Jillicious Erotica

Jillicious Erotica


Jillicious Erotica
A Repository of My Personal Erotic Incest Fantasies

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BDSMLR didn’t last too long. I was banned without communications as to why I was banned. So I’m looking for a new place. I wasn’t unhappy with BDSMLR but it did, and continues to have, a lot of server problems. Oh well. Maybe I’ll just stick here at WordPress? I don’t know yet but we will see.
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Jillicious Erotica
Erotic Incest Stories

Nearly two weeks had passed since my sexual escapades with Jamie had begun. Of course Jordan tried to weasel his way into our fun nearly every morning. We had usually fucked our brains out at night and tried to be showered and ready for the day before Jordan was awake. No matter how hard we tried he always seemed to end up naked in our room. Despite Jamie's protests, I gave him a handjob a few times to satisfy his needs. There was a clear lack of love between Jamie and Jordan that had developed while I was away at college.
One morning Jamie had been particularly harsh towards Jordan while rejecting him. I really felt bad for him. He wasn't really doing anything we hadn't encouraged. His actions were a direct result of hearing our headboard pounding up against his bedroom wall every night. Their bickering was really beginning to grate at me. I had to find out what had happened between the two of them.
Just an administrative note. I've noticed that my stories page has become rather unwieldy. The longer it gets then the longer the page takes to load. I also have noticed that about 30% of my audience is likely to be on a portable device. So in order to cut down slightly on load times I have decided to "archive" all my stories prior to my switch to Blogspot.
I will occasionally archive stories, meaning I will take out the description of the story and add the link to the left hand side bar in place of what used to be some pretty fun web links. This should make the web page shorter and the page load slightly less.
You guessed it! Another brother and sister incest video. This week the video originated at a site called Wifecrazy.com. I love this video it was one of the first incest roleplay videos that really got be hot for roleplay VS actual incest. I can't tell you how many times I've cum to this one.
Enjoy and check back next week for another video. I'll even have another story for you.
I woke to the warming rays of the sunlight which had made its way to my face. I felt someone next to me and the memories of my previous night had come rushing into my mind. I couldn't believe the secret my sister had held on to for so many years. She had confided in me and together we both lost our virginity.
My eyes opened to the sight of Jamie smiling at me. "Good morning big sis."
I smiled back at her. "Good morning sexy."
"I'm so glad I found someone who understands. Someone who wouldn't make fun of me."
You guessed it! Another brother and sister incest video. This week was compliments of the show Californication.
Enjoy and check back next week for another video. I'll even have another story for you.
Boy, have I got a story to tell you. My name is Jessie. I am the oldest of three siblings. My parents only intended to have two children but they were given a surprise of twins during my mom's second pregnancy. To top it all off I'm only 14 months older. I guess they wanted to have their kids as fast as possible.
Everyone assumed that my younger sister Jamie and my younger brother Jordan were fraternal twins. They very well may be. On the other hand it is my sister who has blurred the lines of reality for me. I had never expected nor was I ever prepared for what I learned a few months ago. It is time I share our family secret. It is time to get this off my chest and out into the open.
Here is this week's incest video. Little brother goes into sister's room looking for something. He sees her talking on the phone naked. He whips out his cock and asks for a handjob, shenanigans ensue.
Enjoy and check back next week for another video. I'll even have another story for you.
I can not give enough thanks to Karen Miller for releasing me from the bonds of silence. I know we aren't supposed to have feelings of love and devotion to the other woman. In this case I have to make a large exception. Once I saw Dan giving her all his love I knew my life was going to be better. Matter of fact, once I learned that they had been lovers for seven years, I knew my husband would have to accept my marital offenses.
Dan never came home that night. I'm not exactly sure where he went. He may have just spent the night there at the church, I really don't care. That night I spent with my boys, in my bed, fucking me silly, and cuddling up to me throughout the whole night. I didn't worry about Dan's arrival. I actually wanted him to come home. I wanted him to see his sons in bed with his wife. I wanted to see the look on his face when my darkest secret would come out. I wanted him to know that I loved incest with my boys, and my boys loved me.
Here is this week's incest video. Again, it is a brother and sister fooling around. This time there is no fucking but just some masturbating together.
Enjoy and check back next week for another video. Maybe even another story.
Once I married Dan I was faithful to him, at least up until I started fucking my son Eric. I would fuck him any time he asked. My pussy ached for his large cock to fill me. I loved having his cum shoot up into my womb. I would fuck him nearly every day after school. It had become rather habitual actually. The only real concern we had was my younger son Alex. As long as I let him go hang out with his friends after school I could fuck Eric with no concerns.
Of course Alex was going to eventually find out, I see that now. At the time I figured I could have my way with Eric all I wanted without too much worry. Alex was always out doing his own thing and Eric was always at home doing me. I never worried much because Alex wasn't the type to come home early. He would stay out as long as he could, causing me to call around to eventually find out where he was.
Incest role play video. The dirty talk is really hot. I really got wet watching this. Who am I kidding? I couldn't make it through the whole thing without getting myself off. The picture quality is really low but the idea is so amazing.
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did. Be sure to look at my blog for another video next week.
This is not one of my better stories. With this story I try to move away from the first person viewpoint to a third person view. I'm not so good at it. The purpose being that perhaps in the future I can write a novella type story in a more general fashion that from one person's point of view. Depends if I improve at writing from this point of view.
A young sister, Lisa, needs a ride to the mall. Her brother, Jacob, has just recieved his drivers license. What will she have to do in order to convince him to help her out?
Like my last post mentions, I created a blog on Blogspot for the purpose of hosting my future stories. Although I will still upload basic text files to the Asstr FTP server . I've also come to the conclusion that there are some very orgasmic inducing media I could also share using the blogspot features.
Today I have posted an incest roleplay video called " Big Sister's Birthday ". I very much enjoyed watching it and I hope you enjoy it too. Please check back occasionally, I plan on adding similar content in the way of videos and possibly some incest captioned pictures.
I don't know if you have noticed, but it is a pain in the ass to code websites by hand. I really don't have time to do it anymore. Plus, if I decide to change something fairly basic I have to change it on all pages, a very unweildy process.
So starting today I will be publishing all my future stories on blogspot. Now this doesn't mean the end of ASSTR for me. They are a fantastic service. So in order to notify those who enjoy my stories of new updates, I will continue to publish a few paragraphs here. The only caveat will be that I won't publish the complete story here but will instead link to Blogspot.
All 'read more' and story title links will now open directly to Blogspot. This will provide everyone an opportunity to leave comments, no logins required. I have also set up a Questions page. Think of it as a FAQ but I would expect readers to be the one's asking the questions. I promise to keep it add free, or at the very least not obnoxious. Thanks for understanding.
There ain't nothin much to do in the rural territory of north east Idaho. Not too many folks live around these parts. There are cows of course, lots of cows. I do believe there are more cows than people round here. The people we do see spend a lot of time hootin and hollerin about makin the Idaho territory a state. That's just a part of life round here. It seems my daddy's lot in life is to grow them cattle so those city folks can have a side of beef.
Seems thats all people do around here is work. Work, work, work. I tell you there ain't but a small rest from workin. I do believe there is always cattle to be rustled, chicken eggs to collect, fences to be mended, horses to be groomed, and of course we have to feed 'em all. With all that feedin comes a whole pile of thier shit to be shoveled.
My ex-girlfriend, Alison, was a sick little bitch. There are reasons why we are no longer dating, but that has nothing to do with this story. Without her I would still be sexually demure. Despite our later differences, she pushed me into trying new things, being comfortable in my own skin, and loving women instead of the feel of getting my cock stroked.

I had been dating Alison for about six months before she started bringing incest roleplay fantasies into the bedroom. Now, many of you may find that disgusting and believe me, I understand. The first time she called me daddy was shocking; honestly, my dick had a hard time staying up. Nonetheless she continued calling me daddy any chance she got. She seemed to fuck a lot harder when she imagined I was her daddy. Her cunt juice flowed like a river around my cock during her incest roleplay.
I never expected what I saw. Instead of visiting my sister and seeing her interacting with her children she was no where to be seen. Her two kids were sitting in the living room watching television. Their toys were strewn about, as if their mother, my sister had ignored them for some time. "Where is your mom," I asked openly to both of them?
"She is in her room," said her oldest son.
"No, mom said she would feed us after she was done."
A story of story of betrayal. A story of hatred. A story of guilt. A story of RAPE.
Listed from newest to oldest, each installment can be read as a stand alone story. If you choose to read them in order then start at the bottom and work your way up.
The first time I ever saw Sherrie I was blown away. I tried to look up but I just couldn't stop gawking at her. Those things had to be the largest natural breasts I had ever seen. I had never seen a woman with so much jiggle up top. I didn't even know they made bras that big. I now know that a woman can buy an F cup.

I didn't start dating Sherrie because of her naturally large mammaries. Of course they have been a really enjoyable bonus to being with her but they are not why we are together. She is a wonderful woman, loving, kind, generous, intelligent, and surprisingly active. It was her personality and her smile that really attracted me. Her looks are average. I know thats a somewhat mean thing to say about a woman, especially considering I called her my girlfriend. Her nose was a tad larger, her cheeks are round just like her face, and she was certainly rotund.
A gentle breeze blew across my forehead; a nice respite from the sweltering heat of Las Vegas. My brother, Matt, and I had talked for years about coming to Vegas one day. A dream vacation for each of us. For years we had been putting it off due to one reason or another. I wasn't prepared for this impulsive trip. As far as I knew we were going to a movie. Instead, Matt started driving, away from the movie theater and towards Vegas.

We arrived just in time to see the sun set. The darkening sky contained a beautiful shade of pink which stretched across the horizon. In spite of our haste we were unable to see the Bellagio fountains spray jets of air across this perfect sunset. Instead we simply watched them in the dark of night with their artificial lights.
It starts as a sad story. My sister, Amanda, was in a terrible accident. She was riding in her friends car without her seatbelt on. Her best friend at the time was driving and texting. This horrible combination changed my seventeen year old sisters life forever. Suffice it to say she came out of the accident missing three limbs. It was an unfortunate traumatic hip disarticulation for both of her legs and a shoulder disarticulation for her left arm. A nearby off duty physician was able to stabilze her contidion. With his assistance her life was spared; with obvious disabilities.

Amanda had become quite adept with her right arm. She had no choice because it was the only arm she had. She could get herself dressed without too many issues. She learned to scoot around the house using her arm as a leg and her body as another. It is quite the sight to see her wobble back and forth as she moved forward. Our parents even bought a new one level house with no stairs to help aid in her recovery. They had the softest carpet installed and the kitchen was equipped with a little lift that would move Amanda upwards to reach the countertops and sink.
Kyle was expecting an evening of spectacular adventures. Not long ago his friend of many months and moon phases, Jed, had informed him of a most peculiar woman. He had also set Kyle up on a blind date with her. Jed made no mention of what made this woman of wonder so idiosyncratic and distinctive. The only thing he told Kyle was that his mind was about to be blown. He also told Kyle that Edwina does not disappoint. Edwina, he thought, Such a lumbering name.
Edwina's morning started as it always had. She would stretch out as long as possible with her arms above her head and her toes reaching further away. Oh, she moaned to herself, is it that time already? She pulled her down filled comforter back up over her head, quickly entering a daydream state. She imagined her blind date would proceed as they always do. An enjoyable evening up until they ask why she has a black sock on her arm. A sock to cover up a most vexing appendage.
My first attempt at poetry -- abysmal as it is. I don't expect any accolades for this one. But maybe a few laughs?
"Danger, Will Robinson! Dan-guu-weeaaar," the robot's voice had died out execrably.

If Penny Robinson had to listen to Robby the Robot's continuing malfunctioning programming any longer she would scream. Will had done his best to keep the damn pile of junk running after all these years. Long years lost in space with no clear destination. After the disappointment of misleading alien life in the Alpha-Centari system, they decided to head back to Earth. Along the way their computers had somehow miscalculated the course. And now they were truly lost in space. The only real explanation was the extreme magnetic interference from the junk planet they had once encountered.
Kyle was shocked at the sight. It was an unusually hard day at school and now instead of relaxing he would have to figure out how to deal with this situation. He was a clueless teenager that didn't even know what to say.

Before him stood a most gorgeous sight. She took his breath away, with her hair down and her body clad in a revealing baby doll. It was see through around her midriff. Through it Kyle could see the tiny thong. Her nipples were completely covered but the baby doll showed some impressive cleavage.
It started simply enough. I had convinced my parents to let me have one last slumber party before my friends and I headed off to college. The guests were just a few close friends, Crystal, Jen, Emily, Katie, and then there was me, I'm Karrie. It started off great with talk of silly things we did during high school and the occasional embarrassing moment. It wasn't long before our slumber party had digressed to a silly game, a mix of truth or dare and spin the bottle. The game was simple; a democratic vote on a dare followed by a spin of the bottle to see who had to carry it out. We affectionately called it bottle dare.
Our game started innocently. The dare was originally intended for us to share deep held secrets about ourselves. It wasn't long before it started becoming physical. Some of the dares given involved two spins, to decide the girls involved. My friend Crystal ended up kissing Jen, passionately. Then I had to suck on Emily's boob. Katie licked Jen's pussy, Crystal had to masturbate to orgasm in view of all of us, Jen had to get a spanking from all of us, Emily licked up Crystal's orgasm juice after she was done, and Jen and Katie scissored each other. Yes, our game had gone from sharing embarrassing moments to creating more.
I am still amazed at how much jealousy and vanity exists among all these church going women. Of course I would have never learned this had I not married Dan. Being the shepherd of a religious flock my preacher husband usually ended up resolving many of these quarrels. And by being his wife I sometimes got dragged into the middle of them. I had to be the example that all these envious women looked to. I didn't do it for personal social status. I did it for Dan because I really love him.
I wasn't always pretending to be the perfect woman. Before I met Dan I was a slut - A real whore's whore. I would fuck nearly any cock presented to me. My cravings for cock were so powerful that I often cheated on my high school boyfriend. A boyfriend who my parents absolutely hated. My dad would grit his teeth and smile every time I brought him home with me. Nearly every time my dad would remind me of my upbringing in his religiously conservative home.
This is an ongoing story split into chapters.
His cock pulsed with passion as his love juice filled my womb. He was in so deep I could feel his sperm crashing up against the end of my love tunnel. His firm grip on my ass lightened as his cock began to relax. I could feel his cock slide out, leaving my pussy feeling suddenly empty. It had been a while since we fucked doggy style. I missed the gentle kisses he usually gave me after sex. Instead he reached around and gave my breasts a nice little squeeze.
The hotel room was dark. Abbie lay nude on the stiff sheets of the hard bed. She felt like a little girl again. She was giddy and so in love like a young teenager with her first crush. She was so exited for what was about to happen, know
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