Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. X (1/10)

Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. X (1/10)


Джером К. Джером «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» — Глава X

Our first night (наша первая ночь). — Under canvas (под брезентом). — An appeal for help (просьба о помощи; appeal — призыв; просьба, мольба). — Contrariness of tea-kettles, how to overcome (упрямство чайника, как /его/ преодолеть; to overcome — побороть, преодолеть). — Supper (ужин). — How to feel virtuous (как почувствовать себя добродетельным). — Wanted! A comfortably-appointed, well-drained desert island (требуется уютно обставленный, хорошо осушенный необитаемый остров; to appoint — назначать, определять /время, место/; устраивать, обставлять; desert — заброшенный; необитаемый, безлюдный), neighbourhood of South Pacific Ocean preferred (предпочтительно в южной части Тихого океана; neighbourhood — близость, соседство, сопредельность). — Funny thing that happened to George's father (забавная вещь, случившаяся с отцом Джорджа). — A restless night (беспокойная ночь; restless — беспокойный, тревожный).


Our first night. — Under canvas. — An appeal for help. — Contrariness of tea-kettles, how to overcome. — Supper. — How to feel virtuous. — Wanted! A comfortably-appointed, well-drained desert island, neighbourhood of South Pacific Ocean preferred. — Funny thing that happened to George's father. — A restless night.

HARRIS and I began to think that Bell Weir lock must have been done away with after the same manner (мы с Гаррисом начали думать, что с Бель-Уирским шлюзом, должно быть, разделались таким же образом). George had towed us up to Staines, and we had taken the boat from there (Джордж дотянул нас до Стэйнса, и мы /с Гаррисом/ повели лодку оттуда), and it seemed that we were dragging fifty tons after us, and were walking forty miles (и казалось, что мы тянем за собой пятьдесят тонн, и идем /уже/ сорок миль). It was half-past seven when we were through, and we all got in (было полвосьмого, когда мы закончили /тянуть/ и все влезли /в лодку/), and sculled up close to the left bank, looking out for a spot to haul up in (и пошли на веслах около левого берега, высматривая место, чтобы высадиться; to haul up — поднимать; останавливаться).


HARRIS and I began to think that Bell Weir lock must have been done away with after the same manner. George had towed us up to Staines, and we had taken the boat from there, and it seemed that we were dragging fifty tons after us, and were walking forty miles. It was half-past seven when we were through, and we all got in, and sculled up close to the left bank, looking out for a spot to haul up in.

We had originally intended to go on to Magna Charta Island (мы первоначально намеревались пристать к острову Великая Хартия Вольностей), a sweetly pretty part of the river, where it winds through a soft, green valley (к очаровательному месту: «части» реки, где она змеится по ровной зеленой долине; soft — мягкий, легкий; приятный; пологий, ровный), and to camp in one of the many picturesque inlets to be found round that tiny shore (и заночевать в одном из многочисленных живописных заливов, которые можно найти у того крошечного побережья; inlet — узкий морской залив; фьорд). But, somehow, we did not feel that we yearned for the picturesque nearly so much now as we had earlier in the day (но почему-то мы не ощущали, что теперь жаждем живописного так же сильно, как раньше днем = утром). A bit of water between a coal-barge and a gas-works (немного воды между угольной баржей и газовым заводом) would have quite satisfied us for that night (вполне бы удовлетворило нас в эту ночь). We did not want scenery (мы не хотели пейзажа). We wanted to have our supper and go to bed (мы хотели поужинать и лечь спать). However, we did pull up to the point — "Picnic Point," it is called (тем не менее, мы подгребли к мысу — он называется «Мыс Пикник»; point — точка, пункт; тонкий конец, выступающая часть: мыс, коса) — and dropped into a very pleasant nook under a great elm-tree (и зашли в очень приятную бухточку под большим вязом; to drop into — случайно зайти, заглянуть; nook — угол/ок/, бухточка), to the spreading roots of which we fastened the boat (к разросшимся корням которого мы привязали лодку).

Then we thought we were going to have supper (потом мы собирались поужинать) (we had dispensed with tea, so as to save time) (мы обходились без чая /до этого/, чтобы сэкономить время), but George said no (но Джордж сказал «нет»); that we had better get the canvas up first, before it got quite dark (что нам лучше сначала натянуть брезент, до того, как станет совсем темно), and while we could see what we were doing (и пока мы можем видеть, что делаем). Then, he said, all our work would be done (тогда, сказал он, вся работа будет сделана), and we could sit down to eat with an easy mind (и мы сможем приняться за еду с легким сердцем).


We had originally intended to go on to Magna Charta Island, a sweetly pretty part of the river, where it winds through a soft, green valley, and to camp in one of the many picturesque inlets to be found round that tiny shore. But, somehow, we did not feel that we yearned for the picturesque nearly so much now as we had earlier in the day. A bit of water between a coal-barge and a gas-works would have quite satisfied us for that night. We did not want scenery. We wanted to have our supper and go to bed. However, we did pull up to the point — "Picnic Point," it is calledand dropped into a very pleasant nook under a great elm-tree, to the spreading roots of which we fastened the boat.

Then we thought we were going to have supper (we had dispensed with tea, so as to save time), but George said no; that we had better get the canvas up first, before it got quite dark, and while we could see what we were doing. Then, he said, all our work would be done, and we could sit down to eat with an easy mind.

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