Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. XIV (8/12)

Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. XIV (8/12)


Джером К. Джером «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» — Глава XIV

Young Jefferson only learnt to play one tune on those bagpipes (молодой Джефферсон научился играть только одну мелодию на этой волынке); but I never heard any complaints about the insufficiency of his repertoirenone whatever (но я никогда не слышал жалоб на бедность его репертуара; insufficiency — недостаточность, нехватка). This tune was "The Campbells are Coming, HoorayHooray!" so he said (эта мелодия была «Люди Кэмпбелла идут, ура, ура!», как он говорил), though his father always held that it was "The Blue Bells of Scotland (хотя его отец всегда считал, что это «Синие колокольчики Шотландии»)." Nobody seemed quite sure what it was exactly (видимо, никто не знал точно, что это), but they all agreed that it sounded Scotch (но все соглашались, что звучит это по-шотландски).

Strangers were allowed three guesses, and most of them guessed a different tune each time (незнакомым предоставлялись три попытки угадать, и большинство из них называло другую мелодию каждый раз; guess — гипотеза, предположение; догадка).

Harris was disagreeable after supper (Гаррис был хмурым после ужина), — I think it must have been the stew that had upset him (думаю, это, должно быть, рагу расстроило его): he is not used to high living (он не привык к роскошной жизни; high living — жизнь на широкую ногу), — so George and I left him in the boat, and settled to go for a mouch round Henley (поэтому мы с Джорджем оставили его в лодке и решили пойти пошататься по Хенли). He said he should have a glass of whisky and a pipe, and fix things up for the night (он сказал, выпьет стакан виски, /выкурит/ трубку и подготовит вещи = лодку к ночи). We were to shout when we returned (мы должны были крикнуть, когда вернемся), and he would row over from the island and fetch us (и он приплывет с острова и заберет нас; to fetch — принести, достать; сходить за кем-либо).


Young Jefferson only learnt to play one tune on those bagpipes; but I never heard any complaints about the insufficiency of his repertoirenone whatever. This tune was "The Campbells are Coming, HoorayHooray!" so he said, though his father always held that it was "The Blue Bells of Scotland." Nobody seemed quite sure what it was exactly, but they all agreed that it sounded Scotch.

Strangers were allowed three guesses, and most of them guessed a different tune each time.

Harris was disagreeable after supper, — I think it must have been the stew that had upset him: he is not used to high living, — so George and I left him in the boat, and settled to go for a mouch round Henley. He said he should have a glass of whisky and a pipe, and fix things up for the night. We were to shout when we returned, and he would row over from the island and fetch us.

"Don't go to sleep, old man (не засни, старина)," we said as we started (сказали мы, отправляясь в путь).

"Not much fear of that while this stew's on (попробуй засни: «не много опасения из-за этого», пока это рагу действует)," he grunted, as he pulled back to the island (проворчал он, гребя обратно к острову).

Henley was getting ready for the regatta, and was full of bustle (Хенли готовился к регате и был полон суеты). We met a goodish number of men we knew about the town (мы встретили много людей, которых знаем = знакомых в городе), and in their pleasant company the time slipped by somewhat quickly (и в их приятной компании время пробежало довольно быстро; to slip by — проскользнуть мимо; пролететь, пробежать /о времени/); so that it was nearly eleven o'clock before we set off on our four-mile walk home (так что было почти одиннадцать часов, когда мы пустились в нашу четырехмильную прогулку домой) — as we had learned to call our little craft by this time (как мы научились = привыкли называть наше маленькое судно к этому времени).

It was a dismal night, coldish, with a thin rain falling (была унылая, холодная ночь, шел мелкий дождь; coldish — холодноватый; довольно холодный); and as we trudged through the dark, silent fields, talking low to each other (и, устало бредя по темным безмолвным полям, мы тихо разговаривали /друг с другом/; to trudge — идти с трудом, устало тащиться; продираться сквозь), and wondering if we were going right or not, we thought of the cosy boat (и задавались вопросом, правильно идем или нет; думали об уютной лодке), with the bright light streaming through the tight-drawn canvas (и ярком свете, льющемся сквозь туго натянутую парусину; to draw — тащить, тянуть); of Harris and Montmorency, and the whisky, and wished that we were there (о Гаррисе и Монморенси, о виски, и нам хотелось быть там).


"Don't go to sleep, old man," we said as we started.

"Not much fear of that while this stew's on," he grunted, as he pulled back to the island.

Henley was getting ready for the regatta, and was full of bustle. We met a goodish number of men we knew about the town, and in their pleasant company the time slipped by somewhat quickly; so that it was nearly eleven o'clock before we set off on our four-mile walk homeas we had learned to call our little craft by this time.

It was a dismal night, coldish, with a thin rain falling; and as we trudged through the dark, silent fields, talking low to each other, and wondering if we were going right or not, we thought of the cosy boat, with the bright light streaming through the tight-drawn canvas; of Harris and Montmorency, and the whisky, and wished that we were there.

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