Jennifer Walcott Playboy

Jennifer Walcott Playboy


Jennifer Walcott Playboy
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There are many people who think that beautiful models have an easy walk through life. But as you’ll find with Jennifer Walcott, her path to success was anything but easy.
It’s normally a general consensus that great-looking people get through life much easier than those who were born a little shorthanded in the gene pool department. In fact, that extremely attractive people get more positive attention has been proven time and time again through various studies and even in a 20/20 special.
On average, people who are very pleasing to the eyes receive better service in stores, get the best tables in restaurants, and have an easier time getting jobs, pay raises, and promotions. So it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion that all sexy people will get through life with far less hardships than the rest of us, right?
While it may seem like this to many average-looking people, the reality is that there are many beautiful people who struggle through the various points of life as well. One great example of a person like this is the famous Playboy and model Jennifer Walcott.
At first sight of Jennifer Walcott, you might think that I was crazy for even suggesting that she would ever have trouble doing anything that she set her mind to. Her unbelievably curvy body, long legs, and picture perfect face make Jennifer a dream brunette and the type of woman that most guys can only dream of being with. But as the old saying goes, looks can be deceiving and, despite her beauty, Jennifer Walcott’s rise to fame was certainly no cakewalk.
Growing up far, far away from the glitz and glamour that embodies the modeling industry of Southern California or the lavish parties at Hugh Heffner’s Playboy Mansion, Jennifer’s beginnings were very humble. She was born in Youngstown, Ohio, a city that typifies the Rust Belt area of America. Sitting in the Steel Valley, Youngstown’s gray skies practically tell the story of a city long forgotten by the consumer-based economy that has come to dominate the US.
Being brought up in a poverty stricken city that lives and dies with the manufacturing world might keep most people down. But not Jennifer Walcott as she had a very active childhood. She excelled at ballet dancing as a young girl... In fact, she got into it when she was just 3 years old.
Jennifer kept up with her ballet for the next 10 years and even had the opportunity to train at some of the top schools in the country. But dancing wasn’t the only thing that she was passionate about as her poetry won acclaim as well. A Reader’s Digest poetry contest in Ohio saw Jennifer take first place which further cemented her status as an excellent poet.
Jennifer would eventually quit her ballet and focus instead on her academics and cheerleading. It is at this point when she actually realized that her looks could lead to a possible modeling career.
After graduating from high school, Jennifer decided to go and visit her boyfriend who had just moved to Los Angeles. While in California, she began to become accustomed to the reality that any aspiring model would seriously benefit from living in the L.A. area. So, in pursuit of a dream, Jennifer returned to Youngstown to collect her stuff and then moved out to Los Angeles. And this is where the all-American girl life that she had lived up until this point ended and where her struggles to make it in the super competitive modeling industry began.
As everyone knows, being a success in modeling is certainly no easy task. Even if you’re as talented and good-looking as Jennifer Walcott. The sad fact is that the all too cliché scenario of one moving to the big city with aspirations of becoming an actor or model usually ends up with a person waiting tables until they decide to give up and go back home empty-handed.
Jennifer wasn’t immune to this type of played-out storyline either as she struggled to make ends meet when she first moved to L.A. and was forced to work two jobs in order to pay the bills. One of her jobs was as a cocktail waitress and the other was in a small boutique store. As if having the burden of working two jobs wasn’t enough, Jennifer was also attending business classes at Santa Monica College in order to ensure a good future for herself in case the modeling thing didn’t work out.
But as luck would have it (and most actors and models need plenty of it in order to get a foot in the door), Jennifer Walcott would eventually get a big break in the entertainment industry. While hanging out in a sports bar with her boyfriend, a producer from a FOX Sports West program called the “Big Show” approached her with an offer to do the show. Realizing the enormously positive effect that a job like this could have on her career, she accepted the position.
The Big Show was not meant to last though as it ended about a year after it began. Luckily, Jennifer’s work on the Big Show got her noticed by a sportswear product line known as California Extreme. Finally! Her first big break in the modeling world. Unfortunately, hardship would soon strike again as her grandmother in Chicago became very ill.
Her grandmother had always been very supportive of Jennifer throughout her life so she felt that it was definitely important to be with her sick grandma in Chicago. But before she did leave, Jennifer’s friend Kathy invited her to come to a party at the Playboy Mansion. It was the Midsummer Night’s Dream Party 2000 to be exact.
The party was unlike anything that the sweetheart from Youngstown had ever seen in her life. She was able to mingle with lots of famous stars and she made a good impression at the party. However, she needed to go off to Chicago to be with her ailing grandmother. Jennifer’s grandmother would pass away only a short time later which prompted her to quickly move back to Los Angeles to continue her modeling career.
And it didn’t take long for her to get another break as she received her own invite to another Playboy Mansion party. It was here at Hef’s Valentine’s Day party where Jennifer got to mert the man himself, Hugh Hefner. Impressed by her stunning looks and great personality, Hugh asked for Jennifer’s name and number.
What would happen next is one of the pinnacles of modeling that only select women have ever reached. She got to have her very own Playboy shoot where she was the star. In addition to having her own photo shoot, Jennifer was also named Playmate of the Month in August of 2001.
With the success of her Playboy appearance, Jennifer Walcott used this momentum to launch her very own website called She also continued doing other work for Playboy and she has appeared in numerous special edition publications and movies for Hugh Hefner’s company.
Jennifer’s gorgeous looks aren’t limited to the world of Playboy though as she has made quite a few television appearances as well. Wild On, Weakest Link, MTV Cribs, and the Howard Stern Show are just a few of the television programs that she’s appeared on. Jennifer has also made her way to some mainstream movies such as Toxic and American Pie: Band Camp.
Her latest venture has seen Jennifer working heavily with my friens, world famous photographer Alex Ardenti. The brown-haired beauty has done several photo shoots with Ardenti and has several picture series available on Alex’s website. Her photos there are so incredible that they’ll have you craving even more.
Beyond her physical features, her whole aura and personality has men craving more. It’s no wonder why this girl from a down and out industrial area rose to be a star in the land of lavish riches. So don’t be surprised to see plenty more of the talented and perseverant Jennifer Walcott in the future. [sc:signoff-std]
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