Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 03 Vostfr

Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 03 Vostfr


Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 03 Vostfr
Home 2015 décembre 28 Anime – Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa / Actually, I am…

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Un lycée qui réunit vampire , alien , démon et autres créatures surnaturelles… Bienvenue au lycée de l’anime Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa / Actually, I am… ! Une romance drôle et légère avec des créatures étranges et des couleurs de cheveux originales.
Synopsis : Kuromine Asahi est un lycéen incapable de mentir. Un jour, il découvre que Shiragami Yôko , la fille pour laquelle il a le béguin, est en réalité un vampire. Asahi saura-t-il conserver le secret de Yôko ?
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa / Actually, I am… / 実は私は est un anime produit par TMS Entertainment qui a été diffusé cet été 2015. L’anime est adapté du manga éponyme du mangaka Eiji Masuda prépublié au Japon dans le Weekly Shōnen Champion depuis 2013. La série Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa comporte une saison de 13 épisodes qui sont disponibles en VOSTFR sur Anime Digital Network .
Quand j’ai vu l’annonce de l’anime, j’avoue que les couleurs utilisées m’ont fait un peu peur. La majorité des personnages ont des cheveux de couleurs vives comme vert, bleu, rose, orange, etc. Et puis je voyais gros comme une maison que ça allait finir en harem autour du personnages de Kuromine . Mais j’ai quand même commencé Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa / Actually, I am… pour voir ce qu’il valait et ce fut une bonne surprise !
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa est un anime déjanté, très drôle et avec des situations rocambolesques . Je m’attendais à un anime de type harem sexy sans originalité mais c’est plus mignon et bon enfant que sexy. A chaque épisode, on a notre lot de situations bizarres et de surprises. L’histoire est simple et plutôt prévisible mais on arrive à tomber sur une tentative pour faire un curry qui foire totalement ou un concours de sexyness qui finit en concours de roulette russe avec des choux à la crème pimentée . En plus, les personnages sont hauts en couleur (pas que leur couleur de cheveux) avec leurs caractères parfois extrême et le fait que ce sont parfois des créatures surnaturelles , ce qui ajoute du piment à l’histoire et qui créé beaucoup de sous entendus et de quiproquos. D’ailleurs Kuromine et Shiragami forment un duo très mignon et très imbécile, mais je les aime bien pour ça !
Les couleurs et le charadesign me faisaient peur mais finalement l’ animation est sympa et c’est fluide . Donc même si les couleurs peuvent piquer les yeux, ça reste un anime agréable à regarder . Sinon l’opening Himitsu no Chodai de Ars Magna est assez enfantin, ce qui va bien dans l’ambiance de l’anime et la chanson met de bonne humeur même si le clip d’Ars Magna est ridicule. Aussi j’aime beaucoup les petites séquences à la fin de chaque épisode . C’est un peu absurde, parfois pervers mais c’est toujours sympathique à regarder.
Dans l’ensemble, Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa / Actually, I am… est un anime léger et agréable à suivre. C’est frais, drôle et puis on ne mise pas sur le côté hyper sexy. Et quand on a quelque chose de sexy c’est assez exagéré donc drôle en fin de compte. C’est un bon anime si vous voulez pas vous prendre la tête :)
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Emilia lives in a secluded forest covered in snow with the spirit Puck. The forest holds a secret: the elves who once lived there have been frozen into ice. Emilia is feared by the people living on the outskirts of the forest, but makes a humble living selling magic stones and warding off Magic Beasts. One day, however, her peaceful life is disrupted when the Great Spirit of Fire Melakuera decides to lay his judgment upon her.
if you like re:zero and want to sustain yourself With more lore then this prequel movie will definitely fill that role. Also for a prequel movie it does a good job setting up and building up two of the more important characters for the story. I kinda have the feeling that this is going to tie into the eventual 2nd season That finally got announced but Take that with a grain salt  If you want to suggest this to someone in a certain order I would say that you should watch this movie and the other 2018 movie mid way through the second arc of the first season Since there really isn't a defined time for these movies, and do to Subaru's death refreshing the world he's i we don't know if this is a permanent stay in the story line.
that being said I'll rate it as I do mostly shows, I won't spoil any this time so I'll be brief. 
first the animation, the quality is the same as the original series with some better lighting and effects but the big thing is no cgi at least none that I could notice. They did a good job. 
next is the sound honestly re:zero hasn't really done a good job with ambient sounds only in small moments of the series do you ambient/white noise in the background so this one only steps it up a bit. That being said when people step on snow or move around in it you expect to here the crunch of the snow. That being said the music was pretty good nothing stand out but they did a good job setting tones and scenes with the right music 
charectars are the same characters we know but given more back story, depth and development(considering their current selfs and their motivations) that was good as well
the story was good and it kept me interesed the whole movie, that maybe because I actually like these characters and have been invested in them. But they do a good job not allowing you to lose focus especially since prequels that are made to be watch after you watch some episodes in the season are hard to be invested in since you know which characters are going to live. So yes this show is well worth the watch and it helps build the word and lore. 
it's little bit higher and generous of a rating than I normally give but i am assuming that most people won't watch this until they have watched the first few episodes or more. Also when a series repeatedly does a good job creating a quality product I can't help to be a little more generous 
This was a fairly pointless addition to this show's catalogue. Emilia is a fairly underdeveloped character in the show as it is, and this special does little to change that. the plot chould easliy be described as generic. there's very little in the way of explanation or motivation for anyone involved. perhaps in the grand scheme it makes more sense, but as someone who hasn't read the light novels, it feels tacked on.
[Spoilers Ahead]
Re:Zero The Frozen Bond provides more backstory for Emilia as well as Emilia and Puck's relationship, and though it still leaves a considerable amount of questions unanswered, it still helps viewers understand the nature of their contract and how it came to be, plus it shows us something that we didn't know before, something not mentioned in re:sero S1 at all:
There are other elves out there besides Emilia, and a frozen forest full of them at that. 
As someone who was indifferent towards Emilia after watching season 1 of re:zero, my opinion was instantly changed after watching the frozen bond, I started liking Emilia as a character after I saw what she had to suffer through, among other things.  
All in all, this was a very enjoyable movie and I recommend that y'all watch it to find out more about Puck and Emilia! 
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