Jennifer Garner Boobpedia

Jennifer Garner Boobpedia


Jennifer Garner Boobpedia
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Гарнер .
Дже́ннифер Энн Га́рнер ( англ.   Jennifer Anne Garner ; род. 17 апреля 1972 ) — американская актриса и продюсер. Наибольшую известность ей принесла роль агента Сидни Бристоу   (англ.) русск. в телесериале « Шпионка » (2001—2006), за которую Гарнер получила премии « Золотой глобус » и Гильдии киноактёров США , а также четыре раза номинировалсь на прайм-тайм премию «Эмми» .

Дженнифер Энн Гарнер родилась 17 апреля 1972 года в Хьюстоне (штат Техас , США ). Её мать, Патрисия Энн Инглиш — учительница, а отец — Билли Джек Гарнер, инженер-химик. У Дженнифер есть две сестры, старшая и младшая — Меллиса Уайли и Сюзанна Карпентер.

В три года Гарнер начала брать уроки балета, которым занималась на протяжении всего детства. Хотя ей, по её собственным словам, и нравилось танцевать, но она никогда не думала о том, чтобы стать классической балериной [1] . Когда Дженнифер было четыре года, в связи с работой отца на компанию Union Carbide семья переехала в Чарлстон , штат Западная Виргиния , где Гарнер жила вплоть до поступления в колледж [2] .

В 1990 году Гарнер окончила школу имени Джорджа Вашингтона в Чарлстоне и поступила в Университет Денисона, чтобы изучать химию . Но, осознав, что игра на сцене представляет для неё больший интерес, она сменила специализацию на актёрское ремесло. В 1994 году Гарнер окончила университет и собиралась продолжить актёрское образование в Йельском университете , однако после посещения Нью-Йорка в 1995 году она решила попробовать себя в театре .

В Нью-Йорке Гарнер зарабатывала всего 150 долларов, являясь дублёршей ведущих актрис. После этого она стала появляться на телевидении, дебютировав в телефильме «Зои» по роману Даниеллы Стил . Далее она снималась в двух непродолжительных сериалах, «Важные люди» (1998) и «Время твоей жизни» (1999), а также в двух фильмах студии Hallmark , включая фильм 1997 года « Роуз Хилл », основанный на бестселлере Джулии Гарвуд «Две розы». В 1996 году Гарнер появилась в одном из эпизодов сериала « Закон и порядок » на NBC . Несколько позже она переехала в Лос-Анджелес , штат Калифорния , где сперва устроилась работать администратором в ресторан. Вскоре её пригласили на роль Ханны Бибб в сериал Warner Bros. « Фелисити ». В 1999 году она сыграла небольшую роль в одном из эпизодов сериала « Притворщик », а в 2000 году впервые снялась в достаточно известном кинофильме — комедии « Где моя тачка, чувак? », где играла Ванду, девушку героя Эштона Кутчера . В следующем году Гарнер сыграла медсестру в высокобюджетной эпической ленте « Пёрл-Харбор ».

В том же 2001 году Дж. Дж. Абрамс , один из авторов «Фелисити», пригласил Гарнер в новый телесериал, который он создавал для ABC . Дженнифер успешно прошла пробы и была утверждена на ведущую роль Сидни Бристоу в драму « Шпионка ». Сериал оказался успешным и выходил на экраны пять сезонов, вплоть до мая 2006 года, а Гарнер за свою игру получила в январе 2002 года « Золотой глобус » в номинации «Лучшая актриса драматического сериала» при том, что сериал шёл всего половину сезона. Гонорар Гарнер изначально составлял 45 000 долларов за серию, а к концу достиг 150 тысяч. За пять лет выхода сериала Гарнер по четыре раза была номинирована на премии «Золотой глобус» и « Эмми ». В 2005 году Дженнифер была удостоена премии Гильдии киноактёров США . В марте 2005 года она режиссировала одну из серий «Шпионки» и была одним из продюсеров всего пятого сезона.

После успеха «Шпионки» Гарнер вернулась в кино с небольшой ролью в фильме Стивена Спилберга « Поймай меня, если сможешь ». В 2003 году она исполнила роль Электры Натчиос в фильме « Сорвиголова », экранизации комикса компании Marvel об одноимённом герое . Эту же роль она исполнила в фильме 2005 года « Электра », всецело посвящённом её героине. Другим фильмом, где Дженнифер исполнила главную роль, была романтическая комедия « Из 13 в 30 », имевшая финансовый успех.

В 2005 году Гарнер была включена журналом Forbes в список 100 самых влиятельных знаменитостей под номером 70 [3] . С июня 2004 по июль 2005 она заработала 15 миллионов долларов [4] .

Следующим фильмом Гарнер была романтическая комедия « Кошки-мышки ». Также она озвучила одного из персонажей фильма « Паутина Шарлотты », вышедшего в декабре 2006 года. Гарнер основала продюсерскую компанию Vandalia Films, первый фильм которой должен был выйти в 2007 году . Сама Дженнифер является продюсером двух фильмов компании: « Быть с тобой » и « Отпуск друг от друга ». Планировалось участие Гарнер в картине Зака Браффа « Открытые сердца », однако она покинула проект, чтобы проводить больше времени с семьёй. В 2007 году вышел фильм « Королевство », где Гарнер сыграла главную роль вместе Джейми Фоксом . В 2007 году Гарнер играла в ленте Джейсона Райтмана « Джуно » [5] .

На съёмках сериала « Фелисити » в 1998 году Гарнер встретила актёра Скотта Фоли [6] . 19 октября 2000 года они поженились в их доме в Лос-Анджелесе [7] . Гарнер и Фоли разошлись в марте 2003 года [8] . В мае 2003 года Гарнер подала на развод, в качестве причины указав «непримиримые разногласия». Бракоразводный процесс был завершён в марте 2004 года [7] [9] .

С августа 2003 года по середину 2004 года Гарнер встречалась с актёром Майклом Вартаном , партнёром по сериалу « Шпионка » [10] [11] [7] .

В середине 2004 года Гарнер начала встречаться с актёром Беном Аффлеком [12] , с которым снималась в фильмах « Перл-Харбор » (2001) и « Сорвиголова » (2003). Они поженились 29 июня 2005 года на тайной церемонии на островах Теркс и Кайкос [13] . Единственными гостями были актёр Виктор Гарбер , проведший церемонию бракосочетания, и его супруг Райнер Андрисен [14] . У Гарнер и Аффлека есть трое детей — дочери Вайолет Энн Аффлек (род. 1 декабря 2005) [15] , крёстным отцом которой является Виктор Гарбер [16] , и Серафина Роуз Элизабет Аффлек (род. 6 января 2009) [17] , а также сын Сэмюэл Гарнер Аффлек (род. 27 февраля 2012) [18] . В июне 2015 года Гарнер и Аффлек объявили о расставании [19] , и в апреле 2017 года подали документы на развод [20] . Бракоразводный процесс был завершён 7 ноября 2018 года [21] .

17 апреля 1972 ( 1972-04-17 ) (48 лет)
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Дженнифер Гарнер : неожиданные признания самой красивой женщины планеты.
Гарнер , Дженнифер — Википедия
Jennifer Garner | Celebrity Wiki | Fandom
900+ Jennifer Garner ideas | jennifer garner , jennifer , garner
Jennifer Garner - Blue Bikini getting out of a pool - YouTube

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Jennifer Anne Garner (also known as Jennifer Affleck [1] ) is an Emmy-nominated and Golden Globe- and SAG Award-winning American actress. She is best known (as Jennifer Garner) for her role as CIA agent Sydney Bristow on TV's Alias .

While working on Alias , Jennifer made a cameo appearance in Catch Me If You Can (2002), followed by a praised leading performance in the romantic comedy film 13 Going on 30 (2004). Jennifer went on to appear in supporting as well as lead roles, including the superhero films Daredevil (2003) and Elektra (2005), the comedy-drama Juno (2007), and the fantasy-comedy The Invention of Lying (2009). In the 2010s, she appeared in the romantic comedy Valentine's Day (2010), the fantasy drama The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012), the biographic drama Dallas Buyers Club (2013), the family comedy Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014), the drama Miracles from Heaven (2016), the romantic comedy-drama Love, Simon (2018), and the action thriller Peppermint (2018).

Jennifer works as an activist for early childhood education and is a board member of Save the Children . She is the co-founder and chief brand officer of the organic baby food company Once Upon a Farm. She is also an advocate for anti-paparazzi campaigns among children of celebrities.

Jennifer was born in Texas on April 17, 1972, the daughter of Patricia Ann (née English), an English teacher from Oklahoma, and Billy Jack Garner, a chemical engineer who worked for Union Carbide from Texas. She is the middle child between two sisters, Melissa Lynn Garner Wylie (born February 5, 1969, resides in Boston, Massachusetts) and Susannah Kay Garner Carpenter (born January 24, 1975 in West Virginia, resides in Charleston, West Virginia). [2] Her family is Methodist. [3] [4] Jennifer has described herself as a typical middle child who sought to differentiate herself from her accomplished older sister. [5]

At three years old, Jennifer began taking ballet lessons which she continued throughout her youth. Although she admitted that she loved dancing, she never had ambitions to become a classical ballerina. [6] When she was four years old, her father's job with Union Carbide relocated her family to Princeton, West Virginia, then to Charleston, West Virginia, where Jennifer resided until her college years. [7]

Jennifer and her sisters had a very strict home life as children. They were expected to attend church every Sunday, were not allowed to go to movies or wear make-up, and had to wait until they reached the age of 16 before they would be allowed to have their ears pierced . [8] [9] Speaking in interviews about these rules, Garner later said "I sometimes joke that we were just a step away from being Amish." [8]

In early interviews, Garner appeared to imply that she and her sisters had followed these rules closely, with comments such as "I'm the middle of three girls, and none of us pierced our ears, none of us wore makeup or nail polish. We had straight hair, one length. It was just kind of the Garner Girl aesthetic. We didn't really question it; it was just the way we looked." [10] More recently, she has admitted that, while they did follow the rules to some extent, they also broke them too. One example that she gives is the time when Susannah had her ears pierced without parental permission at the age of fourteen. [9] [11] According to Jennifer, she did not have her own ears pierced until the age of 27, [9] while Melissa waited until she was 39 before having hers pierced. However, one of Jennifer's high school friends has recently revealed that Jennifer actually did get her ears pierced when she was 16, having them pierced at the same time as Susannah had her's pierced. She then kept her ears pierced for the rest of her time at high school, but let them close up again after she graduated. [12]

In 1990, Jennifer graduated from George Washington High School in Charleston, where she played the saxophone. She then enroled at Denison University to study chemistry. Upon realizing that she enjoyed stage acting more than science, Jennifer changed her major to drama. While at Denison, Jennifer was initiated into the sorority Pi Beta Phi.

In 1994, Jennifer appeared in Atlanta productions of two Shakespeare plays, The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night's Dream , by the Georgia Shakespeare Company. [13]

Jennifer graduated from Denison in 1994 and continued her drama education at the National Theater Institute where she was trained by fight choreographer David Chandler, and told she was a natural in stage combat. Keen for immediate experience, she visited her friend, Clayton Kirlew, in New York City in 1995 and decided to take her chances in New York theatre.

Early in her schooling, Garner was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Ritalin , a medicine she still takes as an adult to manage her hyperactivity. [5]

Jennifer Garner as Diane Agostini in the movie Aftershock: Earthquake in New York .
In New York City, Jennifer earned $150 a week as an understudy in the play A Month in the Country for Roundabout Theatre Company in 1995.. She was then cast in her first television role, a part in the television movie, Zoya , based on the Danielle Steel novel. In 1996 she appeared in an episode of Spin City as the character James' high school sweetheart and in an episode of Law & Order as a temporary love interest of Benjamin Bratt's character. Her next acting jobs were in two short-lived television series, Significant Others and Time of Your Life , and a recurring role in the series Felicity . In 1999, Jennifer was cast in one of the leading roles in the two-part television disaster movie, Aftershock: Earthquake in New York . For this role, she was required to have her ears pierced , wearing a pair of diamond stud earrings throughout most of the movie. [9] According to Jennifer in many interviews, this was the first time that she had gotten her ears pierced. However, once filming was completed, she then allowed the piercings to heal up again and could only wear clip-on earrings. She also appeared in the 2000 comedy Dude, Where's My Car? , playing Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend. In 2001, she appeared in a small role as a nurse in the big-budget epic Pearl Harbor , co-starring with her future husband Ben Affleck .

Later in 2001, J. J. Abrams (who produced Felicity ) approached Jennifer about starring in a new show he was working on for ABC. Jennifer auditioned for and was cast in the role of Sydney Bristow in the spy drama Alias . The series became a success and Jennifer won the award for "Best Actress in a Television Series - Drama" at the January 2002 Golden Globes. Alias had just begun a few months beforehand, and Jennifer won the award with only half the season's episodes aired. The series was successful, concluding in May 2006 after a fifth, abbreviated season (due to Jennifer's pregnancy, a development that was written into the storyline of the fifth season). Jennifer's salary for the show began at $45,000 an episode, rising to $150,000 per episode by the series' end. During the show's run, Jennifer received four consecutive Golden Globe nominations for her lead performance. She also received four consecutive Emmy nominations for "Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series." Jennifer won the "Actor Award" from the Screen Actors Guild in 2005. In March 2005, Jennifer directed the fourth-season Alias episode, "In Dreams," which aired in May. Jennifer received producer credit during the series' final season.

After the initial success of Alias , Jennifer returned to her film career with a small role in the Steven Spielberg film Catch Me if You Can , and starred alongside Ben Affleck as Elektra Natchios in the action movie Daredevil , an adaptation of the comic book. She reprised her role as "Elektra" in the 2005 spin-off to Daredevil , entitled Elektra . Jennifer showed her comedic side in the romantic comedy 13 Going on 30 , which was a financial success and established her as a leading feature film actress. Jennifer is known for performing many of her own stunts, and in January 2005 was forced to bow out of some publicity duties for Elektra , due to what was first thought to have been a viral infection but was revealed to be the effects of nerve damage to her back, caused by a stunt during the filming of the fourth season of Alias . [14]

A talented singer, Jennifer performed the Frank Loesser song "My Heart Is So Full of You" on the 2006 charity album Unexpected Dreams|Unexpected Dreams – Songs From the Stars . She also appeared in the films Catch and Release (2006) and The Kingdom (2007) alongside Jamie Foxx , Jason Bateman and Ashraf Barhom .

Catch and Release , a romantic comedy, was released January 26, 2007. Jennifer also appeared in the Jason Reitman-directed comedy/drama feature Juno. After that film's premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, Entertainment Weekly declared Jennifer's role the best female supporting performance of the festival, saying "The star of Alias and The Kingdom does no butt-kicking in this sweet comedy. Instead, as a young wife desperately hoping to adopt, she's funny, a bit tough, and unbelievably touching." [15]

In 2008, Jennifer appeared as a presenter at the Oscars. However, for Jennifer, this part of the evening was somewhat overshadowed in the next day's press by discussions of the unexpected interruption of her Red Carpet interview by Gary Busey . Busey later publicly apologized for the incident, saying that he merely wanted to congratulate Laura Linney, who was being interviewed along with Jennifer, and didn't realise that they were being interviewed at the time. [16]

Jennifer appeared as Roxanne in Cyrano de Bergerac at the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway from November 1, 2007 alongside Kevin Kline in the title role. This was be her Broadway stage debut. [17] Jennifer was originally set to only be in the Broadway until December 23, 2007 but the strikes of the stagehands lead to delays and the play was extended until January 6, 2008. [18] For this role, Jennifer won the 9th Annual Audience Award for Favorite Actress in a Play. [19]

She then had the starring role alongside Matthew McConaughey in the 2009 romantic comedy Ghosts of Girlfriends Past , that came out to negative reviews but was a modest commercial success. [20] [21] Also in the 2009, she had the lead in Ricky Gervais ' directorial debut The Invention of Lying . A romantic comedy, the movie was released to favorable feedback from critics and audiences alike and modest earnings at the box office. [22] [23] During a promotional interview for the movie, Jennifer remarked why she was drawn to the project: "When I first read it [the script], I just laughed out loud, and that's the most important thing. I loved the way my character was introduced. I loved the challenge of looking at a scene and thinking, I have to play this with no subtext, no irony, no sarcasm and just be as straightforward as I could possibly be. I think that's a really interesting acting challenge". [24]

In 2010, Jennifer appeared in the ensemble romantic comedy Valentine's Day , directed by Garry Marshall , which also starred Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Alba , Jessica Biel , Anne Hathaway , Julia Roberts , and former Alias co-star Bradley Cooper , among others. [25] She portrayed Patrick Dempsey 's girlfriend. [26] The film was a commercial success, grossing over $215 million worldwide. [27]

She starred in Arthur a remake of the 1981 film. The film received poor reviews and failed at the box office with a total gross of $45 million on a $40 million budget. [28] [29] In the same year, Garner was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . [30] The following year, she appeared in the drama The Odd Life of Timothy Green , as Cindy Green. [31] The film is about a magical pre-adolescent boy whose personality and naïveté have profound effects on the people in his town. [32] It received mixed reviews from critics and had modest ticket sales in its theatrical run. [33] [34] [35] In October 2012, Butter – starring Jennifer – was released, to mixed feedback from critics and poor earnings at the box office. [36] [37] Despite the reception for the film, several reviews like those for Austin Chronicle and Variety expressed praise for Garner's part. [38] [39]

Jennifer reunited with Matthew McConaughey in the 2013 film Dallas Buyers Club , which received positive reviews and was a box office success with a worldwide gross of $55 million over a production budget of $5 million. [40] [41] On April 24, 2013, Jennifer began filming Summit and OddLot Entertainment 's dramedy Draft Day in New York and Cleveland, Ohio . The film also stars Kevin Costner , was directed and produced by Ivan Reitman , and was released in 2014. [42] Jennifer also co-starred with Steve Carell and Ed Oxenbould in the 2014 Disney adaptation of the popular children's book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day . [43]

In May 2013, Jennifer joined the cast of the comedy-drama Danny Collins alongside Al Pacino , Annette Bening , Bobby Cannavale and Christopher Plummer . [44]

In 2014, Jennifer was recognized by Elle Magazine during The Women in Hollywood Awards, honoring women for their outstanding achievements in film, spanning all aspects of the motion picture industry, including acting, directing, and producing. [45]

In 2016, Jennifer appeared in the Christian drama Miracles from Heaven , playing the mother of a young girl who had a near-death experience and was later cured of an incurable disease. The film grossed US$73.9 Template:Nbspmillion worldwide [46] and received generally mixed reviews from critics, who felt it "makes the most out of an outstanding performance" from Garner. [47] Ken Jaworowski of The New York Times praised a "dedicated" and "heartfelt" performance, [48] while Nigel Smith of The Guardian found "her subtly wrought work ... tremendously effective" in an otherwise "crassly manipulative" film. [49] Also in 2016, she starred in the critically panned comedy Nine Lives , playing the second wife of a workaholic father who has his mind trapped inside of his daughter's new cat. Garner made an uncredited cameo appearance in Mother's Day (2016).

Jennifer appeared in the drama Wakefield , which premiered at TIFF and was released in May 2017. [50] Also in 2017, she starred in The Tribes of Palos Verdes , and in friend Judy Greer 's directorial debut A Happening of Monumental Proportions . [51] [52] In 2018, she co-starred in Love, Simon , an adaptation of the young-adult novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda . [53] Also that year, Jennifer voiced the role of Mama Llama for Netflix's original animated preschool series Llama Llama , and starred as the lead in the action-revenge film Peppermint , which was released on September 7. [54] In August 2018, she was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . [55] Variety praised her "radiant likability" and said she was second only to Tom Hanks . [56] Also in 2018, she starred in the HBO television show Camping .

In 2020, Jennifer starred in the Quibi comedy miniseries Home Movie: The Princess Bride , a "fan made" recreation of the 1987 film of the same name produced in social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic . Filmed in a deliberately DIY fashion, it was created to raise money for World Central Kitchen . [57] She will star in the Netflix comedy film Yes Day , directed by Miguel Arteta . [58] [59]

In 2006, Jennifer founded a production company called Vandalia Films . The first film she produced was Butter , released in American theaters in 2012.

In 2007, Jennifer became an ambassador of skin care brand Neutrogena . [60] In 2013, Jennifer was the first celebrity spokesperson of Max Mara . [61] [62]
Starting in September of the same year, the campaign appeared in Vogue , Harper's Bazaar , Elle , W , InStyle , The New York Times , and the International Herald Tribune . [62] She has been a spokesperson for food company Luvo since 2012. [63] [64] [65] [66] In 2014 she did TV commercials for Capital One. [67]

Garner at a Save the Children event in 2013
Since 2014, [68] Jennifer has served on the board of trustees for Save the Children , the United States branch of the British children's charity, Template:Sfn advocating for early education. [69] She had been an ambassador for six years, and frequently visits with families involved in the organization's Early Steps to School Success program, which coaches families to help children learn in the early years. [70] She has partnered with Frigidaire as part of her work with Save The Children. [71] In 2013, Jennifer took her eldest daughter Violet to a Save The Children gala in New York: "My husband and I have never taken our kids to a public event before, but I brought my daughter Violet, because ... I want her to see the passionate commitment Mark Shriver and Hillary Clinton have to make the world a better place for everyone." [72]

In 2014 she joined the Invest in Us campaign [73] while in 2015, she will appear in a PBS documentary which focuses on rural poverty among children in West Virginia. [74]

In 2006, Jennifer spoke at a rally in support of Democratic Congressional candidate Jerry McNerney in Pleasanton, California . [75] In 2014, she donated $25,000 to the campaign of Democratic politician Wendy Davis . [76]

Jennifer entered the Forbes ' "Power 100" list of celebrities in 2005 at 70th place. [77] From June 2004 to June 2005, she earned an estimated US $14 million. [78] She earned an estimated $3 million for her first film role in 13 Going on 30 . The actress then received a bump up to a $5 million paycheck for Elektra and a similar sum for Catch and Release . She negotiated a reported $7 million for The Kingdom. Instead of demanding an A-list salary for the small independent film Juno , she settled on percentage points. This gesture of goodwill earned her over $8.5 million when the film became a runaway success at the box office. [79]

On October 19, 2000, Jennifer married actor Scott Foley, whom she met on the set of Felicity in 1998. After separating from Foley in March 2003, Jennifer filed for divorce in May 2003, citing irreconcilable differences. [80] Dismissing rumors of infidelity, Foley stated that the reason behind their separation was Jennifer's increasing fame after the success of Alias . [81] Similarly, Jennifer claimed that their Hollywood lifestyle led to their failed marriage and they "really were victims of Hollywood. [82] The two were officially divorced on March 30, 2004.

Jennifer is known for being private about her personal life. This is reflected in her relationships with Michael Vartan and Ben Affleck. Over the course of her relationship with her Alias co-star Michael Vartan, she never made any public appearances with him and was late to confirm their relationship in August 2003. [83] Jennifer began dating Vartan in mid-2003, and though rumors of their break-up began in March 2004, [84] Jennifer only confirmed the end of their relationship in August 2004. [85] [86]

Jennifer's relationship with her Daredevil co-star Ben Affleck, which started in July 2004, was also very low-key. [87] It was months into their relationship before a paparazzo managed to take a shot of these two as a couple. Both stars' publicists denied their relationship until a public appearance at a Boston Red Sox game. When there were rumours of Jennifer being pregnant, there were repeated denials of the pregnancy. On Jennifer's 33rd birthday, Affleck proposed to her with a 4.5 carat (900 mg) diamond ring from Harry Winston, [88] and the couple married on June 29, 2005 in a surprise ceremony at the Parrot Cay resort on the Turks and Caicos Islands. Finally, their publicists confirmed the marriage and pregnancy. [89] Officiating at the ceremony was her Alias co-star Victor Garber. Her pregnancy was incorporated into the plot of Alias , [90] with the season's episode order reduced from the initial 22 to 17 in order to let Jennifer go on maternity leave. [91] On December 1, 2005, she gave birth to their daughter, Violet Anne Affleck, in Los Angeles, California. [92] [93]

Although Jennifer continued to be billed as "Jennifer Garner" for professional purposes after her marriage to Affleck, she had in fact taken her husband's name and preferred to be known as "Jennifer Affleck" for non-professional purposes. [94] [95] In late 2007, she officially changed her professional name to Jennifer Affleck, revealing this name change when she received a "Special Thanks" credit under her married name on Ben Affleck's directorial debut movie, Gone Baby Gone . [96]

In December 2007, Jennifer was named The Charleston Sunday Gazette-Mail's 2007 West Virginian of the Year "for her dedication, work ethic and unique role as role model and ambassador for West Virginia." [3]

On July 17, 2008, her Alias co-star Victor Garber stated that Jennifer was expecting her second child with Affleck and that Jennifer was five months pregnant. [97] On January 6, 2009, she gave birth to their second daughter, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck. [98] [99]

On February 27, 2012, Jennifer gave birth to her third child with Affleck, a son named Samuel Garner Affleck. [100] [101]

Jennifer and Ben announced on June 30, 2015 that they intended to divorce. Shortly afterwards, Jennifer announced that she was changing her professional name back to Jennifer Garner. The divorce was finalized in October 2018. [102] [103]

In 2018, Garner began dating businessman John C. Miller . [104] [105]

While Jennifer may have had a very conservative upbringing and been used to dressing simply, the same could not be said of her Alias character, Sydney Bristow. Most episodes of the show saw her adopt some sort of disguise, often provocative or revealing. Some of her movie roles have also seen her wear quite daring or provocative outfits, such as the tight leather costume worn by her character in Daredevil and Elektra . [106]

A regular guest at various awards ceremonies and functions, Jennifer is noted for showcasing the work of many top fashion designers. For the 75th Academy Awards ceremony in 2003, Jennifer wore a vintage Versace dress. Because she did not at the time have pierced ears, the Neil Lane diamond hoop earrings she wore to the ceremony had to be specially designed and made for her as clip-ons, and were not completed until the day of the ceremony itself. [107]

For her appearance at the 2006 Academy Awards ceremony, Jennifer wore a flowing halter-style Michael Kors dress, [108] and a collection of diamond jewelry worth well over $1,200,000. In addition to an antique 18.5-carat Cartier diamond cuff worth $900,000, she also wore a Paris 1964 8-carat diamond hair clip worth $76,000. Completing her accessories, she also joined in with that year's main jewelry trend and wore a pair of long chandelier-style diamond earrings worth approximately $250,000, designed by Fred Leighton.

These earrings were designed to be worn in pierced ears and, due to their high value, could not be temporarily altered to clip-ons. As Jennifer did not already have pierced ears, having let the piercings she had done in 1999 close up again, she had to have her ears re-pierced especially a few weeks before the ceremony in order to wear them. [9] [109]

Jennifer Garner at the 2006 Academy Awards.
"A couple of months before the ceremony, I went to pick out the jewelry I'd be wearing on the night. I picked out the diamond cuff and the hair clip, and then they showed me the most gorgeous pair of earrings I'd ever seen. It wasn't until I came to try them on that I realized they'd forgotten I didn't have pierced ears. They could see how much I loved them, and how disappointed I was that I couldn't wear them, so they said that, if I really wanted to, they could pierce my ears for me there and then. That would give them enough time to heal before the ceremony, and I could then wear the earrings. And I really did want to wear those earrings, so I said 'OK', and they pierced my ears for me before I left the boutique. It felt a bit odd to have them done, although I did have them pierced for a couple of weeks a few years back for a movie I was in, but it was worth it because I knew it meant I'd be wearing those fabulous earrings to the ceremony." [9] (Jennifer speaking in an interview about having her ears pierced for the 2006 Oscars)
During the ceremony, Jennifer stumbled on her flowing dress as she came onto the stage to present the award for Sound Editing. She did not fall, but lost her balance, and jokingly commented, "I do my own stunts!" [110] [111] [112] [113]

Following the Academy Awards ceremony, Jennifer continued to wear pierced earrings for a short while, before again allowing her ear piercings to heal up. Her most recent Academy Awards appearance was at the 80th Academy Awards in 2008, where she wore a simple black dress by Oscar de la Renta, with jewelry by Van Cleef and Arpels. [114] [115] [116]

In late January 2009, shortly after the birth of her second child, Jennifer and her older sister, Melissa, were photographed by paparazzi entering a medical center in Santa Monica, California. Although it was initially assumed that the visit was for Jennifer to have a post-natal check, when they emerged a short time later, sharp-eyed observers noted that both women were wearing small gold stud earrings in newly-pierced ears. Although this was the third time Jennifer had pierced her ears, it was the first time that Melissa, then 39, had pierced hers. [117] [118]

"My sister Melissa had been thinking about getting her ears pierced for a while, but was a bit nervous about having them done - She'd never had them done even though she's thirty-nine, and was worried about it hurting. My other sister, Susannah, has had her ears pierced since she was fourteen, and I'd had mine done a couple of times in the past, but let them grow over again both times. We both told her she'd nothing to worry about and it didn't hurt at all, so she said she'd trust us and get them done - but only if I went with her and got mine done too. So she watched me get my ears pierced, and then she finally got hers done too."
Jennifer in mid-2009 wearing her favorite Cartier diamond stud earrings.
Although Jennifer now has pierced ears, she only rarely wears earrings. Her favorites are a pair of Cartier diamond studs given to her as an early Valentine's Day gift by her husband a couple of weeks after she had her ears re-pierced, which have four diamonds in a diamond shape. In an interview with a UK celebrity magazine, Jennifer admitted that she loved the earrings so much, she'd actually been a bit naughty and ignored the advice she'd been given when she had her ears pierced - Instead of waiting at least six weeks before removing the starter earrings, she'd taken them out after only two so that she could wear the diamond studs.

Other earrings she sometimes wears include a pair of large square-cut diamond studs given to her by Ben at Christmas 2004. Originally, these were clip-on earrings, as she didn't have pierced ears at the time. However, after having her ears re-pierced in 2009, Jennifer had them converted to pierced studs. She also has a pair of large round-cut diamond studs that she sometimes wears. However, the ones she tends to wear most after her favorite Cartier studs are her plain gold ball starter studs, which she says are "the most suitable type of earrings for a busy working mom."

On July 17, 2013, Jennifer became the first and currently only celebrity spokesperson of Max Mara. [61] [62]
Starting in September, the campaign will appear in Vogue , Harper's Bazaar , Elle , W , InStyle , The New York Times , and the International Herald Tribune . [62]

Over the years, Jennifer has taken part in a number of magic illusions, many of which have involved her being divided into two or more pieces.

When she appeared in the 1997 period movie Washington Square , the movie included a scene in which Jennifer's character, Marian Almond and Catherine Sloper ( Jennifer Jason Leigh ) go to a carnival where they watch a magician performing. Unveiling a guillotine, he asks if anyone in the audience is brave enough to volunteer to go under the blade. Marian volunteers, is locked into place in the guillotine, and the blade released. As the blade slams into the stock with a loud bang, Catherine almost faints at the sight of her friend apparently being beheaded. Having been released unharmed from the guillotine, a smiling Marian rejoins Catherine and they continue to explore the carnival. This scene used an illusion called the Giant Guillotine, in which the blade of the guillotine passes through the stock and the lower edge of it can be seen projecting from the lower edge of the stock, clearly demonstrating that it is passing completely through the neck of the "victim".

In a photoshoot for the 2004 Teen Choice Awards, Jennifer took part in the Zig Zag Girl illusion, in which she was divided into three and her middle section removed.

On July 29th, 2010, Jennifer took her daughters, Violet and Seraphina, to see a magic show at Magicopolous in Santa Monica, CA. While there, Jennifer was picked out of the audience, invited up on stage and sawed in half by the magician in a trick called the " Bow Saw ".

In a magazine article published in February 2020, Jennifer revealed that she'd been sawed in half several times by a magician in the Clearly Impossible sawing. Jennifer's eldest daughter, Violet, has been a really big magic fan ever since she was five and saw Jennifer take part in the Bow Saw illusion. Since then, Jennifer has had to hire Violet's favorite magician as the entertainment at Violet's birthday parties, and he closes his show by sawing the birthday child's mother in half in his Clearly Impossible without any prior rehearsal. According to Jennifer, she'd been sawed in half by him seven times, while her older sister Melissa had been sawed once while Jennifer was pregnant with her son, Samuel.

In the same magazine interview, Jennifer revealed that at one of Violet's birthday parties, the magician performed the "Doubly Impossible" version of the Double Sawing illusion on Jennifer and her older sister Melissa. In this illusion, Jennifer and Melissa were both sawed in half by the magician in the clear-sided boxes used in Clearly Impossible, and then re-assembled with their lower halves switched.

In the February 2020 magazine article, Jennifer also revealed that she arranged a special surprise for eldest daughter Violet's 14th birthday. As Violet is now the same height as Jennifer, and so is tall enough to fit in the box, Jennifer arranged for her to be the one who got sawed in half in the Clearly Impossible illusion.

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