Juiice is a gallery for viral user-generated content which rewards creators and influencers!

Juiice is a gallery for viral user-generated content which rewards creators and influencers!


Internet, together with other modern technologies, gave birth to a new form of art. Everyone can express themselves in any way imaginable and their work can be easily seen all around the globe. From video performances of various talents and breathtaking photos of nature to trendy jokes, funny clips and cat memes.

On the other side, tens of millions of viewers are amused, amazed and even enlightened by this snack content. It is like free fast food of entertainment, which we all consume on daily basis. Unlike other portals Juiice will reward micro creators for gigs they are usually doing for free!

Juiice, its founders, team members and any third party involved in the Juiice project do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any material contained in this whitepaper or any accompanying material or statements. To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, Juiice, its founders, team members, and any third party involved in the Juiice project will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this whitepaper or any part thereof, or any accompanying material, statements or information provided on the Juiice website by you.

All statements, estimates, and financial information contained in this white paper, on the Juiice website, in press releases, or in any other place accessible by the public, including oral statements that may be made by Juiice, its founders, team members, and any third parties involved in the Juiice project and acting on behalf of Juiice, that are not statements of historical fact, constitute forward-looking statements or information. Such forward-looking statements or information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates or the results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words 


People are creative by default, and this attribute gets fresh wind with each new medium . Internet , together with other modern technologies , gave creativity wings like nothing before. Not only everyone can express himself in any imaginable way, his work can be easily seen all around the globe.This gave birth to a completelynewformof art: viraluser-generateddigital content.

This art includes just about anything imaginable ,from breathtaking photos of nature and video performances of various talents to trendy jokes,funny clips and original thoughts .On the other side, every moment tens of millions viewers are amused , amazed and even enlightened by this snack content . It is like a free fast food of entertainment.


There is an abundance of online exhibitions of interesting , amusing user generated content , from forums to designated apps. We all visit them and through a decade this has become a multi -billion business . Sites like Facebook , Youtube , Instagram , Twitter , 9Gag , Quora , Tumblr , Ranker , WikiHow are getting richer and richer because of our involvement , our uploaded photos , our jokes , our likes, and our shares This kind of activity usually doesn’t get any commission.

User attention does not get rewarded

With current popular platforms and apps, people that make the sites big and popular are not rewarded for it. Those sites are cashing in huge amounts of money accumulating from ads, direct sales, etc. We believe that it’s the people who make those sites big that should be rewarded . User’s involvement is the most valuable resource, for which every advertiser competes, but it is exploited without any proper reward participation.

Sharing should be paid 

Online marketing is based on visits that drive sales. So it is fair to say that nowadays traffic is one of the most important components. But so far directing traffic to these sites is free . For example , the most popular activity on social media is sharing meaningful posts, funny videos, and interesting photos. We are all doing it regularly, hence promoting those sites, but without anything in return.

Only some content creators receive profit 

It is easy to make content, but a lot of creators of micro-content aren’t paid at all. All those cat memes, fantastic photos, silly videos and jokes we all laugh at and admire every day are made for free. Same goes for numerous good articles and useful reviews. Even many influencers and bloggers get demonetized or their channels get closed down, because of different rules that are applied selectively.


Juiice is on a mission to reward content creators, influencers and even casual users for their involvement. Write your thoughts , capture and share your moments , upload an image, spread a video, and earn money doing it. We are going to share the advertisement revenue amongst our active community, so everyone will be motivated to contribute to quality content . And we are not stopping at that! Our platform will also give the user a chance to directly reward other content authors and even to be paid while playing casual web games. 

With Juiice platform and application , everyone will be able to cash-in the time and potential from those sites and apps they use the most. Everyone has something to show to the world, community or friends, everyone has a question, everyone laughs at silly videos, everyone needs a famous quote. Everyone connects with other people around the world.

Market potential 

We're tapping into a huge market that grows daily , where competition is already very hard and big. But with an empowering and simple idea and unique rewarding algorithm, we can become a major player too. Furthermore, we will work hand in hand with them, using their big network to direct traffic to our platform. Our users will share Juiice content all over other established sites and receive a reward based on the traffic they bring in. We even believe that many of them will follow our steps.

Our users

Micro influencers & already known influencers

Influencers are sort of pop stars on the internet due to their strong presence on social media . They have a lot of followers and subscribers , and can influence a certain group of people. They are the ones who bring the biggest user attention by uploading their videos, pics, music, quotes, etc...

Content creators: 

Content creators are anyone who make videos, take pictures, photoshop a meme, create music or write a blog. They are making jokes, spreading the word, showing interesting hobbies and skills. Juiice is what they need to monetize their work, sense of humor and talents.

Social media users: 

There are billions of people that use social media networks and sites. Use them and start getting rewards with your connections, followers, friends, etc. If you don't have anything to upload, then you can share the content and spread the word. You will be rewarded for that too! 

Gen Z, gen Y, and gen X 

We will mostly target GEN Z (born in mid-1990 to mid-2000s) and GEN Y (known as millennials, early 1980s to mid-1990s). We believe these two groups will change the market as we know it. Generation X (born in the 1960s to the early 1980s) is not be our top targeted generation, however they will use our platform and app for sure.

Why target gen Z and gen Y? 

They are our future! They are looking for new ways of expressing and making money! They grew up with the internet, they know how to handle smartphones , they think differently than older generations . For example , Gen Zs who are watching social videos each month is 40 percent above average for using online sources to research products. They also are influenced by social reviews, admitting that lots of “likes” and positive comments on social media motivates them to make a purchase

Platform features 

Juiice ecosystem is made up of users , content creators and advertisers . The platform takes a small part of advertising revenue, but the rest goes to the active community . Our business model empowers micro influencers and normal social media user to work with Juiice closely and finally get compensated for their presence and casual activities online.

Free user account 

Anyone that register at Juiice platform become our Juiice user. The account is free and can do any function platform offers: add content, share content, do daily tasks and unlock extra features, reward your favorite content creator and support any listed charity.

Juiice Power Account (reward account)

This account unlocks power features . For adding or sharing content , you receive rewards from Juiice platform based on views and revenue generated through our ads shown around that content. Users unlock power account with 1000 JUI tokens. Unlock is needed in order to prove commitment and to avoid fake accounts spreading inappropriate content. Tokens can be either purchased or received from other users as a reward. 

Gamification in a fun way 

Juiice account will also feature gamified system apart from money rewarding scheme . For every action, including liking and commenting , users will be awarded with Juiice Pulp. Juiice Pulp is not redeemable , but it will raise users ‘pulp-level’ and give them badges and ranks, hence motivating them to be actively involved.

Donation feature

Inside your reward account, you can set to donate certain percent from your rewards to confirmed and proven charities or campaigns that will be published on our platform. This will be taken care by smart contracts.

Influencers tools

Juiice will have various influencer tools, where advertisers can hire an influencer or publish a call out to influencers, so they can apply for their campaigns and take home the rewards from advertisers in Juiice tokens.

Daily queue bonuses

There will be daily quests, such as watching ten trending videos, sharing something over Facebook and getting likes on your comments . These ‘dailies’ will be awarded extra features and bonuses.

Invitation bonus

Through our referral program members will be encouraged to invite others to join Juiice, because they will receive share from their earnings.


Juiice is creating the social media and entertainment platform for today ’s generation , inspiring more culturally rewarding , trusted, and value-driven social engagement. As a social media platform, we aim to bring people and communities together, and connect them to relevant content and opportunities while enabling every single user to monetize the value of their online activity.

Juiice is creating the social media and entertainment platform for today’s generation, inspiring more culturally rewarding, trusted, and value-driven social engagement. As a social media platform, we aim to bring people and communities together, and connect them to relevant content and opportunities while enabling every single user to monetize the value of their online activity.

JUI is a true utility token that will power Juiice social media platform, grant access to powerful platforms’ features and be used to reward Juiice’s active users:

• Juiice Reward Account

– Juiice proprietary algorithm measures and analyses user’ s activity, such as uploading and sharing of the content, and determines the potential value of each contribution based on the number of views, shares and likes.

• JUI is the only way to receive rewards

within the Juiice platform.

• JUI token enables in-app purchases,

such as virtual goods, to reward other users or grant access to new apps supported by the platform.

• JUI token powered donations,

encouraging charities to engage with platform’s users to help the needy.

• Juiice Market Place and Direct Advertising,

allowing users and influencers to promote their products and bring traffic to their websites in exchange for JUI tokens.

• Connecting influencers and advertisers

- No more agencies’ cuts. JUI tokens will be held in the escrow until both parties are satisfied with their agreement and each site fulfils itsobligations.

Juiice and Blockchain 

Juiice is creating a decentralized social media platform and rewarding mechanism powered by Ethereum blockchain. JUI will be implemented on the public Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. The Ethereum blockchain is currently the industry standard for issuing custom digital assets and smart contracts. The ERC20 token interface allows for the deployment of a standard token that is compatible with the existing infrastructure of the Ethereum ecosystem, such as development tools, wallets and exchanges. The public Ethereum network will serve as the settlement layer for JUI tokens, allowing for transfers, purchases of virtual assets and reward distribution to be made directly on the blockchain. Smart contracts will automatically execute transaction payments and the distribution of rewards without the participation of a third-party intermediary

Token Sale Summary 

General Information: JUIICE - JUI 

• Juiice token (Ticker: JUI) is a fully compliant ERC-20 utility token

• Total number of JUI Tokens that will be generated during the Token Generation Event: 50,000,000,000 JUI

• No additional tokens will be created in the future and all tokens, not sold in the Token Sale, will be burned.

• Total number of JUI tokens reserved for Token Sale (the Private and Public Sale): 30,000,000,000 JUI (60 %)

• Minimum sum of contributions (soft cap): 1,000,000 USD

• JUI token price: 1 JUI = 0.0002 USD

Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000 

• 60%: of tokens will be sold in the ICO to secure funds for further product develop- ment, operations and international expansion

• 10%: of tokens will be given to early stage angel investors, true believers, who showed a lot of trust and provided rocket fuel for our idea

• 7%: of tokens will be awarded to our advisors and ambassadors that helped the project with their knowledge and expertise

• 3%: of tokens will be added to Juiice.com reward pool

• 10%: of tokens is reserved for Juiice Foundation.

• 4%: of tokens is intended for the initial stocking of the bounty pool to award contributors, who help build and curate our database of entities

• 6%: of tokens will be held by project founders and the rest of the team that helped to bring the project to life with their hard work and dedication

Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000

• 40%: Marketing

• 20%: Product Development

• 15%: Administrative and operational cost

• 15%: Business development

• 5%: Legal cost

•5%: IT infrastructure

Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000

Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000


















ETH: 0x7A5df2D8D32b8f8e4FC6BF71D2BDfe69992D1C1B

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