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Translating inspiration into brushstrokes that connect you to conservation

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Β will give you early access to new collections and products, and keep you up to date on studio news!
I am a marine life artist connecting people to a moment they shared in, on or by the sea. My mission is to connect you to conservation through my art. I hope to inspire you to protect our beautiful oceans and shorelines by connecting with the work I create. Born and raised in the Florida Keys, you can always find me near the ocean. Whether that be on a boat, snorkeling or simply admiring from close by. I find inspiration from bright and vibrant colors of sea life below and patterns and textures from the tropical flora above. I am a self taught artist whose work is easily recognizable for its vibrant colors and bold, clean lines. The use of fluid acrylics and inks, along with heavy body acrylics, gives my originals texture and movement, while making them simply one of a kind.Β 
Our Studio + Gallery is located right off of US -1 in the heart of the Morada Way arts district at 151 Morada Way, Islamorada, FL. Grab a beer at the Florida keys Brewing Co. and stroll the art district.
ALL IMAGES AND SITE CONTENT Β© Jessica Ann Art LLC | Design byΒ CloudTech

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Calculating combat length in number of rounds for a timed encounter.
A Map of Meyland, a section from the "Known World"
A Map of Meyland, a section from the "Known World"
Races of the Known World [Home-Brewery Doc]
To keep it simple, I'm attempting to create an encounter based around ticking clockwork enemies, and the gimmick here is that the party must defeat a certain number of enemies within a certain time. IE: They have to defeat X number of creatures within Y number of rounds.
Is there any way I could calculate the average number of rounds a party of 6 level 12s would need to defeat 6 Oaken Bolters? Ideally just enough time to be successful, but make their butts pucker.
Just in case the image above is compressed, here's a link to the full HD version.
This is the map I made in Photoshop for a weekly D&D 5E campaign based within my own universe.
Meyland is the primary home of the Dwarves, Halflings and Humans.
Following a long ancestry stemming from the titanic Nephilim, humans, though not historically a native species to the world, are its most numerous sapient species. Humans are industrious and curious by nature, and secured their prevalence in number over the other races through early migration--from the farthest stretches of the east to the ends of the west. Native to the continent of Mahdi in the western Tansin Planes, they migrated east towards Meyland to escape the Ak'teshi Empire, an empire of giants whom dominated vast swathes of land in early, ancient history.
Descended from the first humans by a mysterious curse that stunted human offspring, dwarves were forced by giants to work as miners in dangerous caves. During the rebellion against their giant slavers, they served the resistance as adept craftsmen and blacksmiths, eventually designing the first fortress that would fend off their would-be giant captors. Carved into the very mountains of Jorthrost, this fortress became the Dwarven capital of Duunhollow. From here, vast, labyrinthine tunnels stretch out under the world, from Karin Murr to Buur Muldaan.
Halflings were the last in the long, ancient line of stunted growth brought on by the mysterious curse that affected humans and then dwarves during their enslavement by the giants. Persecuted early on for their size, they were soon found to be valuable as farmhands given their natural affinity and preference for agriculture. After the exodus, halflings shared a close alliance with dwarves. With the dwarven construction effort and the halflings' masterful food cultivation, the war effort was able to persist until the fall of the Ak'teshi empire.
Today, Meyland in particular is home to a variety of these races. The primary powers within Meyland are the myriad city states across the nation, bound together by the Kinston Council, a collection of the most powerful of these city states, headed by Brannia Kinston, the latest in a long line of Kinstons--the family name that began the concept of the city state after the fall of the Ak'teshi Empire thousands of years ago.
The Karthan Commonwealth (Partly pictured)
Living in the prosperous trading empire of the Commonwealth, many merchants, exports and imports make their way to this part of the world. Serving as a central hub between both main continents of Maitreya and Mahdi, many come seeking their fortune. Their trading relations with Meyland especially have flourished, enabling the two powers to form a special relationship. Many great merchants, diplomats and leaders have emerged from the Commonwealth, despite it being a relatively young empire. Karthans are highly pious. Angelicism--the worship of angels, has spread with their empire. The High Chalice, the seat of Angelicist power, exerts great influence and control in the higher echelons of Karthan society.
Just in case the image above is compressed, here's a link to the full HD version.
This is the map I made in Photoshop for a weekly D&D 5E campaign based within my own universe.
Meyland is the primary home of the Dwarves, Halflings and Humans.
Following a long ancestry stemming from the titanic Nephilim, humans, though not historically a native species to the world, are its most numerous sapient species. Humans are industrious and curious by nature, and secured their prevalence in number over the other races through early migration--from the farthest stretches of the east to the ends of the west. Native to the continent of Mahdi in the western Tansin Planes, they migrated east towards Meyland to escape the Ak'teshi Empire, an empire of giants whom dominated vast swathes of land in early, ancient history.
Descended from the first humans by a mysterious curse that stunted human offspring, dwarves were forced by giants to work as miners in dangerous caves. During the rebellion against their giant slavers, they served the resistance as adept craftsmen and blacksmiths, eventually designing the first fortress that would fend off their would-be giant captors. Carved into the very mountains of Jorthrost, this fortress became the Dwarven capital of Duunhollow. From here, vast, labyrinthine tunnels stretch out under the world, from Karin Murr to Buur Muldaan.
Halflings were the last in the long, ancient line of stunted growth brought on by the mysterious curse that affected humans and then dwarves during their enslavement by the giants. Persecuted early on for their size, they were soon found to be valuable as farmhands given their natural affinity and preference for agriculture. After the exodus, halflings shared a close alliance with dwarves. With the dwarven construction effort and the halflings' masterful food cultivation, the war effort was able to persist until the fall of the Ak'teshi empire.
Today, Meyland in particular is home to a variety of these races. The primary powers within Meyland are the myriad city states across the nation, bound together by the Kinston Council, a collection of the most powerful of these city states, headed by Brannia Kinston, the latest in a long line of Kinstons--the family name that began the concept of the city state after the fall of the Ak'teshi Empire thousands of years ago.
The Karthan Commonwealth (Partly pictured)
Living in the prosperous trading empire of the Commonwealth, many merchants, exports and imports make their way to this part of the world. Serving as a central hub between both main continents of Maitreya and Mahdi, many come seeking their fortune. Their trading relations with Meyland especially have flourished, enabling the two powers to form a special relationship. Many great merchants, diplomats and leaders have emerged from the Commonwealth, despite it being a relatively young empire. Karthans are highly pious. Angelicism--the worship of angels, has spread with their empire. The High Chalice, the seat of Angelicist power, exerts great influence and control in the higher echelons of Karthan society.
Is this OC? And if, what did you use to create it?
Everytime someone gets a commision done or draws their character... it's a female. At least 9 times out of 10. Not to in any way put down the art, it's usually done very well. I just don't get how so many people play as female characters.
Disregarding the ratio of male to female WoW players, as a male I've never quite understood role playing in any game as a female. Maybe I'm the weird one but when I CREATE characters or have detailed control of their looks I try to make something I would want to look like or close to how I look. When you make characters are you not imagining yourself as this online entity or creating it in a way that you could imagine yourself emulating their feats? When I'm creating characters I feel connected back to when I was running around the woods with tree branches as a sword and how I imagined myself as a armored knight or stealthy rogue. That is the inspiration I'm pulling from and never was I suddenly a female in my imaginary play fighting. Maybe I think way too much into it but both consciously and subconsciously i've always characters that I could role play even in the slightest. And I just can't role play as a female because I'm not and nor do I want to be.
Now when it comes to fighting games(some) like say Super Smash Brothers I will play whatever characters fighting style I like, male or female. Or like Path of Exile where the classes are set gender wise I can play a female because that game is more temporary anyways and their isn't much in the way of customization. But a game like For Honor where some fighters are gender locked, I can't bring myself to play Valkyrie. I love the fantasy of using a spear and shield, but try as I might I don't find myself attached the character like say the Highlander. Because part of it for me is leveling up and getting new customization options to really make that character unique but I just don't care about different braid styles the Valkyrie has. Again maybe most people don't create characters like I do but I just can't get into playing as a female. On a similar note I won't ever play a gnome or goblin in WoW because they don't appeal to me.
If everyone had that outlook, we'd all be playing as humans.
And that's just so damn boring and lacking in imagination. In a fantasy MMO, I can play as anything I want. Why would I choose to just be a boring-ass human? :U
Why is she saving Draenei kid when she could be in Undercity purging with her kin?
I'm a bit sad. While the new models are definitely better detailed, I'm not a fan. The sheer baldness of their heads is really unappealing. Give them hair, enough horn to cover their scalp or more jewelry or clothing to cover up. That and you can see the seams around the genitals.
I did attempt that at one point, but people threw a shitfit.
Previous submissions to this subreddit:
I'm not talking about some anti-fascist organization, I'm talking about you are either a fascist or you are against fascism. What kind of middle ground do you feel exists?
A lot of anti-fascists seem to fall into the same tribalistic trap that too many politically-active people nowadays do--overlooking antifa's thuggery, apologia for violence for political aims... Honestly, just like how so many on the right seem to have a blind eye towards the racial identitarians in the far right.
I'm against fascism. I'm against any sort of autocracy or dictatorship. I just don't like how anti-fascism has become so widely associated with the black-clad thuggish, violent mobs of Antifa and the anarcho-communists, primarily since they're the most vocal and active supporters of anti-fascism.
Additionally, I believe the only legitimate form of fascism that's prevelant in today's society is in the form of the alt-right. And compared to wider society, they're too minuscule and powerless to be an active threat. We have too much demand for fascism as an enemy and not enough supply.
Then you are an anti-fascist. Simple, isn't it?
I choose my own labels, thank you very much. I will not let someone else do it for me.
Antifa and their anarcho-communist black-bloc buddies have tainted the label 'anti-fascist' too much for me to be comfortable using it.
Yes, it may sound counter-intuitive to you, but I am entirely comfortable just saying "I don't like Fascism" without ascribing to a label, particularly one that's become associated with such violent activism.
If you don't like that I'm not ascribing to the label, blame Antifa.
This is fantastic! I love these sorts of "planar alignments", if you will. Can't wait to see more!
Also, side note, are you the same Jessica Anner who makes those... adult animations, or is that just coincidence?
You are exactly right! I wasnt thinking about the anc./pri. and art./mag. axis. A well thought-out solution to a tricky naming problem indeed! Props to you :)

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View finished content 2 weeks early Access to screenshots of my work-in-progress content. 'Impish Patron' Discord role Access to HD variants of pinups
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All of the above rewards, plus...

Access voting for which content you'd like.
Access to soundless playblasts of animations.
Access to Desktop & Phone wallpaper pinup variants.
'Demonic Patron' Discord roleΒ 

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All of the above rewards, plus...Β 

Access to high quality playblasts of work-in-progress animations with sound
One custom emote on Discord. (DM me with your Patreon name and emoji image)
Access to pinup PSD files.
'Mountainfolk Patron' Discord roleΒ 

WHO ARE YOU?Β I'm an artist from the U.K. who enjoys expressing creativity through the form of 3D art and animation, and sometimes 2D digital art, but mostly 3D.
When I went and studied 3D animation at college, it opened up a huge new avenue of creativity for me and I gained a passion for animation and the opportunities and new ideas it unlocked.

I've further developed my talents through self-tutoring, experimentation and pure passion for my hobby, from which I've also gained fans. I've started up a Patreon where they can feel free to support me and where I reward my most dedicated of fans with behind the scenes features and early access to see my stuff!

WHAT DO I GET OUT OF PLEDGING TO YOU?Β It depends on your pledge tier! Every patron gets access to my finished content 2 weeks earlier than the public. As well as that, you get the 'Impish Patron'Β role in my Discord community which gives you access to the patron-only channel as well as watermarked screenshots of my work in progress. All you gotta do is pledge $2 per month. For those who want more, fear not! I have plenty. Those who pledge $5 will be granted the above as well as access to polls after every release to vote for the next piece of content I do. You'll also get access to un-watermarked behind the scenes screenshots of my work-in-progress content. Additionally, you'll be granted the role ofΒ 'Demonic Patron' role in my Discord community which gives you access to the patron-only channel. You'll also get HD access to any pinup stills I do. Β£10 per month will grant you to all of the above, plus watermarked work-in-progress animations (playblasts),Β the role of 'Mountainfolk Patron'Β which gives you access to the patron-only channel as well as a custom emote to use. You also get access to the neatly organized PSD files for any pinup stills that I make. Finally, Β£20 per month will grant you the 'Patron Overlord' role, which grants you access to both the patron-only channel as well as The Overlord's Chambers, a private channel where I post anything and everything, be in animations, works in progress, stream recordings, anything 3D related I'm doing, stills, renders, the whole shaboozy. You also get access to any animations I make two whole weeks earlier than other patrons. ____________________________________________________________________ SO WHAT'S YOUR WORK FLOW? HOW DO I KNOW YOU'LL DO REGULAR CONTENT UPDATES? My regular workflow is as follows: Complete new content (pinup/animation) In cases of animations, post up to Patreon for Overlord patron only viewing (2 weeks after, it becomes view-able to Impish patrons, then public 2 weeks after that) In cases of pinups, post up to Patreon for Impish patron viewing (2 weeks after, it becomes public) Post up poll with options for the next piece of content After 2 weeks, the poll comes down. Begin work on new content early before poll comes down if there is a clear poll winner. Post works in progress daily on Patreon and discord channels. Regular streams at:Β Repeat

I'll begin work on a longer, 5-8 minute animation complete with voice acting!
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By becoming a patron , you'll instantly unlock access to 441 exclusive posts
600 Townsend Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (833) 972-8766
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