Julie's Slide Into Depravity

Julie's Slide Into Depravity


Julie's Slide Into Depravity
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Commentary by TLB Contributing Author: Lucille Femine
I’m sure I’ll get some heated backlash for writing this, but I’m also interested in bringing free speech back from the dead. This is why I write for The Liberty Beacon.
My viewpoint is not a bash on gay people but my attempt to look at it for what it really is. It’s not normal. It’s an aberration. Whether you say that God created us to be strictly men and women when it comes to sex and relationships or you simply perceive it to be so without any aid from religion, it is what it is. And isn’t.
However, I’m not on a bandwagon to ban it or deny them any basic rights and services. They are people with abilities and things to offer the world. Homosexuality is a fact of life and always has been. And if they want to get married, I can deal with it, at this point with a yawn. I have other, life-threatening things to bitch about.
However again, I do fiercely protest the new in-fashion practice in schools now of teaching young children about how healthy this aberrated behavior is, along with graphic descriptions and illustrations about how to perform it all. I put this sick “education” in the same category as abortion because these educators are killing a society just as surely. Many children will grow up with a twisted view of life, similar to being physically raped.
The new established and upcoming law is now presenting birth certificates with no gender stated to give children the “freedom” to choose. Even a ten year old has the right to decide now. What does this mean? If you take this to an extreme, will we isolate children from any societal influence as to which sex they are? Do they wear nondescript clothes and all wear their hair in a style that doesn’t define them as girls or boys? Or would we be creating eunuchs?
I would say all this undue attention on very early sex education with all its perverted variations is putting confusion there rather than freedom. It creates ambiguity. A lost in space wandering. We were born a girl or a boy. Survival of the planet depends on sticking to your gender so we can procreate. Like it or not, that’s the way this planet runs. But also, what in the world is wrong with being the girl or boy we were born to be via our bodies? We have roles and games to play as such.
As I said, gay people will always exist. And transgender people. Fine. Well, not fine but okay. But why are they being pushed, promoted, almost deified as a part of the new world order? These activities are not hip like this year’s fashions. Many signs are waving in the air now, many being held by straight people proclaiming gay rights. Is attention being diverted to this instead of viewing real issues like war, famine, insanity, GMO food that is killing us, creeping socialism and psychiatry which is killing even more?
When a world goes mad, such as this one, it brings the moral level down to a level that can only be called depravity, such as Rome. I’m not a preacher on a box. It’s just the way it is. Do we need to destroy childhood by raping their innocence and forcing their attention on that grownup part of life they are not physically or mentally capable of dealing with? And burdening them with the decision of whether they are boys or girls?
Whether you are male or female, do you believe society shaped your future urges or did that come more from yourself? I’d say the latter. There are probably very few instances where parents or teachers held a gun to a child’s head and demanded “You are male!” “You are female!” There are many dull, un-compassionate parents, though, who demand a gay child behave in the sex they were born with. Rarely does this force work which proves my point. Whatever your urges are deep inside is what you want to express, aberrated or not.
But let’s not blow it up to sky-writing proportions where we dump on eight-year-olds data they cannot fully absorb and are not needed or healthy. Putting too much attention on bodies does not make us free, especially practices children innately know are at least inhibiting, such as instruction in oral sex, largely orchestrated by Planned Parenthood, the biggest supporter of abortion.
TLB Note: Lucille is a longtime friend and contributor to TLB . She is also an author, writer, researcher, podcast show host, activist, and an exceptional artist to boot! To enjoy more of Lucille’s wisdom, research and presentation … CLICK HERE
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Descent into utter lawlessness. The implications are so staggering I cannot fathom them. No right, no wrong equals no justice … whatsoever. It is lunacy so grotesque I find no words to describe it’s severity. But as it has been said, love of the world is enmity with God … so, why should I be surprised.
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By Paul Stokes
28 May 2002 • 12:01am

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Janet Charlton's descent into a life of sexual promiscuity began when her four-year marriage to her business partner ended.
The change from suburban wife to single parent led her into the world of escort agency work, often a euphemism for prostitution. She met Danny O'Brien, a businessman with a proclivity for unorthodox sex , who responded to her internet advertisement.
To keep him happy she had sex with strangers in country car parks so he could watch. She once had sex with 10 men in a sauna club as he looked on.
Charlton, 36, is the eldest of two daughters of Herbert Kenny, 60, and his wife Beryl, 58, from Middleton, Manchester.
After taking her A-levels, she went to Huddersfield Polytechnic for a two-year course in business studies. She left six months before the course ended. She worked in tele-sales, becoming a branch manager, and met Tony Charlton at Christmas in 1991.
They married in 1993. He took over a printing business and she became a partner in the firm.
Their daughter Amy was born in 1997 but the couple separated soon after her second birthday. Charlton bought a house at Golcar, near Huddersfield, West Yorks, from her divorce settlement.
She then signed up as an escort girl with an internet-based agency. She had full sex with three out of four clients who responded and was paid £50 an hour. "I realised it was not quite right, but I couldn't see any harm in it," she said.
She met O'Brien, 41, after he left a message inviting her to a "swingers' resort" in Jamaica. They immediately "hit if off", so she and Amy moved in with him 10 miles away at Midgley.
Problems arose through his obsessive behaviour. Denise Dugan, who worked there as a cleaner, said: "He was fastidious and could be difficult. She was good for him because he was too serious and she was fresh and bubbly."
But Charlton blamed his appetite for depraved sex for putting strains on the relationship and ultimately for provoking her into killing him.
Jane McNamara, 35, a friend, said Charlton told her when her marriage was crumbling that she was bored and admitted that she was working for an escort agency.
"I don't think she realised what she was getting into," said Mrs McNamara. "She was naive."
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October 2, 2014
· Tagged julie paul , the pull of the moon , fall , autumn , falling
"Yes, dears. Of course leaves are all that will ever drop from above."
"Danger: High Voltage," says Kathleen Winter about Julie Paul's debut story collection, The Pull of the Moon , whose stories, she elaborates, are "masterful and sexy."  In this list, Paul contemplates the nature of fall and falling with a beautiful list of recommended reads.
There is something good to be said about every season, isn’t there? Aren’t our best Canadian selves like decent parents, loving each unique season equally, but in different ways?
Well, no. We’re not kidding anyone with our nicey-nice. Who really wants another Canadian winter to descend? Even us West Coast dwellers, to whom the rest of the country directs evil curses come the fifth month of shovelling, do not welcome the impending doom.
Autumn, though. Now there’s a season fer ya. Despite the fact that autumn inevitably leads to winter, we just love our crunchy leaves, brilliant colours, crisp air, and sharp blue sky. And sweaters! We love our sweaters. Secretly or otherwise, so many of us claim autumn to be our favourite season. Even though we know better, we can’t help but look forward to the fall. We claim identity by waving a dying maple leaf on our flag.
Most of the characters in my new collection of stories, The Pull of the Moon , know better than to do what they do, and yet, they carry on anyway. They’re caught in situations where their common sense is tested, where their hearts are pulled in a few directions, where they falter. They trip over secrets and descend into comedic and tragic allegiances with neighbours. They plunge into trysts and truces without thinking things through, and put their hopes in the wrong person. In other words, they’re humans, and sometimes, they fall.
Autumn: AKA, the Fall. The descent. Icarus tumbling back to earth with melted wings. Visits to the underw
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