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Jouissance, in French, means enjoyment and pleasure, in particularly in an
over-the-top sense. It contrasts with 'plaisir', which is a controlled state
that happens within cultural norms.
Jouissance is pleasure (and any stimulation) that can be too much to
bear. It may be very largely felt as suffering. It is pleasure and pain
together, a feeling of being at the edge.
It can indicate a breaking of boundaries, a connection beyond the self. This
can range from a mother feeling intense connection with a breast-feeding baby to
meditative feelings of oneness with the universe.
One of the goals of life is to manage jouissance. Unchecked emotion will
control and overwhelm you. Society helps this through controlling mechanisms
such as education and cultural norms. It has been said that jouissance is
'drained' from the body throughout life, leading to the calm of old age.
In French, jouissance connotes orgasm as well as pleasure, and can be used to
describe breaking down barriers between self and other. It may also be used to
indicate orgasm that is not achieved or not 'ultimate', thus bringing a sense of
lack, loss and something unattainable.
Lacan argues that the
subject , separated from
itself by language, feels a sense of absence, of being not fully present, and
thus desires wholeness. We
constantly put ourselves into the subject positions of language and cultural codes
in seeking to fulfil the futile desire for wholeness. We feel jouissance as the
pleasure/pain that the subject feels as it tries in vain to recapture the lost
Jacqueline Rose uses jouissance in description of women's management of identity. In the
phallic economy, the woman, who lacks the phallus, stands in the place of
jouissance and the lost object and is thus becomes both desirable and ultimately
unobtainable. This gives women a separate position from which they can 'speak
themselves' and resist subjugation.
As post- Oedipal girls can sustain a closer
relationship with their mother, they are consequently able to sustain a greater
level of jouissance. This is something that boys envy and seek through dominance
and possession of girls.
A significant part of the game of romance is in chasing jouissance. Although
it can never be gained, the anticipated pleasure of hope makes the pursuit a
very exciting experience.
Zizek aligns by saying that psychical life is about enjoyment,
but which is interwoven with lack and alienation. Enjoyment comes from escapist
fantasy. It gives ideology power, creating meaning
for the self within the frame of ideology. It cannot be incorporated into the
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