Juicy Secrets Naughty

Juicy Secrets Naughty


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Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for 25 June 2021.
I have some questions for all of you:
Here’s the thing. A few issues have come to my attention and that need addressing.
Issue 1. This may be happening because of issue 4, which would be totally understandable if it is. And it’s not a big deal to delete someone from the list, just annoying when you’ve taken the time to create a record and add the data only to delete it a short time later.
Issue 2. Sorry, nothing I can do about that.
Issue 3. There are far too many emails for me to vet on a regular basis to ensure validity. As stated at the top of the “Staying in Touch” page, you! need to report any invalid email addresses to us. Do that and I will gladly delete them.
Issue 4. This really sucks! And sadly, there is nothing I can do about it.
I, personally, would like to delete it. But, the “Staying in Touch” page is for you, our readers therefore, I (Juicy Secrets) would like your input on what we do with it. Do we keep the page as is, do we get rid of it altogether, or are there any changes you would like to see that would make it better?
Let us know what you think in the comments below. We are looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
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Dear readers, I bring tidings of our humble but always striving website… and this time around, those tidings are glad indeed, more so than the last time we did this.
First off, we have a couple of new team members. Allow me to introduce the latest recruits to Team Juicy Secrets.
We took applications for a new editor, and got a very enthusiastic, very impressive response from some of you — more than I expected! In the end, though, one petitioner for the position stood out, and the nametag goes to him. He’s got a fine way with words, and some excellent ideas for the site. Please welcome Corrigan as our new Site Editor.
(A fervent “thanks a million” to those who applied for this post. Your willingness to help will long abide with us.)
In the process of seeking editing help, we filled a position I wasn’t even looking to fill, though in retrospect, it makes perfect sense. A tip of the hat to my current writing partner Sapphmore , who will be joining us as a Site Archivist. He may be the only person in the universe who has more lesbian stories in his personal possession than I do, a collection that he vows to plumb to its depths for our reading delight.
We have two other news items, both concerning the Juicy Secrets site itself, both positive.
First, Amanda and I put together two master lists, one for every story and one for every author who appears at JS. These lists can be found at the tab at the top of the page that reads “every story from a to z.” This is where to go if there’s nothing new and you’re looking for something, anything to get off to. Before, all of our content was divided up between six separate pages, with some authors appearing on more than one. This new page makes it easier to find what you’re looking for… or discover some savory treat you didn’t know was there. Do check it out.
Secondly, our Site Friend and beloved author No One set up something for us that we’re totally jazzed about: a rating system for all our stories. At the end of each story or chapter, you will see a line of five hearts, accompanied by the words Did you like this? If you care to provide an answer to that particular question, you now have the means to do so, simply by clicking on the appropriate heart. (Hint: when using our ratings system, we especially love getting clicks on the right-hand side.) Yes, you no longer have to leave a comment to make your opinion known, though we do still encourage and welcome reading your thoughts in greater detail.
And that’s the news from our funky little corner of the internet. Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, thanks for being part of our world. Would that, for a moment at least, my arms were long enough to hug you all.
Your comrade in things erotic, JetBoy
All brilliant news Jetboy. Thanks to you all for continuing the hard work to keep this great site at the top of our daily reading.
Thanks to all the team at JS, you are really appreciated. A perfect place to escape too in this crazy world. xoxox
Thank you JetBoy for your kind words and the opportunity to serve as Site Editor. I’m proud and humbled to have this chance to build on the excellence that is the JuicySecrets legacy.
This site has been like my own personal candy store for years … and where the treats are free! It’s time to give back. So, as I assume this role, I promise to bring my best efforts each day to honor the high standards and commitment shown by the founders and staff every day. I hope to meet you all in the days ahead! Reach out to me anytime with suggestions, feedback, and comments at wontogo@aol.com
Love to all,
A huge thanks to JetBoy, Corrigan, Sapphmore, Amanda Lynn, & No One, and all the others. We had no idea how
to use the ratings thing so thanks for the instruction.
Ever grateful to you all for this hot site. Kim and Sue
Thank you for all your hard work to keep this great site up and running.
Glad to hear about the new additions. Does this mean a quicker turnaround of stories/chapters is on the horizon?
I think the ratings system is a great idea, as it lets authors know if their story is worth continuing and takes like a second, so even lazy people (and I do include myself in this sometimes) can let an author know.
Look forward to the future of this site. Welcome aboard Corrigan and Sapphmore.
We do hope to see more regular posting in the days to come. Give us a couple of weeks to get our new crew members up to speed, and we’ll see.
Sounds good, hope I didnt sound like I expected it to happen overnight, know it takes time for people to gel into roles and how things work.
I like the rating system, but found out I voted twice on one story. Is that the way it is for the absent minded among us?
I still very much prefer the comments themselves. Especially from E,T&A. But all in all I still love J.S..
I love that the site will be more productive in the months ahead and we understand why it takes a little time to catch up. Good job all you site people.
Kim& Sue
Thanks all, I’m excited to be part of the family. Going from avid reader, to virgin author then sapphic story seeker isn’t something I envisaged a few months ago, but I shall endeavour to do the role justice.
Good news, all around! Thanks to everyone who makes this great place even exist, much less thrive! It’s sooooooo very much appreciated!
Great news all around from my favorite team!
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Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for 12 May 2020.
Once again, your Boy Reporter glanced at the calendar and realized with a jolt that yet another year has passed, making it five since Naughty Mommy, Cheryl Taggert and I opened Juicy Secrets for curious eyes. A lot of water has flowed ‘neath the bridge since then, yet our humble site is still chugging along, and we happy few who run it on a day-to-day basis are doing our level best to provide the erotic thrills you crave… and in these times of uncertainty, there’s a hell of a lot to be said for the sweet distraction of dirty stories.
This year wasn’t quite as tempestuous as the previous one; still, there have been changes of note. First, site founder Naughty Mommy elected to retire from writing for Juicy Secrets. Since having to leave her previous homeland, she has been making a new life for herself and her family and wanted to move on to other things. Needless to say, we wish her all the best and then some. If you take any pleasure from visiting this site, please extend your sincerest gratitude to Naughty Mommy — she was the catalyst who made it all happen. By the way, she still visits now and again to reply to comments left for her stories, so be sure to leave them when you read her works. (And if you haven’t read them yet, what are you waiting for!?)
One very unfortunate development was the disappearance of PoppaBear, who we took on a couple of years ago as an editor. We’ve not heard a word from him for over ten months. PoppaBear was an invaluable asset to the site — for his enthusiasm and cheerful spirits as much as the assistance he gave. We miss him and fervently hope that he is doing well.
At the moment, the everyday Juicy Secrets staff consists of two: Amanda Lynn, who runs the joint and keeps it humming merrily along, and yours truly, JetBoy, provider and seeker of content. We also have Sapphmore, our archive story scout, and No One, who lends us invaluable assistance with occasional nuts-and-bolts issues.
So there you have it — another year of Juicy Secrets. Admittedly, we’re not maintaining the pace we once were, but our objective remains the same: to be the best lesbian fiction site out there. I’d like to extend the heartiest of thank-yous to No One, Sapphmore, and especially Amanda Lynn, who does an incredible amount of work behind the scenes to keep JS looking great.
Finally, I want to thank you, readers, for the joy you take from our little site, and the encouragement you give us in your comments. We love you all.

Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for January 2021.
Karin awoke slowly the next morning and for just a moment she felt surprised that she wasn’t in the room she shared with three other girls at the orphanage. Instead she lay curled under blissfully warm sheets in what to her was a massive sized bed. The room itself was also far larger than her old one and it seemed sadly empty and bare with just the bed and the dresser. Then she remembered where she was and how she had gotten here and a fire of happiness flooded through her body.
“My own room!” she giggled to no one in particular, grinning like an idiot.
She turned the rest of the way onto her stomach and stretched her body to loosen up a little. Most people would have done that on their back, but her wings made anything in that position uncomfortable or awkward. Her wings were also the reason she slept topless. The unrestricted feel was a lot more comfortable.
For a brief moment, she hugged one of the half-dozen pillows that had come with the bed and remembered the night before; the night she, Ayaka, and Sora had become sisters in Isana’s home. Isana’s hug had been so warm and welcoming that she couldn’t help feeling a little gooey inside. She could almost feel a remembrance of it even now. Then Karin rolled more onto her side as a loud cacophony of birdsong arose from outside her window and diverted her attention.
Curious, she pushed up and then slipped out of the bed. It was summer and the warmth from the rising sun made standing on the bedside rug in just a pair of pink and white striped panties perfectly comfortable. So she strode to the window as she also stretched out her wings and gave them a few quick flaps to loosen those muscles up too.
The window was a large one. Had she stood on the sill, it was taller than she was tall with an arched top. Brackets on either side near the top showed where curtains must have hung at one time, but now the window was bare. The deep sill was just above waist height, so she found it easy enough to lift up and sit on it sideways to look out from her new forest-bound home.
The forest was why she was unconcerned about anyone outside seeing her undressed. No one was out there to see her skinny, tan-skinned body and her tiny breasts. The only people that might see her would be the other girls and Isana, and she felt unconcerned about them walking in and seeing her mostly naked; instead her eyes widened in joy at the sight before her.
Outside the window was a panorama of green growing things. Massively thick trees, exploding with vibrant green foliage covered the land in all directions for as far as she could see. Under them was dense undergrowth with a wild variety of different plants. In the distance, she could see a small group of deer walking calmly through the brush, stopping occasionally to nibble at something. They were led by a proud-looking stag with an impressive rack.
Closest to her window was a particularly massive oak tree. In its branches was a flock of small, noisy birds, sparrows maybe. She saw nests in some of the branches and wondered how many of them lived in the tree. In all, it was the biggest profusion of nature and life that she’d ever seen. Ayaka would love it.
Thinking of Ayaka and then Sora, Karin slipped back down to her feet with the intent to find them. They, along with Isana, were her family now and she wanted to see them. She detoured on the way to the bag with her clothes to pee first and that took a bit. She’d been more than a little impressed by the bathroom the night before and now that she saw it in daylight it was even more so. The floor and the bottom half of the walls were tiled in a black and white pattern. The bathing area with its big tub and separate shower unit were in an almost separate alcove from the toilet and double sink. She was determined to try out that shower soon since all they’d had before were bathtubs. Then she went back and unzipped the lumpy luggage bag and tried to decide what to wear, which made her giggle again.
Normally she didn’t really care what she wore and just threw things on. Now she was suddenly worried about making the right impression on the others, even though Ayaka and Sora had seen everything she owned a thousand times. The only person for whom something would be new would be Isana, and Isana had told her the night before during the dinner that she thought her outfit had been cute.
Going with that, she pulled out the only other skirt she had. It was a white one that hung to just above her knees. Then she took out a loose,black strapped top that had a back low enough that it hadn’t needed to be modified to allow for her wings. She left her feet bare because she was already starting to like the contrasting feel of the smooth wood floors and the thick rugs Isana had laid over them in places. Once finished, she decided to head to Ayaka’s room first since she knew Ayaka always woke up early.
“Come in!” Ayaka called pleasantly when Karin knocked on her closed door. Knocking was one of the primary rules back at the orphanage where privacy had been a scarce thing.
“Morning Ayaka!” Karin called back, popping eagerly into the room. She was unsurprised to see that the bed was made and Ayaka’s luggage bag lay empty next to the dresser. Ayaka herself was sitting just as Karin had been in her own window. She was dressed casually in a pair of loose jeans and a white tank top. “Enjoying the view?”
“You have no idea how wonderful this place feels,” Ayaka sighed, closing her eyes and then breathing deeply. “It screams ‘you are home’ to every bone in my body.”
“It feels like home to me too,” Karin giggled, and approached her new sister and hugged her left, outward arm. Karin breathed deep too, smelling the herbal shampoo of Isana’s that Ayaka had used. Ayaka’s eyes blinked open in surprise at the hug and Karin grinned playfully at her. “This is our home now, Isana said so. That means we’re sisters.”
“So she did,” Ayaka smiled back, “and I suppose we are sisters now Karin. It makes me sorry we didn’t hang out much before we came here, even though we lived in the orphanage together for years.”
“Hey, there were over a hundred girls there,” Karin said easily. “Plus, you were there longer than I was and already had friends. I would just have been a new weird girl with dragon wings and a big horn.”
“I’ve always liked your wings,” Ayaka said, turning her head to look at Karin directly. Karin saw she was entirely sincere and greatly appreciated the comment. “We’re only half a year apart in age, so I should have talked to you more. I suppose that’s a moot point though. Now we’ll live together from here on out, and with Sora too, so we’ll have plenty of time for getting to know each other.”
“And it’s a lot better than the city,” Karin added, nodding to the scenery outside the window.
“It’s certainly my kind of place,” Ayaka agreed. “It just feels so good!”
“Good people, great place,” Karin smiled and hugged Ayaka a little closer. “The only thing missing is a great breakfast!”
Ayaka snorted a surprised laugh, “I was actually thinking something like that myself. Do you think Isana would mind if we made something for everyone?”
“Dunno,” Karin shrugged. “But she said multiple times that we should make ourselves at home. Plus, she’s amazingly nice and she gives out great hugs.”
“Is that what prompted this one?” Ayaka asked in amusement. “And what does that have anything to do with her letting us make breakfast?”
“I was just emphasizing how nice she is,” Karin smiled. “As for this, I just like hugging people. It feels good.”
“Well, thank you for it,” Ayaka replied. “It does feel nice. But can you let me down? I’d like to have some food done by the time Isana wakes up.”
“What about Sora?” Karin asked as she obliged.
“Let her sleep too,” Ayaka said, smiling warmly and tucking some of her brown curls behind an ear. Karin had never thought about it much before now, but Ayaka was really pretty and she found that she enjoyed looking at the slightly older girl. “This may sound a little insulting, but there’s just something about Sora that makes me want to dote on her.”
“Same here,” Karin grinned. “Now let’s head downstairs.”
Ayaka slid down off of the windowsill and Karin felt her eyes involuntarily watch her new sister’s lithe movements. Ayaka had always been a lot more graceful than any of the other girls and Karin liked watching her move. Lately that interest had been increasing and it never occurred to her to question why that was. It was just something nice she liked about Ayaka.
They descended back down to the kitchen and both of them stood silent in a moment of pure awe when they entered the room. The morning sun was streaming in through the many windows, including the large bay one and the forest scene outside was just as stunning as it had been when viewed from the second floor. The room, with the polished counters, gleamed in the sunlight. As Karin took it all in once again, she could see an appreciative smile on Ayaka’s lips. No doubt she was also enjoying the orderly cleanliness of the place as well.
“What should we make?” Karin eventually asked, breaking the moment.
Ayaka blinked and cocked her head thoughtfully. “I’m not really sure. We’ll have to see what she has. Can you look in that door over there, that’s probably the pantry Isana mentioned. I’ll look through the refrigerator.”
They parted briefly to inspect the food stores. After comparing their finds and dithering over complexity and time, they decided to keep things simple and make a pot of oatmeal along with some bacon. The bacon in particular was something they were both eager to try as it was a luxury the orphanage had been unwilling to purchase. Ayaka was known as one of the better cooks back in their old home, so Karin felt safe in letting her attempt to cook the new delicacy.
As they had hoped, it was a meal that was quickly prepared, and soon the delicious smell of the cooking bacon was filling the house. Karin could feel her mouth-watering and even though she was trying to maintain her normal mature attitude, she could see that Ayaka was just as eager as she was to finally eat the stuff.
“Should I go and wake the others?” Karin asked excitedly when the bacon was spitting and
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