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Julia Whore


Julia Whore
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So far in my posts on this subject I’ve talked a little about the high-class prostitutes or courtesans, and about those who operated from private premises, either their own, or from a brothel run by a bawd.
Today I’m going to look at the life of the women who lived and worked either on the streets or in filthy hovels – the lowest end of the profession. Every prostitute with any sense must have realised that there was a reasonable chance of her ending up here, unless she became a bawd, or was lucky enough to snare a wealthy ‘keeper’.
These women operated from the poorest parts of the town, and were often very closely allied with criminals, including housebreakers, highwaymen and pickpockets. Many of them would charge as little as twopence to have sex behind a wall, and would often spend that on gin, which was the cheapest way to get drunk at that time, and was causing havoc in the cities – (the gin issue will be the subject of a future post). I think it’s hardly surprising that the women chose to be drunk as much as possible, when you read this description of them, given by Francis Place in the 1780s.
“…many had ragged dirty shoes and stockings and some no stockings at all…many of that time wore no stays, their gowns were low round the neck and open in front. Those who wore handkerchiefs had them always open in front to expose their breasts….and the breasts of many hung down in a most disgusting manner, their hair among the generality was straight and hung in rats tails over their eyes and was filled with lice.”
He also remarked that they were usually drunk and many had black eyes, as they fought regularly, not only with each other, but with men. They would regularly be raped or beaten by clients and by their pimps. These women led a brutal, desperate and often a short life, and it’s not really surprising that they became hard and unscrupulous.
Many of them were directly involved in robbery, sometimes of a very violent nature, when they would entice a client into a dark area with the promise of sex, after which the man would be attacked and robbed by waiting thieves. Some of these criminals were highly organised, operating in large gangs that would clear away passersby and intimidate any witnesses if the theft was reported to the authorities, with the result that it was difficult for a conviction to be brought. One famous example was of Ann Duck, who between 1743 and 44 was tried ten times for violent robbery, and was acquitted every time, because no witnesses were willing to testify, and often even the victim failed to appear at court.
Children were often sold by poor or ignorant parents as ‘apprentices’ to masters, who would then use them as prostitutes. This resulted in girls as young as 8 or 9 soliciting on the streets. Homeless or orphaned children accounted for some of these, but there were also brothels who specialised in supplying girls as young as 11 to rich clients.
Obviously it was these poorer prostitutes who attracted the attention of the authorities and the ire of the public, because they were far more visible than their higher-class compatriots, due to their operating in the open and to their drunkenness. In the main they were despised, accused of spreading venereal disease wantonly and deliberately, therefore infecting innocent and Godly wives (no mention of the husband’s part in this!). It wasn’t unusual in the mid-1700s for between 20-40% of sailors to be infected, mainly because of their liaisons with prostitutes in the ports.
In fact these women were often reviled from most sides, as being filthy, criminal, disease-ridden and corrupters of innocence, when in fact most of them were merely trying to survive in a society which gave them few if any cards to play.
Henry Fielding, the novelist and a magistrate in 1752, who with his brother John founded the Bow Street Runners, described them thus: “the basest, vilest and wickedest of all Creatures…who descend below the Dignity of Human Nature and partake the Office of a Beast…I think the Trade of a Prostitute can scarcely be called either a reputable or an innocent calling…nor…are they to be tolerated, nay even encouraged, on account of some Good which they produce in great Propriety of Speech…deserve the Name of an Evil”.
Many people would have agreed with him, although in practice he did often show sympathy to particularly young prostitutes who were brought before him, if he thought they would reform if given assistance.
It will probably not surprise you to realise that the rigours of the law were exercised against prostitutes rather than their clients. The women often entered their trade due to the discriminatory attitude that whilst it was perfectly acceptable, expected even, for a young man to ‘sow his wild oats’, the woman who he sowed them with was regarded as despicable and fallen. Similarly, if a woman married, she legally became the property of her husband, so if she wished to retain her independence, she had very few choices in life.
Of course, depending on the type of prostitute she was, she might still be dependent on a man to some extent, but at least usually had some amount of freedom. If pursued by the law, though, the male-dominated legal landscape once more reared its head.
In Westminster and Middlesex in 1720, 427 women were arrested for ‘sexual crimes’ whereas in the whole decade only 402 men were arrested. Convicted prostitutes were often committed to the local Bridewell (named for the notorious prison in Westminster, London) for a time to pick hemp, which was a brutal occupation, and which usually resulted in the woman becoming even more depraved through association with others who were often involved in criminal activity too.
There were other associations that attempted to help prostitutes, especially in London. These included the Magdalen Hospital for reformed prostitutes, which aimed to help women who wished to escape the sex industry, the Lock Hospital, which admitted people suffering from venereal disease, including a large number of poorer prostitutes, and the Foundling Hospital, which although not intended to assist prostitutes, instead attempting to reduce the number of young orphaned beggars and street dwellers, certainly was criticised as a place where prostitutes could leave their unwanted babies before returning to a life of moral depravity.
Certainly prostitutes who became pregnant faced a dilemma. They could have an abortion, from which a number of women died in agony, or they could choose to have the child. If they chose the latter, they could not keep it and continue their trade (which might be the only occupation they could have), so would either have to spend a lot of money to have it cared for, abandon it to take its chances, or even kill it, which if discovered, was a hanging offence. It shows the desperation and misery women must have faced to consider such options for their babies. For them the Foundling Hospital must have been an indescribable godsend.
In conclusion, in the 18 th century prostitution was generally accepted by the public as a necessary evil, providing it kept its head beneath the parapet as it were. However, if they became a nuisance, whether by associating with criminals, engaging directly in criminal activity, or behaving too indiscreetly in public, they could be mercilessly prosecuted.
I cannot but help have sympathy with these women, many of whom merely chose what seemed the best of the very limited opportunities available for a woman who either did not wish to, or could not marry a man who would treat them well. I am extremely grateful that I live in a time of relatively equal rights, when I’m able to enjoy a freedom of opportunity that my Georgian sisters could not have even imagined.
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Such horror for women throughout the centuries and even now sex trafficking is still inflicting itself at the hands of men on young women and young men too.
It is a tad more discreet . Sexual objectification and power orientated dominance of the human body in its youth , infancy , difference of development and now including geriatrics has caused horrendous abuse .
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Published: 11:07 BST, 19 March 2018 | Updated: 18:55 BST, 19 March 2018
With clients that included princes, artists and a future King of England, these are the women who ruled Paris from their bed.
Fascinating pictures reveal the prostitutes who featured in 'The Pretty Women of Paris' - the nineteenth century directory for the French capital's best courtesans and brothels.
Published in 1883 and limited to 169 copies, the notorious guide listed the names of the city's most famous scarlet women - along with their addresses, qualities and faults.
All of these women featured in an 1883 booklet entitled Pretty Women Of Paris, which served as a guide to the city's prostitutes for visiting English gentlemen. Left is Leontine Massin, one of France's most famous prostitutes who once bedded Edward VII, the future King of England. She was described as being 'short, plump, and chubby, with lovely blue eyes, fair hair and complexion and spending pulpy lips that she is always biting and licking with her rosy tongue’. Right is Louise Valtesse, 'she allows herself to be rummaged by anybody, and takes what she can get, refusing no man ... Valtesse is one of the most handsome and clever of the whores of our time,' it says. She amassed a fortune of $3million in today's money
Prostitution became legal in France in 1804 under Napoleon, who ordered that all sex workers had to register and submit to fortnightly health checks. Pictured left and right is Cora Pearl, a British-born prostitute. The guide says 'she was once served up naked, with a sprinkling of parsley, upon an enormous dish borne by four men'. Cora dressed creatively, with the intent to provoke either shock or awe, and dyed her hair with bold colours. She was once seen riding out in her carriage, her hair dyed to match the carriage's yellow satin interior. She also appeared in a blue gown, with her dog’s coat colored to match
By 1809 there were officially 180 brothels in Paris alone, although the true number was likely far higher. Pictured left and right is Alice Loady who could be found at 12 Rue D'Edimbourg. Alice was an acting prodigy and was rushed onto the stage by her parents when she was 18 years old. The guide says that 'lovers of early delicacies pursued her as madly as dogs after a heated b****, and she was soon crushed beneath the sweating bodies of elderly amateurs with disgusting leches but full purses.' It adds: 'For money she will do all you may ask her'
By law French brothels had to be run by a woman, typically a former prostitute. Left is Jeanne Aladie, whose 'low tastes, arising from her early education, will amuse those whose palates are satiated with finely prepared dishes,' the guide says. Right is Delphine Delizy, who 'is thirty-eight, but we are duty bound to state that she is still of very appetising aspect .... and there is nothing in the whole catalogue of Cupid's diversions that she has not done'
The handbook - which was aimed at visiting English gentlemen in Paris - meticulously described the sexual specialities and background of every prostitute.
Under Napoleon, prostitution became legal in France and the booklet arranges the various courtesans in Paris by district for ease for the potential customer.
Pictured are famed Parisian prostitutes such as Leontine Massin whose besotted clients included Queen Victoria's eldest son and future king of England, Edward VII - as well as Louise Valtesse of 98 Boulevard malesherbes who amassed a fortune worth $3million in today's money through her wealthy customers.
The collection also includes British-born Cora Pearl, who was based at 6 Rue Christophe Colomb and is described in the handbook as being 'One of the most celebrated whores of her time'. 
Meanwhile another image shows Alice Lody who could be found at 12 Rue d'Edimbourg - the directory describes how 'For money she will do all you may ask her'.
Prostitution was legal and regulated in France throughout the nineteenth century.
When Napoleon become Emperor in 1804, he ordered the registration and fortnightly health inspection of all sex workers in France.
Five years later, Paris alone had 180 officially approved brothels. By law, these brothels had to be run by a woman - typically a former prostitute - and their external appearance had to be discreet. 
Prostitution in France remained legal until 6th April 2016 when the French National Assembly voted to punish customers of sex-workers by a fine of $1,500.
The Paris guide was divided by district, allowing gentlemen to easily find the women they were after. Left and right is Leonide Leblanc, of 1 Rue d'Offemont. The guide says 'it is difficult to do justice to such a celebrated whore ... she has charmed a generation and every notable rake has passed at least one night in her arms.' It adds: 'By 1864, she had already gone through several fortunes. She ate a pennyworth of fried potatoes with one admirer, and truffles the following week with another'
Marguerite Baretti, of 46 Rue Du Faubourg Poissonniere. For those acquiring her services, it was said 'you will find yourself looking at a tall, dark, elegant young woman, with smiling mouth, handsome nose and a dainty chin with a tiny dimple'. It adds 'her principal lover is a young banker, who is too sensible to be jealous … and if a client has a good voice, he had better join in at once, when a most enchanting trio may be performed with her sister'
Left and right is Alice Marot, of 4 Rue De Marignan, who is described as a 'sprightly, fair, little whore [who] has been very lucky. After a more than usually chequered career upon the boards of provincial theatres, she came to Paris, and at the Palais Royal Theatre enlarged the circle of her lovers'
Ellen Andree, also of the Palais Royal Theatre. It is written in the guide that 'she takes many lovers especially artists in the capital city and is happy to be seen minimal clothing'
Left is Julia de Clery, of 16 Place Du Havre, who 'was a member of Les Rieuses (the Merry Women) - a lesbian association entirely composed of Parisian actresses, which held monthly dinners from which men were excluded and after which they spent the night together.' Right is the front cover of the pamphlet
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Drugs, violence, fatal intimidation: Women sell their bodies for as little as €30 in Germany, while others reap the profits of the transaction. DW met one woman who described her experience as a former sex trade worker.
On most nights, she would take 10 or 12, sometimes as many as 14 men up to her room, where she would endure until three in the morning. "That's all I could bear," Julia told DW, using the name she goes by with clients.
Other women, she said – the ones who worked all night and catered to clients' more unusual demands – would get through the long hours on a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.
DW is unable to verify the woman's story independently. But it tallies with accounts by social workers and police acquainted with the sex industry. Julia also showed DW pictures from her time as a sex worker. She asked that they be withheld, along with her real name.
First on the street, then in private homes, in brothels and bars in Switzerland, France, Greece and finally in Germany , Julia spent a decade selling her body — until March 10 of this year, a day she's unlikely to forget: "The client gave me €100 ($116) for the hour, everything normal. And that was it."
Roughly €4,000 for a room in a brothel
It was her last client, her last day as a sex worker, the last day of so many dominated by the constant worry that she might not be able to make enough money to pay the €130 daily rent for the room in the brothel where she worked and lived. Every evening, regardless of whether she was sick, regardless of whether it was a good night or bad, she had to hand over the money, totaling almost €4,000 every month.
That day was also the last in the endless cycle of long nights and short days, the forced smiles and faked cheerfulness.
When Julia decided to enter the sex industry in her early twenties, she knew it might not be easy, she told DW. "But it was a lot harder than I expected."
She had opted for sex work "because I wa
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