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Johannesburg, South Africa | We Be High

Go in, buy what you want, and leave — R50 for a jiffy bag bigger than a normal bankie , and the same price for skunk for a bag slightly smaller than a regular bankie — Open until 7pm most days — Try to avoid buying from the car guards — they are runners for the main dude, but will sometimes try to charge you more. Also make sure that what you are buying is not laced with ammonia, you can usually tell by the smell and color but if you really wanna make sure most dealers will offer a sample to smoke there. You should be in luck as Johannesburg is situated on the main routes bringing weed Into South Africa from Swaziland. Swazi is not the only weed going around here. You will also find Durban Poison DP but not very easily. Please bear in mind that the posesseion is illegal and you will be prosecuted! That meaning maybe a 20 USD fine,. That has been rectified in some ways but the black man is still pulling on the short-end of the income rope. Outdated information. They remain up simply for nostalgic and entertainment purposes. Laws have changed, and places have changed. As of all articles are severly outdated. Swazi is grown in a very small country in S-A, and bringing it in is no problem. That meaning maybe a 20 USD fine, If you are unlucky enough to be caught… Just a quick bit of history. If you know anything about S-A history you will surely know About apartheid and such. Apartheid was basically our previous government white no black succeeding in oppressing the blacks to the gain of the whites. Therefore you will mostly find weed from black-men sitting all over the place. Good stuff too! I reckon in some way the police lets this pass as the sellers use the money to buy Food for their families. Harsh, but reality! Our currency is not the strongest around so you can pick up weed for very cheap. Very difficult to find. Comes wrapped in Corn leaves that is how it is dried. Go to Bruma Lake anybody will tell where Just look for a hemp shop or the people selling african artifact. You can also get local for about 70 USCents. Not too good but good if you Bong it!

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