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Gene Leonhardt, dad of Girl on YouTube bully rant, arrested for abuse.
Jessi Slaughter Breaks Down, Father Steps In
Jessi Slaughter pleads for the online community to stop posting nasty comments and videos after s...Read MoreRead More
March 26, 2011— -- The father of a Florida seventh grader whose profanity-laced video prompted online death threats last year has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his daughter.
Gene Leonhardt, 53, was charged by police in Marion County, Fla., with child abuse in the incident, which occurred last month.
According to the police report, first reported on the website Smoking Gun, the girl said she had been arguing with her father when he "punched her, causing her to have a bloody and swollen lips."
Leonhardt pleaded not guilty to the child abuse charge and was freed on $5,000 bond.
The girl, who goes by the screen name "Jessi Slaughter," saw her YouTube video rocket across the Internet last summer. In it, her rage boiled with violent threats and graphic language that she used against online tormentors she said were bullying her.
Her father also appeared on the video, angrily vowing to call the "cyber police" to get relief for his daughter.
"I'm happy with my life OK? And if you can't, like, realize that and stop hating you know what?" the then 11-year-old said in the video. "I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy."
"Because you hater-b*****s? You're just, like, jealous of me," she said. "Stop hating on me. I'm just a normal girl who's perfect in every way and you're just jealous."
She ended the video by giving the middle finger and blowing a kiss at the camera.
"I stand behind it 100 percent because it cleared up a lot of things that were posted," she told
"I just want it to kind of like turn positive," she said. "And I kind of do like the attention but I don't like so much negative attention."
Jessi created an Internet firestorm when she posted the nearly five-minute video raging against online bullies who had called her names and accused a friend of raping her.
But her online rage, posted to Stickam, a video-sharing site, and uploaded on YouTube, only prompted more hatred, this time from more experienced and vicious computer junkies.
Once her story hit the message boards of 4chan, an infamous and anonymous network of Web savvy users, the threats against Jessi started coming fast and furious. Members of Anonymous, a group linked to 4chan, quickly joined in, as did users of the like-minded site Tumblr.
They posted her full name, address and home phone numbers and death threats began rolling in.
At the time, a Marion County Sheriff's Office spokesman said that detectives there were investigating the situation to look for evidence of cyberbulling and cyber-stalking.
Authorities got involved after a series of phone calls and e-mails were made -- some of them "from some other time zone," Cochran said, warning detectives that a young girl was possibly being exploited online.
Her video, as well as a follow-up video in which her father rages against her bullies, have been seen by millions. There is even a remix that blends her rants with a Justin Bieber song.
In the second video, as Jessi sobs in front of the camera, Gene Leonhardt warns viewers to leave his daughter alone.
"This is from her father. You bunch of lying, no good punks," he said, raging into the webcam. "And I know who it's coming from because I back traced it. And you've been reported to cyber police and the state police."
In an exclusive interview in July with "Good Morning America" Gene Leonhardt said he was only trying to protect his daughter.
"As a father, I was just trying to support my daughter and get people to stop hating," Gene Leonhardt said.
Diane Leonhardt said the entire experience has been frightening.
"When this first started, we were very afraid,' she said.
Last year, Jessi's said her social life had largely been confined to her computer. She told that most of her friends are online.
"I don't really get along with people from school that much," she said. "They don't like me because they see me and they think I'm weird."
On Stickam, which has had its share of controversy over a proliferation of child pornography images, Jessi would chat back and forth with her cyber friends.
She was also active on the teen gossip site Sticky Drama. It was there, she said, that her nightmare started when another user took a picture of Jessi and a friend at a concert off the photo-sharing site PhotoBucket and posted it along with the rape allegation.
But Jessi, whose account has since been removed at Stickam, insists she's not too young for this kind of activity.
"I think age doesn't really matter," she said. "It's the person -- him or herself ... and how they deal with that."
Jessi told "Good Morning America" that she was sent to a mental health facility when authorities believed she might be suicidal. She insisted that she wouldn't kill herself, but said she could understand how someone could be pushed over the edge.
"I think that's completely wrong that people would taunt people to some degree that they would actually kill themselves over it," she said. "And that's actually completely wrong and whoever is doing it should be locked away for a really long time."
Internet security expert Parry Aftab, founder of, agreed that this back and forth of online rants and cyberbullying should have been stopped before it ever got to the point where Jessi was receiving death threats.
"At some point we need to have an adult in charge," she told "Good Morning America." "Don't try to take it into your own hands."

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It's easy to feel shock and disgust over the recent headlines about Jared Fogle's child pornography crimes. It's more difficult to grasp the fallout for the children themselves. Here, one woman looks back at her own harrowing past—and her drive to change the future.
The images have no beginning and no end. As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults touching me, giving me something to drink. I see lingerie in miniature sizes. My earliest memories are of being forced to pose for child pornography, of being sexually abused. 
I grew up near a major interstate highway. My abuser would bring me to rest stops so truckers could rape me. He connected with them via CB radio, and would bring me in a van so the deed could be done right there along the highway, or pick up the trucker and drive them back to wherever I was waiting. I remember them, from when I was just six years old. 
There were photos and "parties," too. I was made to dress in lingerie and then brought to warehouses, where men would be gathered with cameras. Other kids were there, too. We were given alcohol or injected with drugs to make sure we stayed calm, hazy, compliant. 
I don't remember protesting; I remember thinking this was normal. I didn't know any better. It wasn't until maybe sixth grade, when I was socializing with other kids at their homes and with their families, that I realized my life wasn't like theirs. None of my friends went to warehouses. None of them were touched. 
As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults touching me, giving me something to drink. I see lingerie in miniature sizes.
"This isn't fun anymore," I remember telling my abuser. It had never been fun, but the parties and touching were always framed as a privilege. You're such a special girl, he'd say. That's why you get to go to parties. That's why you get to have your photo taken. Since he cared about me so much, I thought he would of course allow me to bow out if I wasn't enjoying myself. Instead, he left my life. The abuse was over by middle school.
My coping mechanism was to bury myself in schoolwork. I was determined to go to college, which wasn't very common in my small town. My dedication to homework didn't win me any popularity awards, but I had a couple of friends in high school. I even had some boyfriends.
I was drawn to classes where I learned about gender and the psychology of abuse. I decided to pursue a Master's degree in gender and cultural studies. Researching prostitution and sex trafficking helped me put my own puzzle together. Truck stops are havens for child abuse, I learned—there is even a group called Truckers Against Trafficking to help end the association and eliminate the business. 
One of my favorite professors told me, "We study our pain." I certainly studied mine. I read that child abuse and these horrifying sex rings are about power and money, like everything else. The abusers need to feel powerful. The facilitators—photographers, parents, even police officers—need to get rich. 
My abuser was well connected—it was the only way to keep hidden the fact that there was a warehouse in our town hosting sex parties for pedophiles. 
It can be paralyzing to consider this kind of collusion. Is anyone trustworthy? Is any town safe? Do all humans have the capacity for such depraved behavior? Instead of making me feel worse, studying these patterns helps me cope. Many sexual abusers were themselves abused; it makes them feel powerful to turn around and do it to someone else, to inflict their childhood trauma on another child. It can feel exciting to them to keep this secret, to perpetuate it. 
Given my past, I'm never surprised when I find out someone is a pedophile or a sex offender. Not teachers, not public figures, not celebrities like Jared Fogle or Josh Duggar.
I threw myself into my work as a research scientist and advocate to try to make the cycle stop. By the age of 30, I was able to open myself up to a social life—and even, eventually, a husband. I came with a lot of baggage, but he saw me as I wanted to see myself. 
We adopted a son, who is now 10 years old. He came from a foster home, and in a way we may have saved him from abuse of his own. What does he know about my past? Only that "mommy had a hard childhood," and that my job is to "keep kids safe." Maybe someday I'll tell him the full story. 
Now, I'm even more horrified by the concept of child abuse. My role as a parent is to protect, and sometimes the mama bear comes out. Given my past, I'm never surprised when I find out someone is a pedophile or a sex offender. Not teachers, not public figures, not celebrities like Jared Fogle or Josh Duggar. I will occasionally get a creepy sense about someone—a vibe or demeanor that is consistent with both my memories and my research. I don't always make accusations, but I've had many difficult private conversations. Don't leave your child alone with that man, I'll advise a fellow parent. Just trust me on this. I don't want to publicly ruin a person's life if I don't have clear evidence that they are abusive, but I do want to protect my child and any child I can.
People's sixth senses about these things are often correct. When I've shared my story and named my abuser with people in my hometown, they nod. Yeah, I always thought something was going on there, they'll say. Then why didn't you say anything?! my brain screams. It's the only things that moves me forward: You have to say something. You have to ask the kids. Ask the person. Ask the police. Send in a tip. Raise a question. I had something to say, and I'm saying it now.
Due to the sensitive nature of her story, our subject has requested to remain anonymous, and we've removed identifying details from her account. If you suspect child sexual abuse in your town, please call the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's tipline at 1 (800) 843-5678, or report activity here.
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