142855.htm (accessed June 27, 2022).


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Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817142855.htm
A new study of nearly 1,000 low-income families in three major cities found that one in four children between the ages of 11 and 16 reported having sex, with their first sexual intercourse occurring at the average age of 12.77.
As a new mother herself, Brenda Lohman admits to being shocked by the results of a new study she co-authored. It found that among nearly 1,000 low-income families in three major cities, one in four children between the ages of 11 and 16 reported having sex, with their first sexual intercourse experience occurring at the average age of 12.77.
"So if 12 years was the average age here, that meant that some kids were starting at 10 or younger," said Lohman, an Iowa State University associate professor of human development and family studies (HDFS). "A handful of kids reported having sex as early as 8 or 9. We know from our follow-up interviews that one boy who reported having sexual intercourse for the first time at age nine had fathered four children by the time he was 18."
"Those people who say that kids don't have sex at that young of age should think again," she said. "Definitely the age is the most shocking thing about this study."
Tina Jordahl, a former Iowa State HDFS and public policy graduate student who is now a market research specialist with Hospice of Central Iowa, collaborated with Lohman on the study. It analyzes data from the "Welfare, Children and Families: A Three-City Study" -- a six-year longitudinal investigation of low-income families living in Boston, Chicago and San Antonio. Their paper, titled "A biological analysis of risk and protective factors associated with early sexual intercourse of young adolescents," was posted online in the Children and Youth Services Review and will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal.
Interview data for the study was first collected in 1999 on youth between the ages of 10 and 14, and again in 2001. Lohman says she also has data collected in 2006 from the same subjects, who were between 16 and 20 by that time.
Boys having sex earlier, more often than girls
In the study, boys reported their first sexual intercourse at younger ages (averaging 12.48) than girls (13.16). Boys also had nearly 10 percent higher frequency of intercourse than girls and were also more likely to experience sexual debut (20 percent to 14 percent) between the two years when the first two waves of data were collected.
Recent national research has found that 13 percent of girls and 15 percent of boys have had sex by the time they're 16. Lohman says that means the rate of sex among her low-income sample is only slightly higher among the girls, but almost double among the boys
"The ages [of sexual debut] are a bit younger than the national samples, but not alarmingly so," she said.
African Americans also had 12 percent more early sexual intercourse than whites (29 to 17 percent respectively), although racial differences did not change the age of their first intercourse.
The authors report that periods of instability in family structure and welfare use serve as risk factors for early sexual activity. They found that additional maternal education -- beyond a high school level -- was found to inhibit some of that activity.
"That can be for multiple reasons," Lohman said. "It can be that mothers have better paying jobs and more stable home environment and they're less likely to be in stressful circumstances. It could also be that mothers then have greater cognitive capacities to sort of sit down and discuss the pros and cons of waiting to have sex until you're older."
For that reason, the researchers propose allotting public funding to increase maternal education as a way to reduce early sexual promiscuity among their children.
Juvenile deliquency increases early sexual activity
The study also found the youths' involvement in delinquent acts drastically increases the chances of early sexual activity.
Because of the gender differences in sexual debut, the authors also urge more gender-specific prevention programs that are implemented at earlier ages, especially among high risk populations.
"It may be that boys and girls, starting at younger ages, should have these programs that are designed separately by gender before they're moved back together over time," Lohman said. "And yes, they must start much, much younger than they do now. You have to start before those young kids -- 10 or even younger -- start becoming sexually active."
Lohman is currently working on research to determine the relationship between obesity and teen sexuality. She hopes to publish results from that study within the year.
Materials provided by Iowa State University . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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Part of HuffPost Latino Voices. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
It is important to talk about rape culture. It is often between the lines of many narratives. It walks side by side with the notion that men are unable to control their instincts.
Nov 11, 2015, 04:08 PM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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Women chant slogans as they march in a "Slut Walk" to protest the mistreatment of women in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, May 25, 2013. The sign at center reads in Portuguese "I don't want to hear more about women getting raped, I just want to be free" "Slut Walks" have been held around the world, asserting that women's rights should be respected no matter their occupation, beliefs, age, or physical appearance. The protests originated in Toronto, Canada, where they were sparked by a police officer's remark that women could avoid being raped by not dressing like "sluts." (AP Photo/Nelson Antoine)
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Part of HuffPost Latino Voices. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Valentina is 12 years old. She has the body of a 12 year-old girl. She is blond, caucasian and acts like a 12 year-old girl. Valentina was chosen to participate Brazil's version of the reality show "MasterChef Junior," along with several other children, both boys and girls. Valentina has been widely discussed, but not for her talent in the kitchen. Men started talking about how they could rape the young girl ; an incident that makes it necessary to talk about rape culture.
(It is important to note that even if Valentina's physical features were different, everything described below would still be wrong and terrible.)
Let's make something clear from the start: any kind of sexual relationship with a child is rape. A child can never have a consensual sexual relationship -- because they're a child and they're unable to take this kind of decision. By law.
Let's call things as they are. We are not talking about pedophilia here, which is a disorder that can be treated before the person commits a crime - - be it the consumption of child pornography or committing rape. The men who posted comments about the "MasterChef Junior" contestant are not sick -- they just feel entitled to spout nonsense because they look at her and see a woman, not a child.
@AnderSoberano: About this Valentina: is it pedophilia if it is consensual?
We've been trying to discuss this issue for a long time. When the word "novinha" (young girl) was the most frequently searched term on pornographic websites in Brazil, many people said it was just a synonym for nymphet, trying to minimize the problem without realizing that they were condoning a crime.
But the problem is not restricted to pornography. Younger girls often play the role of adults in hyper-sexualized advertising campaigns. Women undergo vaginal rejuvenation procedures in an attempt to restore their virginity. Adult women are infantilized -- how often have you used "girl" instead of "woman" to refer to a woman? And the notion that just because a girl dresses up as a woman she can be treated as a woman is becoming more and more popular. And the list goes on.
Day after day, our society continues to make women more vulnerable. And sex is the fastest way to achieve that. Girls are encouraged to have relationships with older men, because, it is said, they are mature for their age. Women get pregnant: socially, they take full responsibility for the baby. Abortion is illegal in Brazil -- even though it occurs in massive numbers across all social classes and regions. Older men know how to convince girls to do what they want. Adolescent mothers quit school, don't attend college, and settle for underemployment because they need to support their children. Additionally, women who were victims of rape culture as young girls are considered sluts.
The myth that girls mature faster than boys, and therefore must have relationships with older men, may be the oldest one in the book; it is responsible for creating a sense of male impunity, made clear in posts about Valentina, for instance.
@AnderSoberano bro, so many people talk about "melody" [a teenager model on a recent TV show] and nothing happened, relax. Tmj [an abbreviation for we are together]
It is important to clarify that girls don't necessarily mature faster than boys for biological reasons, but because they can be given more responsibilities earlier. They are often in charge of domestic chores, they take care of their younger brothers, they cook, they go to the market and they play the role of the mother. In some cultures, 12 year-old-girls quit school to take care of their families, while boys have normal childhoods.
All these obligations and responsibilities, together with the fact that girls learn at an early age to deal with adult men's advances, make them more mature. It is a social construction.
While girls are led to premature maturity, boys and men are forgiven for all their errors because they are just boys, regardless of their age -- this is more frequent among white men of a certain socioeconomic position. Black or underprivileged men and boys are always regarded with suspicion, and some flawed theories indicate that their wrongdoings have a biological cause.
Combine all that with the idea that all women are sluts, especially those who don't conform to the standards expected by men -- since there is no consensus about the behavior of a non-slut. When the woman is pretty, the problem is even bigger: she is seen as stupid, she is objectified, stereotyped and deprived from saying no. The price for that is being accused of being stuck up or arrogant. No matter what a woman does: just arouse a man's desire, and you're considered a slut.
@jefreymendes what about valentina cooking all those dishes on masterchef..... Quite slutty....
Desire is the responsibility of those who feel it, not those who arouse it. When an adult feels desire for a child, he is to blame for violating a social norm that protects the childhood, the integrity and the body of a minor (according to the law). It is very simple, though, to reverse this reasoning and say that a girl already has the sexuality of a woman, that a girl wears provocative clothes, and that she is seeking masculine attention. Therefore, the man becomes the victim of a "home wrecker" who still plays with her dolls, whose sexuality is very different from that of an adult woman's.
@luantipatico relax my friend!! These hot chicks should be blamed for pedophilia!
It is important to talk about rape culture. It is often between the lines of many narratives. It walks side by side with the notion that men are unable to control their instincts. It is closely connected to the false idea that a child can give consent. It is reinforced by the infantilization of adult women. Impunity and blaming the victim are the main weapons.
Children -- regardless of whether they have the skills of
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