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Juicy Cherry Milf Incest Sex


Juicy Cherry Milf Incest Sex
I’VE been having sex with a neighbour who is a family friend. My parents would kill me if they knew but I love being with him.
I’m a girl of 16 and this man and his wife are both 42 and live three doors away. They’ve been friends with my parents since they were all newlyweds.
We were all invited to a Halloween party at another neighbour’s recently. I had some vodka and Coke, though I’m not used to drinking.
My mum and dad were drunk and left by midnight. I sat listening to music with the other couple, then the wife went home to bed.
My neighbour said he’d walk me home when the party was over. He put his arm around me at the gate and kissed me. It was my first kiss with a man.
He invited me into his place for a coffee to sober up. We snogged again and it was brilliant. Then he pulled down my jeans and pants and we had sex on the
kitchen table. I lost my virginity and felt all shaky afterwards.
He asked whether I felt bad about what we’d done. I said, “No, it was fantastic”, because that was how I felt.
He now gives me lifts into town. He always kisses me and we’ve had sex twice and oral sex too.
He’s given me £50 the last few Saturdays to put towards Christmas and I’ve bought new clothes and shoes. Mum and Dad haven’t asked me where they were from and would go mad if they realised.
My lover still comes around to ours sometimes and my parents regard him like my uncle. I wonder whether I should carry on seeing him but I love being with him and love the money he gives me.
DEIDRE SAYS: I know all this spoiling and attention is making you feel special now but you know in your heart that this neighbour is behaving badly, and in the end will make you feel bad about yourself too.
He’s making no commitment to you – nor will he. He’s married and will drop you without a word when he tires of this game. He’s treating you almost like a prostitute.
Your family and his wife will be appalled at your behaviour as well as his if you’re caught out – which is all too likely.
Stop this now, before you get too hurt. I’d like you to tell your parents how he’s behaved, as they deserve to know he can’t be trusted.
If you can’t face that, at least talk over how you got drawn into this in confidence with someone. Contact Get Connected ( 0808 808 4994 , getconnected.org.uk ).
MY girlfriend can’t tell me whether she cheated on me with her mate because she can’t remember anything about it.
I’m a gay girl and my girlfriend and I had a party to celebrate our 25th birthdays. She invited a male friend of hers. He’s 24 and they used to be close.
I was in the front room with friends and at one point the music stopped.
Everything went quiet – and we heard moaning coming from the kitchen. My girlfriend and her mate were in there.
It was really embarrassing. I barged in and my girlfriend jumped up, saying they were just talking. She won’t admit anything because she was trollied and says she remembers nothing about it, but I can’t forget it.
DEIDRE SAYS: If your relationship is otherwise OK and she’s sorry she allowed things to get out of control – whatever happened – focus on your future together and how you can strengthen that, rather than obsessing on one drunken moment in the past.
But tell your girlfriend that she needs to cut down on her drinking so she stays in control in the future. And be clear this is the last time she gets forgiven.
MY husband has found someone else and ended our marriage, saying the 20-year relationship has run its course.
He met her a month before he dumped me. She’s younger and slimmer than me but
is on benefits, while I work.
My husband is 36, I’m 37 and the woman he’s been seeing is 30. I’m putting a brave face on things but when the house goes up for sale, everyone will know. I’m heartbroken.
DEIDRE SAYS: If your heart is broken and not just your pride hurt, don’t lose hope just yet.
He didn’t break with you until he met her, and it’s early days for their relationship. He could yet return cap in hand.
Focus on building a new life for yourself, because that’s the best way of coping and of reigniting his interest. If he doesn’t come back, you will still have new friends. My e-leaflet Mend Your Broken Heart will help.
MY boyfriend constantly stares at other women and it makes me feel uncomfortable. He’s a great guy in every way but he does this a lot. He’s said he’ll stop but things never change and we just argue about it.
I’ve been cheated on before and I feel insecure and bad about myself when he
looks at other women. I love him but don’t want to be with somebody who
would prefer to be elsewhere. We’re both 28.
DEIDRE SAYS: It’s no coincidence that you feel threatened by this when
you’ve been cheated on before. Nagging him for staring at other women is unlikely to make him want to change.
Don’t complain when you catch him staring but say: “Give me a hug, you sexy man”. That will get his attention back on to you and give you the reassurance you need. My e-leaflet Coping With Jealousy explains more
self-help tactics.
I HAVE a pact with my best friend that if neither of us is with someone when we’re 30, we will get together. I’m 29 and I have a girlfriend I love but I think I love this best friend more.
We’ve known each other since we were at university together. She’s 28. I’ve always secretly fancied her but I’ve never said anything for fear of ruining our friendship.
We made our pact when we ended our finals.
My girlfriend is 27 and we’ve talked about getting married and having a family.
Both these girls are stunningly beautiful and any man would be proud to have them on his arm.
There are no problems in my current relationship but my feelings for my friend are getting stronger. I’ve a feeling she likes me too but I’m not certain.
Do I forget my heart, follow my head and make a go of it with my girlfriend, or tell my best friend and hope she feels the same?
DEIDRE SAYS: Secretly fancying is not the same as having a successful relationship.
From the sound of it, you and your best friend haven’t had sex – and maybe that’s what is so tantalising for you – a bad case of “the grass is greener”.
Is your best friend single? If not, then forget it for now and see if this longing for her passes – as it may well do.
If she is single, you have to make a choice. Cheating is out.
You could tell her how you feel and see whether there’s any chance of this being more than friendship. If so, you will have to let your girlfriend down gently, but you may think again when you realise you have to make a choice.
You can’t have them both.
I’M a chilled-out guy all the time I’m at work but I make such a bad job of things at home.
I have a three-year-old daughter. My wife and I are both 30 and she has a ten-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.
I can’t connect with my stepdaughter. I blame her for any upset at home.
If she falls out with her little sister I turn on her, while my partner tries to pacify everyone.
I think sometimes I have a tantrum like a child, but I can’t see it at the time.
How can I fix things and be a good parent?
DEIDRE SAYS: It is often hard being a stepparent. She is another man’s child and you feel protective of your little girl.
But your stepdaughter feels pushed to one side by your daughter, who is the child of both you and her mum.
You’re the adult here and need patience by the bucket-load.
When there’s an argument, quickly assess what’s gone wrong, then walk away for ten minutes and talk about it rationally when you’re calm.
Taking your stepdaughter out one-to-one may help you build bridges.
I’ve also sent you a copy of my e-leaflet Stepfamily Problems? which will
MY girlfriend has a weekly massage with a male masseur and just the thought of it makes me physically sick.
I’m 26, she is 24 and beautiful. She has back problems so sees this man regularly, stripping down to her thong.
I’ve asked her to go to a female masseuse but she says this guy is good and she’s not got the time to go hunting around for someone else.
I’ve heard the guy she uses is very good but the whole idea of it causes me so much angst. She wouldn’t like it if I was regularly visiting a woman for massage, would she?
DEIDRE SAYS: Who knows? But her back doesn’t seem to be improving, so tell her you are worried about her and talk to her about finding a good chiropractor or a physiotherapist through her doctor. That way, you may feel happier that she’s seeing somebody in a purely professional capacity.
If your insecurities stem from an experience you have had in a previous relationship maybe getting some counselling would help you. My leaflet on counselling explains more and gives sources of support.
MY girlfriend’s ex was really well endowed and I feel rubbish in comparison.
I’m 23 and my girlfriend is 25. I just can’t seem to satisfy her and I’m wondering whether it’s because her ex was bigger in length and girth than me.
I just don’t feel good at what I do for her. I’m not even good at foreplay.
We’ve tried different positions but she always gets frustrated. I’m scared she’ll leave me.
DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sure you know I’m going to say “Size doesn’t matter,” and this is still true. Most women don’t get their satisfaction purely through penetrative sex. Many men with micro penises can still satisfy their partners just by learning good sexual techniques.
I’m sending you my e-leaflets How To Thrill A Woman In Bed and Manhood Too Small? to help you feel more skilled and confident.
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The Big Picture

“After my relatives raped me 30-40 times, it didn’t hurt anymore”

I was always ready with my legs spread and my clothes off. He entered my room and raped me just like Kaka did.

Rumela Chandra
A writer at Rise For India and an actor at Royal Shakespeare Company.

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Joe Sydow
| 5 years ago
| Reply

wish you all the real love happiness u deserve incredible!!! .

vMoska eseUcAi
| 5 years ago
| Reply

Today people have becomes worse than wolves... Such monsters sud be hanged openly !! Hw that society will be which includes them !! Oops ! M out of mind !!

Affinity Tej
| 5 years ago
| Reply

I mean it's very sat about the raping that's terrible but now your out the house and your talking bout your not going files something on him causes he's involved ? Get on , then why not even tell cops when you were little , cause they would ask you to show the bruses ? ? This story sad and disgusting but you not doing nun but making me mad . Justting there there crying talking about , you became use to it and " would have your legs already open and already nake " , like what. There are police , there are teachers .

| 5 years ago
| Reply

What is our purpose on this world
I sure wanna die if world is so cruel
People just think about themselves
They are more worse than demon

| 5 years ago
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#StandAgainstRape #NoMoreRapes #NoMoreShrutis
May us just become human beings instead of savage beasts!!

Sandra S Sikes
| 6 years ago
| Reply

I so wish , this didn't come from our FAMILY, who supposedly loves us most. It DOES--they love you least. :(

| 6 years ago
| Reply

Heartbreaking to read this story. There are tears in my eyes as I ead this. How heartless can mankind be !

Abdul Basit
| 7 years ago
| Reply

This seriously is inhuman but its only possible in sub continent. Thats because of insane behaviour of law and enforcement agencies with victim

Marriam Shahid
| 7 years ago
| Reply

these people are just monsters.. whrs the humanity? why parents do not care for their children? its a mistake mainly on the part of parents.. i have seen many educated parents who r still ignorant of their duties regarding their children especially grls.. pls open your eyes and look around.. many relatives and friends are just deceiving you.. making your children a victim of child abuse or whtever.. do not trust anyone and don't ever ever leave ur children alone in someone else presence..

| 7 years ago
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I am sorry for everything youve been through. I wish you a bright happpy and healthy future and am abundance of love.

| 7 years ago
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Bollywood will do the same to us here in PAkistan if we don't take heed on where are media is taking us.

| 7 years ago
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A.lil.bit happened.wd.me.also. but my.mom didnt knew about it. And when.i.grew up.to 20 i told.her.
But she didnt believed.me.
She said em liar
Now i dun trust on.anyone
That uncle.still.comes to.our.home
And we didnt need any money
Still.i.was child.abused!

Féàrléss Wájìd
| 7 years ago
| Reply

This make me cry war against rape .

| 7 years ago
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After seeing the case of Somaly Mam in Cambodia, it has become very hard to believe what these NGO's say. Somaly Mam claimed she was sold to brothel as a child and raped repeatedly thereafter. Later she started an NGO, received millions of dollars for her NGO from foreign countries. She was even invited at United Nations general assembly to deliver a speech. In the end, it turned out that her entire story was a pack of lies from start to end.

Ankit Das
| 7 years ago
| Reply

Proud of u Rumela. Such ladies like you is required for the betterment of this Country :) (y) Atleast it feels good that someone really thinks deep.

| 7 years ago
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Go and celebrate rainbow!!!! Its purely a rational behavior and of course freedom of choice. Respect and love for "rainbows".
Now that the US supreme court has ruled that same-sex couples have constitutional rights to marry, lets celebrate the existence and acceptance of GAYS. That's done and very well done.
Lets move a step ahead and accept the existence of rapists. YES the rapists. fight for their rights, acceptance of their existence, freedom of choice. Since homosexuality is not mental illness ,the same way rape is not a sexual crime. Waiting for supreme court ruling on that. and yeah the flag for rapists should be a little doll, bloody red doll.
This is how you failed HUMANITY. Go and celebrate "rainbow" and "little dolls".

Fahad Nawax Chugtai
| 7 years ago
| Reply

No any Words For comment there .....

hp kumar
| 7 years ago
| Reply

see this is the problem with every pakistanis.First of all this piece of article is not written for this newspaper website..it has appeared somewhere else..We have several times told you people not to interfere in our internal affair ..but as we say old habit dies hard..Author of this blog is the person whose NGO's account has been blocked by modi govt already..Nobody cares for attention seeking people like her in india..Secondly ,do you pakis and This newspaper website have better things to do in life really??Trust me we indians donot see you guys in good light and apparently world has started believing our version of story already...Only thing i would like to say ,get a life

Mahtab Abbasi
| 7 years ago
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Can't believe that materialism has thoroughly destroyed the spiritualism that even blood-relations are so willing to humiliate............

| 7 years ago
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That we as fellow human being cannot fix the society of this social ill is too shameful to be justified by mere words.
I salute the courage of this girl, that despite all she has faced which we so called "normal" people and keyboard warriors cannot even fathom, she is on her feet, alive then most of us, and have a positive attitude towards life then quite a lot of us.

Mohsin Akbar
| 7 years ago
| Reply

Disagree with ur comment ,,, what r u trying to say the rape is not directly linked with couple kissing or whatever media is showing ,,
if u watch or think about something all the time or might be showing to u via whatever source ,, one way or another u will try to conceive it ,, frustration will lead u to that point ,,
so first thing is to eradicate the first move ,,, that's why agree with nauman ,, he is right

Lazy Lou | 7 years ago
If you cannot control yourself and are so overwhelmed by your own arousal to the point where you don't care about raping your young relatives, then you are no better than a dangerous animal. And dangerous animals should be shot.

Mirza Shoaib Ahmad Jarral
| 7 years ago
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what i want to say...and what i am feeling right now...m speechless to express.

Milind A
| 7 years ago
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I have 'jumped' in if you cared to read my comment above.
Husky - On a sidenote, I agree that Bollywood by commoditizing the female body adds fuel to this evil.

| 7 years ago
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The story has pierced my heart beyond words, i am a grown up man often known as a person who is very strong but trust me after reading this article and just imagining the anguish the girl went through i feel helpless, i feel i have been broken down into pieces. I feel like a kid who is afraid of everything. I wish i could do anything to stop it.
But after reading the comments i have realized not all of us are sympathizing with the victim for most of people their religion and for others their country is most important, you guys are being jingoist not acknowledging that this is human suffering without a religion-country binary.

Azmat Rana
| 7 years ago
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No Comments.

Raghu Reddy
| 7 years ago
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So Pak newspapers dont have guts to post such nefarious crimes in their society and always use Indian news as an example!!!.
I am simply stunned why we dont have or do much about sex education of kids .its all about showing what rights the kids have . Only when kids know their rights in clear terms , they will report, to school ,if ntot school, then to police. Now govt should build sufficient welfare hostels to accomade them. I dont believe this story because kids get sex education , schools are sensitive to kids complaints, police are, there are social workers, enough welfare hostels .
Its the kid who didnt report at the earliest. Probably education should be done more.

Sandra Emily Cramp
| 7 years ago
| Reply

Total crap. Every prostitute will tell you same sto
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