Jodi Arias Nude

Jodi Arias Nude


Jodi Arias Nude

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Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is pursuing the execution of Murray Hooper, which would be the third in the state this year.

Gage Skidmore

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Murray Hooper could be executed as soon as November.

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Katya Schwenk is a staff writer for Phoenix New Times. Originally from Burlington, Vermont, she now covers issues ranging from policing to far-right politics here in Phoenix. She has worked as a breaking news correspondent in Rabat, Morocco, for Morocco World News, a government technology reporter for Scoop News Group in Washington, D.C., and a local reporter in Vermont for VTDigger. Her freelance work has been published in Business Insider, the Intercept, and the American Prospect, among other places.



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Kari Lake, the GOP nominee for governor, endorsed a bigoted white supremacist running for the Oklahoma Legislature.

Elias Weiss

Jarrin Jackson, a white supremacist, antisemite, and homophobic troll in Oklahoma, is at the center of a political controversy in Arizona.

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Elias Weiss is a staff writer at the Phoenix New Times. A native of Charlotte, North Carolina, he reported first for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and was editor of the Chatham Star-Tribune in Southern Virginia, where he covered politics and law. In 2020, the Virginia Press Association awarded him first place in the categories of Government Writing and Breaking News Writing for non-daily newspapers statewide.

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Matthew Hendley

December 23, 2013


Convicted murder Jodi Arias is a student of the arts. In addition to her penchant for nude self-photography, Arias also sells her own drawings online, with help from the outside. We're also into art here at New Times , which is why we created a series of Jodi Arias masterworks, in which Arias' self-photography is gracefully worked into some of the most famous paintings in history.

Abe Hamadeh Wants to be Arizona’s Top Cop. As a Teen, He Bragged About Voter Fraud

Extremist Jared Taylor Bringing 'Defense of White Identity' to ASU

Tempe to Provide Water Rescue Bags After Cops Watch Man Drown

Katya Schwenk

August 25, 2022


Extremist Jared Taylor Bringing 'Defense of White Identity' to ASU

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3 Reasons Why Arizona Leads the Nation in Robocalls

Elias Weiss

August 24, 2022


Kari Lake sure knows how to waffle.

In recent days, the Republican nominee for Arizona governor has gone back and forth on her endorsement (or lack thereof) of Jarrin Jackson, a white supremacist, antisemite, and homophobic troll who ran for state senate in Oklahoma.

Lake formally endorsed Jackson on August 17. “Jarrin is an America First patriot and does so much to advance our America First movement. Jarrin is a winner and a fighter we need in the State Senate," she proclaimed.

Lake got at least one thing wrong. Jackson is no winner. Ally Seifried, endorsed by Oklahoma's GOP governor, defeated Jackson in the Republican primary on Tuesday, marking his third consecutive loss.

Jackson, an arms dealer and ex-legionnaire, has said that homosexuality is "disgusting," called gay sex the "gateway to pedophilia," and said that “all Jews will go to hell” in videos on the right-wing social media platform Telegram.

On Saturday, Lake said she would rescind the endorsement if Jackson's comments were true.

Spoiler alert: They are.

But Lake has yet to publicly rescind her endorsement, which continues to fester on Jackson’s campaign website. Her campaign manager quietly told select media outlets that she had pulled support, but ignored multiple requests for comment from Phoenix New Times .

Lake's apparent and diminutive walking back gave new life to the festering controversy over the endorsement.

“Kari Lake's tepid renunciation is wholly insufficient,” said Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix. “Lake cannot be bothered to speak, or even tweet, the slightest denunciation of Jackson, let alone his bigotry and antisemitism. For someone who wants to head our state government, Lake seems remarkably afraid to show any leadership.”

Jackson has touted Lake’s fancy for him on social media. Lake, a former news anchor familiar with controversy and nutty figures , took a surprising interest in the bearded firestarter several states away. Twitter called it “finding a Nazi in a haystack.”

Mark Finchem, the Republican nominee for secretary of state in Arizona, and Republican State Senator Wendy Rogers joined Lake in endorsing Jackson. Both continue to stand by their endorsements.

Thanks in large part to election controversies in the state over the last couple of years, many alt-right Republicans have become household names throughout the country. They are famous, or infamous, depending on your political affiliation.

“For many MAGA Republicans running for office around the country, it is a positive to be associated with the likes of Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, and Wendy Rogers,” Marson said. “About the only qualification, of course, is America First. The vetting stops there.”

In a roundabout way, Lake admitted that she didn’t vet Jackson before pledging her allegiance to him.

"I looked at Jarrin's resume as [a] Combat Veteran in Afghanistan,” Lake said in a prepared statement. “It is impossible to dig into everything someone has said in their life.”

But it only takes a quick Google search to discover Jackson’s abhorrent views of the world. He’s no casual bigot. The Arizona Republic columnist Phil Boas observed , Jackson is “one of the most vile people in political life.”

According to Jackson, using the phrase LGBTQ “is using language designed by Satan” and added, “Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t want a society of homosexuals.”

They don’t want you either, Jarrin.

“Kari Lake’s endorsement of a homophobe and hesitancy to condemn his hate show a clear disdain for LGBTQ+ Arizonans and are yet another example of her comfort with anti-LGBTQ+ activists and ideas,” Equality Arizona spokesperson Jeanne Woodbury told New Times .

“Kari Lake has conflated trans-inclusive policies with child abuse and consistently refuses to condemn eliminationist rhetoric from close supporters of her campaign," Woodbury continued. "Equality Arizona calls on Kari Lake and Arizona voters to strongly condemn and distance themselves from anti-LGBTQ+ hate.”

Lake tethering herself to homophobes is quite a dramatic shift from hiring drag queen Richard Stevens to perform at a family party, which Lake did in 2014.

Stevens, who performs as Barbra Seville and is among the most well-known queens in Phoenix, received a cease-and-desist letter from Lake while on stage at a family-friendly drag brunch in late June.

“Kari had to walk back her endorsement the same way she walked back her denial of knowing me, hiring me, or having kids at her drag queen party,” the Bette Midler look-alike told New Times .

Endorsing small-time politicians in other states isn’t new, but it has gained more traction in recent election cycles, according to Chuck Coughlin, a Republican consultant based in Phoenix. It seems to be more closely associated with Trump-endorsed candidates and their ability to recertify loyalty to that part of the GOP, he added.

“This is a particularly new phenomenon as it relates to endorsements of candidates by other candidates that have never been elected before,” Coughlin said.

Although celebrity endorsements have always been a thing, these types of endorsements seem to be of a similar ilk, he said. Trump’s endorsement equals celebrity status — again, a circling of the wagons.

“This is the first time that a former president has played in competitive GOP primaries,” Coughlin said. “That has never happened before. Former presidents were satisfied, having served their time, to sit on the sidelines and let the party decide who the next generation of winners was going to be.”

Extremist Jared Taylor Bringing 'Defense of White Identity' to ASU

Tempe to Provide Water Rescue Bags After Cops Watch Man Drown

3 Reasons Why Arizona Leads the Nation in Robocalls

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Jodi Arias Nude Photos: Shown at Trial!

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By Author Free Britney at
Jan 16, 2013 • Category Jodi Arias
It’s been an interesting week in the Jodi Arias trial.

Nude photos of the murder defendant were displayed for the jury – and the live feed – as was a video in which she said she would welcome the death penalty.
If she killed Travis Alexander , that is.
“If I am found guilty, I won’t have a life … If I killed Travis, I would beg for the death penalty,” Arias told Esteban Flores, a Mesa, Ariz., police detective, in a 2008 interview.
As for the Jodi Arias nude photos? Jurors were shown pigtailed Arias’ breasts, as well as explicit front and rear angles of her genitalia (NSFW, after jump).
Photos of a nude Travis Alexander in bed were also shown.
It’s unclear exactly why these were entered into evidence.
The photos were shown during testimony by Michael Melendez, a police department member who analyzed electronic devices collected during the investigation.
The images were broadcast on a live feed of the trial during a court recess; the network that showed the images has yet to offer an explanation for how or why.
Arias is accused of killing Alexander, her ex-boyfriend, more than four years ago. She allegedly stabbed him 26 times, slit his throat and shot him.
She pleaded not guilty, claiming self-defense; previously, she had claimed she was not involved in his death whatsoever, later changing her account.
Here’s one of the Jodi Arias photos in question:
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In 2008, Arizona woman Jodi Arias drove to her former boyfriend’s home and murdered him in cold blood, leaving behind overwhelming pieces of evidence. Authorities found Mesa resident, Travis Alexander, 30, dead in his own shower with his throat slit, a gunshot wound to his head, and stabs across his back and body. A coroner later stated Travis had numerous defense wounds on his hands.
The primary motive, according to prosecutors, was of jealousy and anger . Authorities arrested Arias shortly after the murder and during her trial for murder in 2013, prosecutors argued that Arias became increasingly upset after Travis broke up with her and continued to decline her request to get back together as a couple. She flew in a fit of rage when she learned Travis was dating someone else.
Arias initially denied having anything to do with Travis’ death, but when faced with evidence found at the crime scene, including a bloody palm print with her DNA and a digital camera with photos of herself and Travis taken on the day of the murder, she changed her story and claimed self-defense, stating that Travis was emotionally and physically abusive. Authorities found no evidence that Travis ever abused Arias.
While testifying during her trial, Arias said she was also abused as a little girl, followed by abuse by Travis. She indicated that Travis was also secretly attracted to young boy and girls, something authorities again found no evidence of. She later began giving interviews while in jail, and in an interview with Inside Edition, she assured the public that she would never be found guilty of murdering her former boyfriend.
“No jury is going to convict me … because I am innocent. You can mark my words on that.”
During trial, prosecutor Juan Martinez argued that Travis suffered through excruciating pain and ultimately died when Arias slashed his throat, cutting his  common carotid artery, jugular vein, and trachea.
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