Jenna Lovely ma sponsora

Jenna Lovely ma sponsora


Jenna Lovely ma sponsora

Inspired by the work of SAUL BASS , ART GOODMAN, and DAVE NAGATA. Hitchcock typeface by MATT TERICH .

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The first thing you notice in the VIP dining room of the Penthouse Club in Sauget are the chairs. Actually, scratch that. The first things your eyes adjust to in the near pitch-black darkness is the stuffed lion, the moose bust over the fireplace and the stone grotto in the corner. Then you notice the chairs.
The seats dwarf the tables. Michael Ocello , president of the VCG Holdings (the publicly traded company that owns the Penthouse Club and 18 other adult nightclubs in 10 states), tells me that the company had the chairs specially made.
“The arms are reinforced and have a cushion perfectly sized for a woman to take a seat,” says Ocello, who has our server — a petite blonde named Tiffany in fishnet stockings and a corset — demonstrate. “See. This way you can have two women seated with you and they’re not on your lap. Which can be fun — until your legs fall asleep.”
But Ocello didn’t invite me to the Penthouse Club today to discuss furniture. No, he has something much more interesting to report: the study that found strip clubs like his can be good for your health.

“We were very surprised by the findings,” says Ocello, whose VCG Holdings commissioned Empire Research to conduct the study. “Besides the obvious — beautiful women — we wanted to know what attracted men to adult clubs. We always knew that our clubs made men feel good, but we didn’t expect the researchers to come back with medical findings that our clubs can also be healthy for you.”
Then again, if you think about it, it makes sense, says Ocello. “As a society, 54 percent of us feel overwhelmed with work. We only have 16 hours or so of leisure time a week and more and more of that is interacting with people via Facebook or the Internet. We’re social creatures. We need human touch, human contact.”
The study suggests that strip clubs can lower Cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone” that can lead to heart disease, while also boosting Oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone.” Moreover, strip clubs tend to increase testosterone which naturally declines as men age.
“They’ve done saliva tests that show that men’s testosterone increases when they’re surrounded by beautiful women,” says Ocello. “Why is that? Because there’s no fear of rejection. The women are going to talk to you. They’re going to flirt with you. That’s how it works. The question is: would you rather go to the gym and do push ups to increase testosterone, or spend her time here surrounded by beautiful women?”
So, how long til doctors begin prescribing a trip to the strip club to their patients?
“I don’t know, but if you look at the footnotes to our study, it comes from them,” says Ocello. “Our research is from the medical community!”
I spontaneously took a bus from Philadelphia to NYC one Friday for a single reason: My friend Lexi was attending an orgy and I wanted to check it out. It was just a college themed party, so at first I blew it off. As a second semester freshman I’d already been to my fair share of frats and house parties and I didn’t think this so called orgy party would be fruitful, or even fun. But Lexi assured me that kids at her school “committed” to these sorts of things, so I admit, my curiosity was piqued.
Casual (but responsible!) sex with strangers has never been taboo to me. While I know there’s a time and place for romantic sex, at this point in my life, I much prefer the no-strings-attached kind. It beats the awkward meeting in class the next day or the weird limbo of expectations that can occur with a friend-with-benefits for whom you suddenly develop feelings. Sure, critics say casual sex is just as awkward when you unexpectedly bump into your one-night stand walking down the street to class, but, hey, that’s what iPods and cell phones were half invented for right? And given the large number of students on my campus, one-night stands with neither expectations nor awkward repercussions are not uncommon. All the same, I’d never actually experienced anything like a party with pure unadulterated sex before.
More than anything, I wanted to see the inner workings of an orgy — I wanted to know what orgy sex looks like. Because while I’m a fan of casual sex, it has to be for the right reason — meaning, for the sake of the sex itself. It can’t be because I’m lonely or hurting or need my self-worth validated by outside sources. I see this kind of casual sex all over my campus — would an orgy be a way to enjoy a purer form of casual sex? Sure, plenty of college parties end in casual sex, but I had never attended a party where the explicit goal was sexual pleasure. Would the party be filled with desperate girls with daddy issues? Annoying frat boys? Or legitimately interesting people who were comfortable with their sexuality?
Getting dressed for the party was the first step. It seemed so simple — you showed up with no clothing, but both Lexi and I agreed that although the rather large bottle of Skyy Vodka we’d been sharing was almost empty, we hadn’t lost enough inhibitions yet to step through the door in the nude.
The invitation stated that a shot would be required for every article of clothing one decided to wear to the party. Clearly if we still had our inhibitions now, they wouldn’t be an issue inside the party. We briefly flirted with the cliché idea of wearing trench coats over lingerie, but finally settled on wearing street clothes over our lingerie and making the final decision on whether or not to get naked at the door of the party.
The amount of alcohol present and the pressure to drink was a bit disconcerting. I’m sure at a more legitimate orgy party, the free flow of booze would have been frowned upon. Consent is absolutely key in any sort of sexual behavior and an orgy party is no different. But no one was so incapacitated to my knowledge that they no longer knew what they were doing.
Once inside the party house, I had to laugh. It looked like a teenager’s interpretation of a cheesy strip club: the lights were dimmed and covered with red Saran wrap, so a red glow covered the room. We took our prerequisite shots at the door and then entered. The walls were covered with printed-out tips on how to perform the most outrageous sex positions, probably only realistic for yoga teachers or Olympic gymnasts.
Also taped to the walls were female condoms and packets of lube, while wrapped male condoms hung from the ceiling on pieces of string (okay, so maybe not entirely like a cheesy strip club). I’ve always been an advocate of safer sex — especially since an orgy suggests sex with total strangers — so the protective offerings were a comforting sight to me. All you had to do was grab your favorite prophylactic and whisk your lucky sexual partner into one of the many side rooms that lined the hallway.
At least, that was the theory of the party. In practice, the dynamic was more awkward than I’d imagined. Granted, my only prior experience of orgies was in porn, where the sex is so unrealistic — laughable even. No pizza delivery guy just happens to show up at a slumber party where the girls forgot cash and have to resort to other forms of payment. Turns out real life and real sex is nothing like porn — even at an orgy.
In other words, there was just as much flirtation and innuendo and small talk as there was sex. And even at an orgy — or, perhaps I should say, even at a college orgy — it’s not particularly comfortable to approach a stranger for sex. The thought of rejection is always a hanging possibility. So the conversations weren’t much different from any other college party — the only difference being that the girls’ clothing ranged from barely there lingerie to flimsy dresses to dominatrix suits, while the boys wore mainly underwear — let’s just say I’ve seen enough Calvin Klein boxers and briefs to design their next spring line. No one was brave enough to socialize naked.
Still, some people managed to overcome the awkwardness — out of the corner of my eye I watched attractive strangers enter side rooms down the hallway, some in twos, some in threes, some in mores. My friend soon disappeared with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, I stood near the makeshift bar and asked for a cranberry and vodka while scanning the room. Nothing like liquid courage to help the process of finding someone to bed.
I started chatting to one guy and the awkwardness dissipated once he realized that I just wanted to talk for a bit — at least until chemistry had been established or ruled out. Until, that is, he pointed at my arm and said “Hey… is that a rash or something?” I panicked — had I somehow caught herpes by just being in this environment?
My entire body was breaking out in hives and my throat started to feel itchy. I looked at my drink and then back at the makeshift bar. I spotted the cranberry juice… that was actually cranberry-strawberry juice. I was having an allergic reaction at an orgy.
Needless to say, my motley appearance didn’t exactly draw huge crowds of cute boys. More importantly, I was on the verge of dying without my EpiPen. Exiting the orgy at a run, I hailed the first cab I saw and headed to my friend’s dorm to be rescued by my EpiPen.
After I had thoroughly examined my rash, I sat down and contemplated my night. I was disappointed at my early departure — allergic to an orgy, how embarrassing! — but, in retrospect, I don’t think most orgies actually work this way. First, there was far too much alcohol. Second, although I have no doubt that many people had sex that night, I’m not sure it was completely stranger sex (for the most part, all the people at the party attended the same university). Finally, I think that orgy sex, like all good sex, requires a degree of comfort and communication to be established before the fact. And that’s just not something you get at a boozy college party, no matter how many condoms are hanging from the ceiling.
Tasteful Temptations, Inc is the East Coast’s most prominent and top-rated Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Specialists. With over 200 female and male dancers, Tasteful has everything you need to make your bachelor party the most talked about event for a long, long time.
“Give in to the Temptation!”
Undergraduates have traditionally pulled pints or waited tables to pay their way through university, but a growing body of research suggests that a significant number are now turning to sex work to make ends meet.
The rise in fees which will see some students graduate with projected debts of up to £53,000 at the end of their course is being blamed for persuading young women and men to take up pole dancing, escort work or even prostitution. Experts say that university welfare officers are largely ignorant of the growing phenomenon and poorly equipped to deal with issues arising from young people’s involvement.
Research by Dr Ron Roberts, of the University of Kingston, published in 2010 suggested that one in four students know someone who had worked in the sex industry to fund their studies – up from three per cent in 1990. Dr Roberts found 16 per cent would consider working in the industry while more than one in 10 were open to the idea of being an escort.
Research by Teela Sanders and Kate Hardy, of the University of Leeds, found that a quarter of lap dancers had a degree whilst a third of the women they interviewed were using the job to fund new forms of training.
Much of the expansion over the decade was to do with the proliferation of lap dancing clubs. But the internet also threw up a new range of opportunities for anonymous sex work.
But although the idea of the middle-class sex worker has gained media currency – not least through the highly publicised exploits of Belle de Jour, otherwise known as Dr Brooke Magnanti, a 34-year-old research scientist – the reality can be very different.
In the Leeds study, women reported physical and verbal harassment from customers as they were forced to work in dangerous conditions.
Dr Tracey Sagar, of Swansea University, who is running a three-year project to provide advice and support to student sex workers in Wales, said the authorities were still waking up to the shift in student work patterns.
“Universities are not dealing with this issue. It is not on the radar of welfare or support organisations within education,” she said. The SponsorA site appears to cater to those seeking the so-called “girlfriend” experience where sex can be accompanied by an emotional intimacy. Ms Sagar said that many sex sites flagged up a student’s educational status which was often desirable to potential clients. uses a variety of images of women and glowing testimonials claiming to come from satisfied customers which it is feared could attract young women struggling financially.
The website claims that most of the sponsors are “men between the ages of 28 and 50 who run their own successful business and want to have discreet adventures with a student whilst helping them fund their studies through a scholarship”. It even suggests the amount is tax deductible.
However, opponents say that the unequal power relationship between sex worker and client leaves particularly women open to sexual exploitation whilst safety groups have warned women against going off with people they do not know.
Tasteful Temptations, Inc is the East Coast’s most prominent and top-rated Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Specialists. With over 200 female and male dancers, Tasteful has everything you need to make your bachelor party the most talked about event for a long, long time.
“Give in to the Temptation!”
Fascinating Fact: Sexual acts lead to weight loss
The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.
Fascinating Fact: In Victorian times, whores wore pubic wigs
The pubic wig (merkin) has been around since the 1400s when it was originally worn by women who had shaved their pubic hair off to prevent lice. In the Victorian times it was frequently worn by prostitutes who wanted to conceal the fact that they had diseases like syphilis (Honest – we aren’t merkin’ this up). They are also used in the film industry to conceal actors genitals in nude scenes.
Fascinating Fact: Condoms were originally made of animal intestines or linen
In Asia before the fifteenth century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn (ouch). In the 16th century, condoms were often made with linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to dry before use. The cloths were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a ribbon. Pictured above is an animal intestine condom from the early 1900s.
Fascinating Fact: Sex cures headaches
Next time your significant other refuses your advances by claiming to have a headache, remember this fact: the sex act can help to cure a headache. Sex causes the body to release endorphins which naturally reduce the pain of a headache.
Fascinating Fact: Sperm is good for the skin
The proteins in sperm have a tightening effect on the skin. When sperm is left to dry, the evaporation of the water in it leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. While this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face.
Fascinating Fact: Pubic hair is programmed to grow a certain amount
All hair on the body is controlled by a “growth program” which determines the growth duration (and consequently the length) of hair. Pubic hair has a shorter growth duration (on average just a few months) compared to hair on the head. This is what stops pubic hair growing to unmanageable lengths.
Fascinating Fact: The term “blow job” comes from the Victorian times
In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy”. At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation. Consequently, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job. It was also used to describe jet planes in World War Two. In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute”.
Fascinating Fact: Men looking at male porn produce more sperm
Studies have shown that men who looked at porn of two men and one woman produced more sperm than those who looked at just women. Scientists speculate that seeing competition makes men step up their baby-making capacities.
Fascinating Fact: Humans aren’t the only creatures to have sex for fun.
Humans aren’t the only members of the animal kingdom that have sex just for fun. Dolphins and Bonobo chimps have also been observed engaging in sexual activity, when they are not in their natural reproductive cycles. With the exception of a pair of Cohan gorillas observed doing so, bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding. Interestingly, Bonobo chimps also play and experience joy like humans.
Fascinating Fact: Some female penguins engage in prostitution
Believe it or not, in the wild, certain female penguins (even when in a committed relationship) will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests. According to Dr Fiona Hunter (a zoologist): “It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.” On some occasions the prostitute penguins trick the males. They carry out the elaborate courtship ritual, which usually leads to mating. Having bagged their stone, they would then run off.
Tasteful Temptations, Inc is Atlantic City, NJ most prominent and top-rated Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Specialists. With over 200 female and male dancers, Tasteful has everything you need to make your bachelor party the most talked about event for a long, long time.
“Give in to the Temptation!”
Exotic Dancers Wanted – At Tasteful Temptations Agency – Make Several Hundred Per Hour Dancing – Base Plus Tips Offered Per Show

At Tasteful Temptations we book exotic entertainment for private parties for all occasions, including bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, birthday parties, sporting events, surprise strip — o — grams, and corporate functions.
We are looking for entertainers that have it all; good looks talent, imagination and originality that t
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