John Hopkins University: Corona data sources in practice and "reality"

John Hopkins University: Corona data sources in practice and "reality"

translated by Corona Investigative
Exponentially increasing number of cases in the exercise Event 201.

Before Corona, almost no one knew about it, but now almost everyone knows it: Since the beginning of the supposed "Corona pandemic", the real-time world map of Johns Hopkins University in the US state of Maryland has been closely linked to it. (1) The map, which is supposed to always provide the most up-to-date overview possible of the worldwide corona cases, was and is omnipresent in reporting. In this country as well as worldwide, Johns Hopkins University is used relatively uncritically as a data source for COVID-19. Nobody was quoted more than it was when it came to the infected and dead in the alleged corona virus. A self-fulfilling prophecy? Because this university of all universities provided the fictitious data for event 201.

The university played almost the same role in the exercise as it does in reality today: Dr. Caitlin Rivers from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security presented the case numbers on a map that was not unlike the real-time world map. Above all, the misleading "exponential growth" that simply results from the increased number of tests already has the two cards in common.

Donor Gates 

Coincidentally, Bill Gates is also, along with New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the largest sponsor of Johns Hopkins University in the field of health, and equally coincidentally the exercise was jointly organized by the Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University. According to information on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's website, since 2009 (and slightly before) donations of around one billion dollars have been made to Johns Hopkins University. (2)

 Interesting was the extremely high death rate of 10% of the new fictitious virus disease "GAPS" during the exercise. Shortly after the alleged outbreak of "COVID-19" the Johns Hopkins University announced similarly high death rates. In the meantime, however, it has become clear that the university had massively miscalculated its figures - at least if one assumes that this viral disease exists at all. If a representative cross-section of the population is tested, the lethality of COVID-19 approaches the level of a normal flu, i.e. a death rate of 0.1 to 0.3%. It stands to reason that the high figures from Johns Hopkins University were initially intended to stir up panic in order to launch a pandemic campaign.

The exercise also describes the disease as similar to influenza, but only in those patients who show mild symptoms. In reality, however, it is becoming increasingly clear that the disease, if it exists at all, is roughly comparable to influenza in all patients and is therefore relatively harmless. Surprisingly, the exercise also talks about the fact that case numbers vary extremely from country to country. This is then even explained quite accurately with the monitoring systems that vary from country to country. However, neither those present at Event 201 nor the current Corona "experts" around the world come to the logical conclusion that high case numbers can be generated in each country by simply testing more.



(2), Awarded Grants, Suche: Johns Hopkins

This article is a translation from the print edition of the German newspaper ExpressZeitung Number 33.

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