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*NOTE -- All characters are 18 or older*
Ford, sweaty from his
weight session, entered the deserted locker room. One of the top members of the
varsity wrestling team, he often made arrangements to use the school's weight room on
the weekends, since his family couldn't afford a gym membership.
About 5'11”, 190 pounds, he
had the narrow waist and broad shoulders appropriate to his athletic prowess, although the
look was more natural, not as exaggerated as some of the other guys on
the team. At 18, he was one of the older boys on the team,
admired and respected as much for his hard work as for his dark farm-boy
good looks.
He stripped off his tee and shorts, pausing to squeeze his swelling dick
through his jock. It seemed like he was always horny. Working out always made
him even hornier. His eyes lit up as he remembered the incredible j/o session
he'd had last week when the coach was away and gave him his keys.
Alone in the locked weight room, the boy had used the video equipment to
make a movie of himself jacking off, talking dirty. Watching the tape was the
hottest sex he had ever had. He came three times. Unfortunately coach was around
somewhere today, but maybe he would sneak a quick one in the toilet stall,
pulling his meat and fingering his hot hole...
He was startled by the slamming door.
The coach stormed out of his office.
"Ford! Get your ass in my office! Now!"
ok, coach, I'll be right there." He started to grab his clothes.
"I said now,
and I mean NOW! Move it!"
Ford, wearing only socks and a jock strap, hustled
into the coach's office.
What he saw made his blood run cold.
There, on the desk
were his private notebook filed with graphic sex fantasies, and a video tape. Not
only was he humiliated to have the coach find such personal stuff, but the
worst of it was that the coach would now know he was queer.
And if
his folks ever found out...
The coach slammed the door behind him.
"You're a disgrace, Ford;
a disgrace to the team and the whole school. What have you got to
say for yourself?"
"I - I'm sorry coach - please - I don't know what
came over me - please - I'll never do it again -"
"Stop blubbering, you
disgusting pervert! A queer like you deserves what he's got coming."
"What - what are
you going to do?"
"I’ll tell you what I ought to do! Give this stuff
to your folks and let them give you the punishment you deserve!"
Ford blanched. His
father was a fundamentalist preacher.
"Coach - they'll kill me - please -"
"And then I'm
gonna put copies of this disgusting filth in the lockers of your team mates."
"And I'll give you one guess what those horny young bastards are gonna do
to you when they read what you've written. They'll make your life a living
sexual hell."
"When those guys read that you've been including them in
your sicko fantasies, they're gonna stick it to you like you deserve. They're gonna
have at your faggot ass every day. Maybe I'll cut practice short to give
them plenty of time - with you on your knees in the shower!"
"Coach, please,
I'm sorry, I'll never do it again. I'll do anything you want, please -"
got to be punished, Ford. Punished severely."
"Please - can't you punish me yourself? Please!"
would your father do, Ford? Huh?"
"He'd beat my ass black and blue. Before kicking
me out of the house for good."
"Spanking, huh? Spanking and humiliation. Well, that's what
you deserve, Ford."
"Please - I don't care what you do to me - just
don't tell anyone. Please!"
"You'd better be sure, boy. I could humiliate you really bad."
Coach. Please punish me yourself. I can take it. Anything."
"Then get over here and
bend over."
The coach scooted his chair away from the desk and sat down, taking
off his belt. He pulled Ford down across his lap. Instead of letting him
put just his belly across, he forced the semi-nude boy further so that his
basket was between the coach's legs, with his torso off the chair. Ford had
to support his upper body by leaning down to the floor.
The coach spent a
moment admiring how the 18-yr-old boy's powerful shoulders and thighs tapered to his narrow
waist. How the two perfect melons of his ass were tightly clenched. He let
the folded belt dangle against the perfect, tight skin of Ford's butt crack. Then
he raised his arm high.
The boy gasped as the first lash of the belt
cracked against his naked ass.
As the blows rained down, the coach laid a pattern
of criss-crossed red marks against the boy's buttocks.
The first few blows stung, but Ford
was quiet. However, as his ass grew ever more sensitive, he was unable to
keep from crying out. Soon he was squirming in the coach's lap, tears in
his eyes.
Finally he stopped. Ford's ass was bright pink. The boy was breathing
The coach let his hand rest on the boy's butt. Ford shuddered.
"We're just starting,
Ford. Now that you're warmed up on the belt, you're going to taste the
sting of my hand." He slapped him, drawing a yelp of pain "It's gonna
be slow. I'm gonna keep your ass burning for quite some time. A long
"Long enough for you to read this whole notebook. Aloud."
"You do what I say, or
else. You know the alternative."
Without a word the coach threw the notebook
down to him. Ford swallowed hard and started to read.
As he read the lewd
text, the coach swatted him intermittently. In between, he let his hand linger, massaging
and teasing the tender flesh.
Ford, humiliated, read his own fantasies aloud. He felt dirty.
At the same time, the attention his ass was receiving, as well as the
sexual images he was forced to read, were combining to make his cock tingle.
He tried to fight it down, but his cock started to swell.
shifted a bit, trying to keep his cock from touching the coach's thigh. As
he did, he spread his ass a little and the coach's fingers slipped right
into his crack, against his anus.
Ford groaned. He squeezed his buns together, but the
coach kept his hand there.
"Spread your legs," he said huskily.
"Do as you're
told, boy. Let's get this real straight. You're gonna put out for me -
REALLY put out - or else."
"Let's just say you're gonna get
to live out your fantasies. ALL the way."
Silently, Ford spread his legs
a little and gasped as the coach's finger entered him. Began to fingerfuck his
"All right, boy. That story where Nick ties you down and makes you eat
his ass - read it aloud. Nice and slow."
that, the coach told him to stand up and strip. The boy, cheeks burning,
stood up to reveal his erection stretching the cloth of his strap. Silently, he
took off his socks and jock strap, buck naked, cock bobbing. The coach took
off his own pants and underwear. Seated in his desk chair, he ordered the
boy to stand with his back to him, straddling the chair. Then the coach
lifted the boy's legs, positioning him so that his hard cock was pressed down
on the coach's groin, cock to cock. Ford was forced to support his upper
body by leaning across the desk, all of the weight of his lower body
on his groin. The boy's powerful but shapely thighs were spread very wide, divided
around the coach's chiseled torso.
The twin mounds of the boy's ass were spread wide
as well.
Admiring the tight young sphincter displayed in front of his face, the coach
let his eyes feast on the vision of the boy's ass at his mercy.
The coach reached into a desk drawer and pulled out some lube. He squirted
it into the boy's luscious ass, as well as in between their pressed cocks.
The coach knew what makes an ass feel good, and he
did it to Ford. The boy, helpless, squirmed in his lap, grinding his hard
young slippery cock against the man's throbbing member.
Once he had the boy good and
hot, he picked up the strap from the floor and tossed it on the
desk. "Take a good whiff, boy."
He forced Ford to keep smelling his ripe sweaty
"And now you're gonna tell me a story. A sex story. You're gonna tell
it the way I want - hot and dirty. I want you to sound
like a two-bit whore in heat."
"Here's the story. The boys tie
you to a bench in the locker room. Your buddy Nick gives you a
good long fuck up the ass with his big dick. While he fucks you,
the other guys take turns sitting on your face. You are forced to eat
their butts while they jack off. Nick shoots up your ass while making you
come at the end. Got it?"
Moaning, squirming, and sniffing his own soiled jock, Ford
The coach forced him to add lewd detail to the story. The poor boy
got hotter and hotter. Finally, as the fantasy approached its climax, the coach slipped
his hand under Fords belly and worked the boy's slippery cock with his fingertips.
Just as Ford got to the cum scene, the coach forced the boy to
beg to be fucked.
Then he made Ford come - all over the coach's crotch.
his spasms subsided, the boy was forced to stand up with his back to
the coach. The coach got his handcuffs and snapped them on to the boy's
wrists then turned him around.
"You made a pretty big mess, boy; all over my
crotch. Lick it off. I want to see you eat every drop of your
own jism."
Ford groaned and knelt between the coach's legs.
"It feels like some of your
cum dripped down my ass, too. Way down." The coach pulled the boy's head
deep into his crotch. For the next 20 minutes, Ford licked the coach squeaky
clean; inside and out.
The coach took every advantage of his new sex slave.
With the video and handwritten diary in the coach's possession, Ford was helpless to
resist the coach's lewd demands. The worst part was, he was really enjoying it.
Once he had gotten over the shock, Ford found that being forced to talk
out and even act out his fantasies in front of the coach made the
sexy images even more compelling. Of course, the coach being the coach he was,
there were rules.
Every Sunday afternoon, the jock stud reported to the back door of
the athletic building for his main weekly session. Alone in the deserted building, Ford
performed whatever perverted fantasy the coach had worked up. Often he forced the boy
to have sex on video, using lewd sex toys while talking out hot fantasies
of the coach's choosing. Knowing that he would be forced to watch the tape
later got him all in a lather. Afterwards the coach would use him sexually,
coming up with variations to humiliate him. But no matter how humiliating the situation
was supposed to be, in reality the jock just got more turned on. Ford
spent hours with his face buried in the coach's buttocks or groin, servicing him
with his tongue and mouth, front and back. Then he would be well fucked
in a variety of ways. The coach rapidly found out the dirty little secrets
of Ford's fantasies, found the things that got him good and hot: Ass play;
rimming; group humiliation fantasies. And bondage; lots of bondage.
Then there were other weekday assignments.
Each week, he had to write a lewd sex story and give it to
the coach. Each day at team class or practice, Ford had to wear secretly
a set of ass beads up his rectum. He took a good deal of
teasing about his perpetual hard-on. Little did his teammates know the reason. And three
days a week he got a pass from the coach to get out of
study hall for private training.
These sessions, though short, were often very hot. Locked in
the sound-proofed, private training room behind the coach's office, usually in bondage, the boy
would watch the videos of his own degradation while the coach played with his
ass beads and jerked him off.
But sometimes there would be inventive games instead.
There was
one where Ford, nude, was impaled on a dildo, which was fixed to a
high stool, his hands cuffed overhead. The key to the handcuffs was attached to
a string, which passed up, over a pulley, and down to the bench where
it was on a ratchet spool. The handle of the ratchet spool was nestled
into the crack of Ford's ass. Each complete slide up and down the latex
dildo would move the ratchet handle once, raising the cuff key 1/2" closer to
his hands. At a distance of 80", it took 160 deep fucking strokes to
get the key. He had 40 minutes to do it before the next gym
class came in. The intense self-fuck made him so horny, coupled with the fact
that he was forced to watch one of his home-made porn videos at the
same time, that the coach would bring him off with only 4 or 5
strokes just at the moment he got the key. Helpless, he would squirm with
pleasure on the dildo while his cock spurted and spurted, unable to manipulate the
hard-won key until his orgasm subsided, often just minutes before the next class.
Another good
one was the butt-jerk game. Naked, he was bound face up on a low
bench. The coach would borrow a well-used jock from one of the boys' lockers
and stuff it in Ford's mouth. Then he would strip and straddle the helpless
boy, gripping Ford's cock in his ass cheeks. Using only his ass crack, he
would masturbate the boy's cock. The game: if Ford came this way, he would
have to spend the rest of the period eating the coach's ass. There were
several refinements, which made it a fun game. First, the coach made sure it
was very warm in the training room. Both of them dripped sweat, making the
masturbation really slick and sensitive. While he did it, the coach would talk dirty,
coming up with fantasies he knew turned the boy on. And, when Ford inevitably
came, he would position his ass so that a lot of the load would
get up his ass and all over the crack. Then the boy was forced
to slurp his own jism out of the coach's sweaty butt. Often the poor
jock could only hold off for 10 minutes, so that he had to orally
service the coach's asshole for half an hour.
Then, at the end of the first
quarter, Ford's humiliation took a new turn.
One day, as a big meet was coming
up, the coach had scheduled an extra practice for him one-on-one with Nick during
the last period on a Friday. The period before was one of his private
workouts with the coach. Ford was forced to stand spread-eagled as the coach worked
his ass with beads and a dildo and whispered a super-lewd fantasy (starring his
favorite fantasy-partner Nick) in his ear. The boy got super hot, but the coach
didn't jerk him off. At the end of the session, he ordered Ford to
get on his wrestling shorts, leaving the dildo up his ass, and that he
would have to practice that way. Humiliated, the boy did as he was told.
wrestling room was deserted except for him and Nicky. The coach left. They started
to wrestle.
Ford, already hot, couldn't get rid of his erection. Making it worse, Nick
was using moves that often put his well-endowed basket in the other boy's face,
and his hand in Ford's ass crack. Helplessly, Ford got even hotter as the
contact continued. Images of Nick from the coach's lewd fantasy distracted him. Nick rolled
him onto his back and got on top of him, grinding their groins together.
Ford struggled, attempting to free himself. Too late, he realized that he was about
to lose control. He struggled helplessly, managing to topple Nick for a moment, but
the boy reversed and swung around, planting his buttocks right on Ford's face and
pinning his shoulders as he leaned forward and grabbed Ford's inner thighs to pin
his legs. The
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