Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VI (12/12)

Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat» — Ch. VI (12/12)


Джером К. Джером «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» — Глава VI

Harris thought at first of pretending that that was what he had been aiming at (Гаррис подумал сначала сделать вид, что это /именно/ то, к чему он стремился); but the crowd looked dangerous, and he decided to treat it as an accident (но толпа была раздражена: «выглядела опасной = угрожающе», и он решил отнестись к этому как к случайности; to look dangerous — быть в раздраженном состоянии; dangerous — опасный; to treat as — относиться, рассматривать).

Anyhow, they had got something to start from then (во всяком случае, у них теперь было что-то, с чего начинать; to start from — исходить, начинать с). They did know where they were, and the map was once more consulted (они знали, где находятся, и еще раз сверились с картой; to consult — советоваться, справляться), and the thing seemed simpler than ever, and off they started for the third time (и дело казалось проще простого, и они отправились в путь в третий раз; to start off — начинать путешествие, трогаться).

And three minutes later they were back in the centre again (и три минуты спустя они снова вернулись в центр).

Harris thought at first of pretending that that was what he had been aiming at; but the crowd looked dangerous, and he decided to treat it as an accident.

Anyhow, they had got something to start from then. They did know where they were, and the map was once more consulted, and the thing seemed simpler than ever, and off they started for the third time.

And three minutes later they were back in the centre again.

After that, they simply couldn't get anywhere else (после этого они просто не могли попасть куда-нибудь еще). Whatever way they turned brought them back to the middle (в какую бы сторону они ни сворачивали, /это/ приводило их обратно в середину = в центр; to bring). It became so regular at length, that some of the people stopped there (в конце концов это стало настолько регулярным, что некоторые останавливались/оставались там), and waited for the others to take a walk round, and come back to them (и ждали, пока остальные сделают круг и вернутся к ним; to take a walk — прогуливаться). Harris drew out his map again, after a while (Гаррис вытащил карту снова через некоторое время), but the sight of it only infuriated the mob (но ее вид лишь привел толпу в ярость), and they told him to go and curl his hair with it (и они сказали ему пустить ее на папильотки: «накрутить волосы на нее»; to tell; to curl — завивать/ся/, скручивать/ся/). Harris said that he couldn't help feeling that, to a certain extent, he had become unpopular (Гаррис сказал, что не мог не чувствовать, что до некоторой степени стал непопулярным = утратил популярность).

After that, they simply couldn't get anywhere else. Whatever way they turned brought them back to the middle. It became so regular at length, that some of the people stopped there, and waited for the others to take a walk round, and come back to them. Harris drew out his map again, after a while, but the sight of it only infuriated the mob, and they told him to go and curl his hair with it. Harris said that he couldn't help feeling that, to a certain extent, he had become unpopular.

They all got crazy at last, and sang out for the keeper (наконец они обезумели и /стали/ громко звать сторожа; crazy — ненормальный, сумасшедший; to sing out — кричать; выкликать), and the man came and climbed up the ladder outside (он пришел и поднялся по лестнице снаружи), and shouted out directions to them (и выкрикивал им указания). But all their heads were, by this time, in such a confused whirl (но их головы к этому времени были в таком спутанном смятении = в головах была такая путаница; whirl — вихрь, кружение; суматоха, разброд) that they were incapable of grasping anything (что они были неспособны сообразить что-нибудь; to grasp — хватать/ся/, понимать, осознавать), and so the man told them to stop where they were, and he would come to them (и поэтому сторож сказал им оставаться на месте: «остановиться, где они есть», и что он придет к ним). They huddled together, and waited; and he climbed down, and came in (они собрались в кучу и ждали; а он спустился /с лестницы/ и вошел /в лабиринт/; to huddle — валить в одну кучу; собираться вместе, жаться друг к другу).

He was a young keeper, as luck would have it, and new to the business (он был молодым сторожем, как нарочно, и новым для этого дела = новичком); and when he got in, he couldn't find them, and he wandered about (когда он вошел, то не смог найти их и /начал/ бродить), trying to get to them, and then he got lost (пытаясь добраться до них, а потом он сам заблудился; to get lost).

They all got crazy at last, and sang out for the keeper, and the man came and climbed up the ladder outside, and shouted out directions to them. But all their heads were, by this time, in such a confused whirl that they were incapable of grasping anything, and so the man told them to stop where they were, and he would come to them. They huddled together, and waited; and he climbed down, and came in.

He was a young keeper, as luck would have it, and new to the business; and when he got in, he couldn't find them, and he wandered about, trying to get to them, and then he got lost.

They caught sight of him, every now and then (они видели его: «ловили его вид» время от времени; to catch sight of — замечать, видеть), rushing about the other side of the hedge (мечущегося по ту сторону изгороди; hedge — /живая/ изгородь; ограда), and he would see them, and rush to get to them (а он видел их и пытался добраться до них; to rush — бросаться, мчаться, устремляться), and they would wait there for about five minutes (и они ждали около пяти минут), and then he would reappear again in exactly the same spot (а потом он появлялся снова на том же самом месте), and ask them where they had been (и спрашивал их, где они были).

They had to wait till one of the old keepers came back from his dinner before they got out (им пришлось ждать, пока один из старых сторожей не вернулся с обеда, прежде чем они выбрались; to get out).

Harris said he thought it was a very fine maze, so far as he was a judge (Гаррис сказал, он думает, это замечательный лабиринт, насколько он может судить: «насколько он был судьей»); and we agreed that we would try to get George to go into it, on our way back (и мы договорились, что попробуем завести туда Джорджа на обратном пути; to agree — соглашаться; уславливаться, договариваться).


They caught sight of him, every now and then, rushing about the other side of the hedge, and he would see them, and rush to get to them, and they would wait there for about five minutes, and then he would reappear again in exactly the same spot, and ask them where they had been.

They had to wait till one of the old keepers came back from his dinner before they got out.

Harris said he thought it was a very fine maze, so far as he was a judge; and we agreed that we would try to get George to go into it, on our way back.

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