Jennifer Lawrence Fappening

Jennifer Lawrence Fappening


Jennifer Lawrence Fappening

What is the Fappening and how did it affect Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities?

Jennifer Lawrence nudes on the Fappening

Which other celebrities got their nudes leaked on the Fappening?

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As some of you might have noticed, we’ve previously covered the infamous website which leaked many celebrity nudes over the years; the Fappening . But we realised that we had only scratched the surface, and that there actually is much more to the revolting world of nudes hacking.
For those of you who need a reminder of what fappening means, it is a portmanteau of the words ‘happening’ and ‘fap’ where fap means to masturbate and happening, well, you get the gist of it. The website came about because of a group of four hackers who leaked hundreds of naked photographs of celebrities and then sold them in exchange for bitcoins on image sharing sites like 4chan and Reddit . The cheek, huh?
More than half a decade later—how are those celebrities holding up?
Actress Jennifer Lawrence was one of the first celebrities to be targeted after many of her private pictures were hacked from her iCloud. It took her some time to open up to the press about the incident, and by following her trail of comments over the years, it understandably looks like it affects her still.
Back in 2014, Lawrence unleashed her anger in an interview with Vanity Fair , “Just because I’m a public figure, just because I’m an actress, does not mean that I asked for this,” she said. “It does not mean that it comes with the territory. It’s my body, and it should be my choice, and the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe that we even live in that kind of world.”
After filming the 2018 film Red Sparrow , when the actress went nude for a role for the first time, Lawrence admitted that it “scared the hell” out of her, but she went ahead with it with the intention of claiming back what she had stolen from her in the 2014 hack. It was her choice, as an actress, to continue to work professionally.
She brought to light that the nature of the images that were leaked were actually pretty standard, in context. Lawrence had been in a long-distance relationship at the time the pictures were taken, she stated that “either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he’s going to look at you.” Fair enough.
Lawrence said it was hard to come to terms with the fact that someone could just pull out the nude photos at any given moment—and with her level of fame, it means the whole world is that someone. She expressed that she felt like she had gotten “gang-banged by the fucking planet!”
The hackers, Ryan Collins, Edward Majerczyk, Emilio Herrera and George Garofano all plead guilty to felony hacking and the violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Each of them gained access to Lawrence’s accounts through phishing—sending their targets fake password reset links.
The list of celebrities who got hacked that same year and got their nudes stolen was predominantly made up of female stars including Rihanna, Kate Upton, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Cara Delevingne, Kate Upton and many more.
A lot of women affected by the hack approached Lawrence about potentially suing Apple, among other sites that allowed for this to happen, but the actress said that she had no intention in doing so and was just interested in healing. Privacy on the internet turns out to be a bit of a double-edged sword, as Apple made it clear after the hack took place, that they were not to blame. It was her that took action, and followed the hackers prompts into updating her iCloud account details.
As TechCrunch pointed out , Apple offers two-factor authentication. iCloud backups, however, are not protected by two-factor authentication and can be installed on new devices with just an Apple ID and password. “Your email and password are as much protection as almost any service on earth offers you by default—and once a hacker obtains those you’re probably in trouble in any case.”
Celebrities aren’t the only victims of iCloud hacking, according to Business Insider : “There’s an entire message board on a site called AnonIB dedicated to ‘iCloud rippers’ who apparently use similar techniques to steal nude photos from random women. This was going on long before nude photos of celebrities leaked.” And it must be considered that hacking is not exclusive to Apple, either.
Even though Apple has its reasons to defend the loophole that is available for hackers to take advantage of, it is still considered victim-blaming, and although these celebrities have, in some aspects, volunteered to be seen under a public lens, these images were made public without their consent, and maintain their right to a private life. In many cases, what we reveal about ourselves on the internet can very rarely be deleted later. Nudes hacking and leaking is something we all share with these celebrities, and it’s something to keep in mind always.
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What is the Fappening and how did it affect Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities?

Jennifer Lawrence nudes on the Fappening

Which other celebrities got their nudes leaked on the Fappening?

Watch creepy robot Ameca smile and imitate human expressions in terrifying video

Ghost hunter tells all on top tricks paranormal TV shows use to fool both viewers and victims

More stories to check out before you go
As some of you might have noticed, we’ve previously covered the infamous website which leaked many celebrity nudes over the years; the Fappening . But we realised that we had only scratched the surface, and that there actually is much more to the revolting world of nudes hacking.
For those of you who need a reminder of what fappening means, it is a portmanteau of the words ‘happening’ and ‘fap’ where fap means to masturbate and happening, well, you get the gist of it. The website came about because of a group of four hackers who leaked hundreds of naked photographs of celebrities and then sold them in exchange for bitcoins on image sharing sites like 4chan and Reddit . The cheek, huh?
More than half a decade later—how are those celebrities holding up?
Actress Jennifer Lawrence was one of the first celebrities to be targeted after many of her private pictures were hacked from her iCloud. It took her some time to open up to the press about the incident, and by following her trail of comments over the years, it understandably looks like it affects her still.
Back in 2014, Lawrence unleashed her anger in an interview with Vanity Fair , “Just because I’m a public figure, just because I’m an actress, does not mean that I asked for this,” she said. “It does not mean that it comes with the territory. It’s my body, and it should be my choice, and the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe that we even live in that kind of world.”
After filming the 2018 film Red Sparrow , when the actress went nude for a role for the first time, Lawrence admitted that it “scared the hell” out of her, but she went ahead with it with the intention of claiming back what she had stolen from her in the 2014 hack. It was her choice, as an actress, to continue to work professionally.
She brought to light that the nature of the images that were leaked were actually pretty standard, in context. Lawrence had been in a long-distance relationship at the time the pictures were taken, she stated that “either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he’s going to look at you.” Fair enough.
Lawrence said it was hard to come to terms with the fact that someone could just pull out the nude photos at any given moment—and with her level of fame, it means the whole world is that someone. She expressed that she felt like she had gotten “gang-banged by the fucking planet!”
The hackers, Ryan Collins, Edward Majerczyk, Emilio Herrera and George Garofano all plead guilty to felony hacking and the violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Each of them gained access to Lawrence’s accounts through phishing—sending their targets fake password reset links.
The list of celebrities who got hacked that same year and got their nudes stolen was predominantly made up of female stars including Rihanna, Kate Upton, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Cara Delevingne, Kate Upton and many more.
A lot of women affected by the hack approached Lawrence about potentially suing Apple, among other sites that allowed for this to happen, but the actress said that she had no intention in doing so and was just interested in healing. Privacy on the internet turns out to be a bit of a double-edged sword, as Apple made it clear after the hack took place, that they were not to blame. It was her that took action, and followed the hackers prompts into updating her iCloud account details.
As TechCrunch pointed out , Apple offers two-factor authentication. iCloud backups, however, are not protected by two-factor authentication and can be installed on new devices with just an Apple ID and password. “Your email and password are as much protection as almost any service on earth offers you by default—and once a hacker obtains those you’re probably in trouble in any case.”
Celebrities aren’t the only victims of iCloud hacking, according to Business Insider : “There’s an entire message board on a site called AnonIB dedicated to ‘iCloud rippers’ who apparently use similar techniques to steal nude photos from random women. This was going on long before nude photos of celebrities leaked.” And it must be considered that hacking is not exclusive to Apple, either.
Even though Apple has its reasons to defend the loophole that is available for hackers to take advantage of, it is still considered victim-blaming, and although these celebrities have, in some aspects, volunteered to be seen under a public lens, these images were made public without their consent, and maintain their right to a private life. In many cases, what we reveal about ourselves on the internet can very rarely be deleted later. Nudes hacking and leaking is something we all share with these celebrities, and it’s something to keep in mind always.
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Comment deleted by user · 8 yr. ago
A subreddit dedicated to cataloguing the posts and comments that will go down in reddit history
When Kim Kardashian tried to break the internet in November, it was still still recovering from being broken a few months prior. Beginning on 31 Aug 2014 and lasting a few weeks, the internet was hit with an event that became known as the Fappening, a portmanteau of happening and fap, internet slang for masturbate.
Ignition was triggered when these two posts of naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton were submitted to their respective subreddits. Within minutes they were both on the frontpage of r/all , with everyone wanting to know where the pictures came from. It soon became known that someone had hacked the iCloud where a large number of celebrities had stored private nude photos of themselves. Unperturbed by this breach of privacy, people demanded more. And more they received.
Within the next few hours of the initial 2 posts, several other nude celebrity photos, including Kirsten Dunst, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kaley Cuoco, Yvonne Strahovski, much more Jennifer Lawrence and many others were posted to reddit. Eventually, someone decided to name this event, and so it was dubbed The Fappening . The deleted comment in that link said there should be a subreddit for it, and the follow up by /u/johnsmcjohn was to let people know that he'd created it.
The subreddit exploded instantly. In all of reddit's history, no subreddit has ever come close to being as initially popular as r/thefappening . With the first 24 hours, it amassed 100,000 subscribers. As it happened over the weekend, it bough an influx of people who weren't at work to the site. An influx that led to 141 million page views in one day. That is roughly what r/AskReddit gets in a month .
Over the next week, more naked photos (mostly of Jennifer Lawrence) kept getting posted. The site was continually going down because of the massive amount of traffic from all across the web. Discussion started popping up in threads all over the site about the morality of the event, whether it was stealing or not, and talks on invasion of privacy, pleas for Emma Watson photos, and random accusations of reddit's hypocrisy. Eventually, the admins posted this . Very soon after, r/thefappening is banned. Mirror subreddits pop up in droves instantly, and are all smited faster than they can be made. The next day, /u/alienth steps in . Any chance of r/thefappening being reopened is quashed. The admins quickly face a gargantuan amount of backlash due to accusation of censorship and only blocking unfavourable content when it makes reddit look bad in the media. The admins adopt a very diplomatic stance, taking care not to upset people more, but it only angers the horde more as the answers they want never come.
Over the next week, people still try to hold onto hope that there will be another resurgence, and reddit got their wish. On Sep 20, a second batch of photos was released on 4chan, and then posted to reddit before they were quickly removed from the hosting sites. More photos followed in the days to follow, but as with all things, reddit slowly drifted its attention toward other things and The Fappening faded into the background, a memory of mixed feelings for the masses.
This barely even touched the surface, there were so many nuances and things going on. Speculation about everything, trying to validate or confirm identities, if someone was underage or not, trying to figure out what else would/could be leaked, which charities to donate too, bitching about those charities rejecting those donations, posting the celebrity reactions, sometimes feeling remorse, reposting and rehosting the images.
It was quite the phenomenon. For such a short lived...thing...there was so much going on.
It's kinda hard for me to document every discussion from every thread about it. I could talk about the discussions of whether that chick taking a load to the face was J-Law or not, all the different ones of people like Bar Rafaeli, Victoria Justice and Blake Lively and the million threads pointing out things like moles, beauty spots and paint chips on the walls in the background trying to prove the identity of them, or the ones where the chick was sitting on a vibrator and people trying to solve that one, or how people were disappointed that the first one of Kaley Cuoco was her sitting on the dunny, and how Kate Upton's body is actually kinda dumpy, and the various discussions of "are they sluts for doing this/stop slut-shaming they can do what they want" or...
Do you see my point? Describing every single minutiae of the entire thing would be pointless, and it would also take several years to track down all the links
You also forgot to talk about the mass genocide of most souls in r/nofap
countless potential humans died on sheets, in toilets and everywhere else that day
Dont forget about reddit trying to donate money to JLaw's charity
I thought it was just a random charity that they picked and said it was on her behalf. It was a men-centric one too at that was it not?
I love how Reddit will try to justify any terrible thing they do by trying to set up a charity drive.
"But look! We're donating for a good cause! We can't be doing anything bad!"
"Remember remember, the day 'fore September."
~ Some random Redditor, the name of which I do not remember
The Lord may have taken robin on the 11th, but he gave us the greatest day in Internet history on the 31st
I'm pretty sure it was /u/exileonmeanstreet who named it The Fappening, just fyi.
Follow the link where I talk about it being named.
This is even more confusing to me about the abbreviation JLaw being thrown around.
Don't forget Yishan's "Everyman is responsible for his own soul" post talking about reddit being the "government of a new type of community"
Had so much backlash they had to call in alienth to clean up the mess.

Jennifer Lawrence see-through pictures. That choker really completes her look, to tell you the truth. She looks amazing and there’s nothing that you can do about it. Please enjoy looking at JLaw and her wonderful physique in the highest possible quality. The lady in question is super-appealing and super-talented! Do not hesitate to stare at …

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