Joey Salads Pissing

Joey Salads Pissing


Joey Salads Pissing
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By Tommy Christopher Aug 17th, 2019, 9:21 am
By Alberto Luperon May 22nd, 2022, 7:00 pm
By Sarah Rumpf May 22nd, 2022, 7:00 pm
By Katherine Huggins May 22nd, 2022, 6:09 pm
By Sarah Rumpf May 22nd, 2022, 4:58 pm
By Katherine Huggins May 22nd, 2022, 4:43 pm
By Ken Meyer May 22nd, 2022, 4:26 pm
Republican Congressional Candidate and Youtube “star” Joey Saladino — also known as “Joey Salads” — offered up quite possibly the worst fact-check in history when responding to the accusation “you did drink your own piss.”
Things got strange Friday night when Media Matters Deputy Director of Rapid Response Andrew Lawrence got sidetracked from a Twitter spat with self-described “dapper, lib-triggering troll” Michael Knowles when Saladino randomly inserted himself into the discussion.
This prompted Lawrence to level a fairly serious accusation at Mr. Salads, producing a screenshot of a Saladino tweet that read “ I drank my piss today,” and asking “is this true?”
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) August 17, 2019

Saladino quasi-confirmed, responding “That was a joke, but I have previously for a “jackass” style movie I filmed back in 2016. Didn’t drink tho. But nice deflect.”
That was a joke, but I have previously for a “jackass” style movie I filmed back in 2016. Didn’t drink tho.
But nice deflect.
— Saladino for Congress (@JoeySalads) August 17, 2019
Lawrence responded “you did drink your own piss, one sec brb gonna find the video.”
you did drink your own piss, one sec brb gonna find the video
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) August 17, 2019

Yes, there is video that Mediaite has reviewed, and no, we won’t be posting it. But Saladino moved in for the check-mate, replying “Never swallowed, by definition, not drinking.”
Never swallowed, by definition, not drinking.
— Saladino for Congress (@JoeySalads) August 17, 2019

Video evidence on the question of swallowing is inconclusive, but there is one particularly damning piece of evidence against Saladino, and that is the testimony of Joey Saladino. He did, indeed, tweet the words “I drank my piss today.”
— Saladino for Congress (@JoeySalads) November 16, 2018

So, that was Joey’s Friday night, how was yours?
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If you’ve read a tweet from Donald Trump, you’ve probably read a tweet from Joey Saladino. And if you’ve scrolled through the replies to a tweet from Joey Saladino, you’ve probably seen a photo of him pissing into his own mouth. Best known as Joey Salads, t he YouTube prankster-turned- Trump reply guy has long been one of the most pathetic figures in pro-Trump media, but his relentless reply-spamming, which probably sent at least one of your aunts to his podcast, has now become his undoing.
As reported by The Daily Dot , Salads’ account has been permanently suspended for “ repeated violations of our platform manipulation and spam policy.” Salads posted the email he received to Instagram, showing that the site believed he was using its services “in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter.” It’s unclear what straw broke the camel’s back, but the fact that he was sharing his own “COVID-19 updates” probably had something to do with it. (Piss, we imagine, isn’t a viable cure.)
In addition to Salads’ piss-drinking past, people online were quick to remind him of the time he wore a swastika to a Trump rally as a “prank.” In 2016, he also admitted to staging a video in which a car covered in pro-Trump stickers was attacked by a group of young B lack men. “You may have seen on the internet and through the polls, that a lot of B lack people don’t like Trump. They don’t even like his supporters in some cases,” Salads said in the clip depicting the stunt . “As you can see from this video, the B lack community is very violent towards Trump and his supporters.”
Later, after he was uncovered, he said he “ edited the video to make it look like something else happened that was not true. ” 
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It should come as no surprise, then, that he was also a Republican candidate for Congress. His number one issue was lowering the minimum wage, p er this 2019 interview with The Daily Beast , despite the fact that congressme n don’t have the power to do that . He suspended his campaign in late 2019 and devoted himself to polluting the replies of anyone who uttered the name “Trump.” 
Memorials to Salads filled Twitter on Tuesday. They are very funny.
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