Jerking Off With Lube

Jerking Off With Lube


Jerking Off With Lube
How is jerking off with lube possible?
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I'm a guy (mid 20s) and I've never understood how people jerk off with some sort of lubricant... I mean the dick just slips out of your hand. My dick is of large size and when I tried it, it just kept slipping out -_-. Really baffles me as to how/why other guys do it. When I jerk it I dont use any lube and i have no problems.
I'm sure you can find some videos online to see what other guys do with and without lube and how it works for them.
I think the question is if you masturbate by slipping your hand up and sown the shaft, or if you do it by holding an area and tugging your skin up and down. I'm not sure if the latter is possible if you are circumcised.
If people use the first technique lube will help. With the second lube doesn't really help much.
Maybe try just lubing up the glans if you use the second technique. It is awesome, but messy.
I'm not sure if the latter is possible if you are circumcised.
It's quite possible. For some of us, the sensitivity is more on the shaft than the tip. Or, for me, the glans is so sensitive as to be uncomfortable.
That's the point. It's supposed to slip out. It like forces you to grip harder, so you get more pleasure.
Also.... You could be putting to much on. Just try lubing the tip up ?

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jaglad in reply to At1012 3 years ago
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MikeAnthony92 in reply to Ericd 3 years ago
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Hey! I got a loose circ last year. Lube is definetly not mandatory in my case but I’d really like to make my jerk off sessions better, and I think a good lube will get the job done.
In my opinion best lube secrets from Vagina.
Use coconut oil. It’s not specifically lube, but it is better because it keeps your skin healthy. Out of curiosity how loosely cut are you? Also is there any discomfort? Also let me know where you fall on the foreskin coverage index scale, here is the website:
I occasionally use the wifes silky nightie.
Tried coconut oil yesterday! It was awesome man. My glans was really sensitive which was really hot.
If you have any questions feel free to hit me up!
Ci-4 to me is the perfect circumcision in both flaccid and erect because the sensitive corona and frenulum and neck of the penis are protected while flaccid and while erect the most sensitive parts of the penis are exposed. Did you get to keep your frenulum? Also when were you circumcised? I love coconut oil.
Coconut oil was amazing! It lasted like for ever hahaha. I used to think my circ style was not normal, because my glans was partially covered when I was soft (circumcision is not really common in my country so there were a lot of thing I didn’t know about the procedure).
I had my frenulum removed, what a shame hahaha. What about you?
My frenulum is completely intact. Also my frenulum is attached to a remnant of my ridged band. My circumcision left me at a CI-0. It was so tight that the skin would break open during erections. It was a very strange circumcision because they removed 90% of my outer foreskin/shaft skin, but I got to keep all my inner skin. I could orgasm multiple times in a day, but it was uncomfortable and painful. During orgasm I had pain in my scrotum area because there wasn’t enough of the so called useless skin lol. To try and prevent the pain I would push on the pubic fat after orgasm. I also had trouble wearing clothing because of irritation because my penis pointed at a weird angle because of excessive skin removal. In addition I had irritation in my scrotum constantly throughout the day because of excessive skin loss. To remedy my problems, I have been restoring my foreskin, which I have been doing for 4 months. I am now between a CI-1 and CI-2. The difference is amazing because all those problems went away. My sensation has increased dramatically because I have more skin. I was circumcised as an infant. My parents should have done their research. A partial circumcision is perfect because it accommodates for all different penis types. I am a major grower, which is why you need to be more lenient when removing the foreskin from the penis while being an infant. One step at a time and one day I will be a CI-4.
How much inner foreskin do you have? Why were you circumcised and at what age?
Nice! Congrats on solving your problem man. I saw your pics and I could really tell how stretched your skin was when you were erect, since you really are a grower hahaha.
I don’t really know how to tell how much foreskin do I have left, I can send you pictures of you like!
I got circumcised last year, I was 20. My foreskin was getting really tight lol it was really uncomfortable
My skin used to be even tighter before I even started restoring.
Makes sense, that must of been painful to have tight foreskin. It was good you had the circumcision because a man with phimosis could end up with Para-phimosis.
I am 32 years old. You can start a thread here with your pictures.
I think your circumcision was low and loose. This means you kept your shaft skin and some outer foreskin and your scar line must be located very close to your glans?
It’s close but not a lot! It looked like it was really close a few month after the procedure lol, since I was so swollen
So coconut oil is the best lube then mate....what makes it so good then if you don’t mind me asking?
Circumcised guys without a foreskin who try to masturbate without lubrication are likely to experience friction irritation and pain.
The best lubrication for masturbation is the human foreskin. The highly innervated, erogenous, internally-lubricated foreskin (about 15 square inches) is secured only at each extremity and is not attached to the underlying shaft of the penis. It is internally lubricated with lymphatic fluid and glides up and down the shaft of the penis without friction and without pain, stimulating the whole shaft and head of the penis. The foreskin is filled with pleasure nerves that are stimulated by stretching and motion. This makes it ideal for masturbation.
Circumcision de-foreskins the penis, removes 15 square inches of highly-innervated erogenous tissue, shortens the available skin, and makes the residual skin taut and immovable. Nineteenth Century doctors thought that would make masturbation impossible. It did not actually make it impossible but it made it harder to do and less fun.
Foreskinned males usually do not need additional lubrication. They can go at it 24/7 without harm.
If you don’t have a foreskin, then you probably will need external lubrication to compensate for the loss of your foreskin. You will need to learn to slide your hand up and down the shaft. Some males purchase a personal lubricant, which is designed to provide lubricant for sexual intercourse. (Brand names are not named here.) Others may use petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline (which is greasy), baby oil, vegetable oil, coconut oil, or saliva. Some foreskinned males also like to use lubrication, although it is not strictly necessary for men with foreskins.
Products with harsh and irritating chemicals should be avoided. Shampoo and body wash have been reported to cause irritation, so should not be used
Soapy water dries out the natural oils so it should be avoided as a lubricant. It should be used only for emergency masturbation.
Most men report a reduction in sensation after circumcision.
I thought the vagina would be the best lubricant lol?
It depends on the individual to some extent.
Well it naturally lubricates regardless of whether the guy is cut or uncut. I have heard that an uncut dick can lubricate the ass lol.
Yep I am lol, but only if the uncut guy lubricates enough lol
Coconut oil and baby oil is Good silky slide to good messy ending try lol mind wash hands after or it will be oil stained clothes etc spunk washes out so that's ok but oil dosent lol
I don't really need lube but can be fun sometimes. Olive oil is used traditionally here and it works... as I imagine coconut oil will .. but it is messy. I like a parabens free water based lube (so ok to use with condoms too if you need). Try Amazon. Boys Own Lube or liquid silk are good.
I use coconut oil. If not able to get it means you may use a water-based gel or lube.
I've been using Astroglide with fantastic results. Use the water based.
Yes i agree too. For the 1st time i tried astroglide it felt really good on my penis. And the sensation and everything. I like it because it doesn't leave you all sticky and what not. And it jus feels great lol.
Absolutely. By the way I get the 5 oz. Bottle at Wal-Mart for around 9 dollars. Just to let you know.
Same here too. Nice. Hreat minds think a like haha.
I'm in Rhode Island. Where are you located?
Do you really? Nice. Yeauh that place isnt far from me tbh.
Yes I do she's a retired school teacher
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By Guest | 93 posts, last post a month ago

Sasa Milosevic, MD
answered this
(Anal) Sex Lubricants And Safety Issues

what is the best lubrication for masturbation?

No, baby oil (mineral oil) while nice and slippery, will plug pores. And, you can't use it with anything rubber, laytex or vinyl because it will rot it.

The best lube is water based, and you can find personal lubricant at most drug stores/pharmacies/wal-mart, etc.
Now, some sex stores will sell "Boy Butter" which is an oil based lube for this behavior, but another great option is Abolene hair product... which is about the same as other oil based sex lubes, that go by more seductive names, but are the same product.

Many people recommend "Wet", or "Slippery", or "KY Jelly" or "KY Liquid"... all are water based. Anything along these lines are very good.

But stay away from soaps and vasolene as they are both trouble in different ways.

The ideal lube is as close to a woman's natural lubricant as possible.
Good luck.

Best thing I have ever used and still do is alcohol hand cleanser. Sting a little for the first minutes, then it's awesome. You can even mix it with some hand cream.

In reply to Guest on 2008-10-21 - click to read

I'm going to tell you all the lubes I use. Since I'm 14 I can't buy actual lube yet, but I masturbate every day and use lots of different lubricants.

Conditioner- If you use one that's not harsh, it won't burn at all. Feels great. Not too slippery though

Olive oil- Very lubricating and slippery. It's very hard to wash off though since its water resistant.

Foot exfoliating gel- The one I have has little grains of sand in it, and it feels awesome on the head of your penis. So if you like a little pain, definitly use this.

Your own spit- Spit in your hand, and rub it on your penis and hands, then stroke your penis.

Butter/ margarine oil- By far the BEST lubricant I've ever tried. I use it a lot. Just get a good size of it in your hand, and rub it all over your hands, then stroke from the head of your penis all the way down. Feels awesome! And it's really slippery and easy to wash off. It also makes your penis all shiny, which I like because it looks nice. Also, if your laying down when you cum, your cum will explode all over your chest because the butter just feels so nice! One day I edged all day ( masturbating and stopping just before cuming ) and when I finally jerked off all the way, the cum went all over my chest and even on my face.

Your own cum- One day when you masturbate, save your cum in a small container, and the next time you masturbate, use it as your lube. It's very slippery.

In reply to anonymous on 2015-12-01 - click to read

Are you telling me that you used your own cum as lubricant?
If not then how the |profanity| do you know it's very slippery?!

In reply to anonymous on 2017-05-30 - click to read

I have used my cum and friend's cum as lube

Hair gel the Best!! Can keep it with you nobody knows what you use it for. Slick just like real thing- no odor and you don't even have to wash it off non sticky dries clear. . Have 60 years experience !! keep on stroken good for prostate! BEST brand Garnier Fructis Styling Pure Clean Gel

In reply to anonymous on 2015-12-01 - click to read

Uhh Masturbating everyday is bad only like 2 or 3 times per week
5 max per week

Spit I find that if you spit on your hand it works wounders and no need tof wash it off either it dries as if nothing was there

Guys I'm 13 and I need some advice is olive oil safe to use and does it increase the size of your penis because mines pretty small

In reply to anonymous on 2015-12-01 - click to read

In reply to anonymous on 2017-06-07 - click to read

Your friend just gave you cum in a container?

In reply to anonymous on 2017-08-31 - click to read

1) wouldn't recommend it. It's just as easy to masturbate without it
2) spit or butter works really well


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