Jaye Summers Pics

Jaye Summers Pics


Jaye Summers Pics

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Jaye Summers is an American actress and model, born on 28 May 1994 in Arizona, United States. Jaye is particularly known for acting in AV Industry. Today, In Jaye Summers’s Biography we will know about the actress’s Early Life, Career, Family, etc.
Jaye was born in Arizona and she started her career in the entertainment industry in 2015 with the film studio “ B.B. Network “. After that, she worked with other film studios mainly including ‘Crave Media’ and ‘Manipulative Media’.
Apart from this, Jaye has also performed in videos with various famous actresses of the entertainment industry and these actresses include Elsa Jean , Izzy Lush , etc.
Jaye Summers (born 28 May 1994) is an American actress and Model. She made her acting debut in the entertainment industry in 2015 with the film studio “B.B. Network”.
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Travelling, Selfie Lover, Internet Surfing, Shopping

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I believe Jaye Summers is one of the most beautiful woman on earth. Her long, brunette hair frames her face while she stands at just around 5 to 6 feet tall- not exceptionally short or overly tall. But what really makes her stand out as a person are both how hardy and determined to stay healthy she has been throughout life that’s dedication, The Biography of Jaye Summers also helps us understand her through all of it by showing readers who or what shaped this incredible individual into someone we can be proud to call our stars with their stories.
Jaye Summers has had a great deal of success from her hard work and passion for what she does best. She felt that with persistence, consistency, and even just a little extra effort – despite the obstacles in front of her – she can realize anything. Jaye Summers also feels like not everyone is blessed to be famous due to their natural ability or talent; rather it’s pure chance if they find themselves on top one day without any real achievement under their belt at all. Her followers make it possible for her to create even more content than she might otherwise be able to do because they ask for more from this beauty queen, who would have trouble getting enough attention without them.
She loves anything to do with nature, Laughing, eating, hiking, adventuring, working out, and petting dogs. She likes to wake up next to the smell of crackling bacon and love shooting photo’s for her social media channels especially Instagram.
Jaye Summers is worth anywhere from $280,000 to $489,000. One of the most important questions her fans keep asking about Jaye Summers would be how much does she actually have? This question becomes necessary when people are trying to make a comparison with other celebrity’s net worth and incomes. It can also sometimes just come down to being able to place an actual value on what kind of earnings they’re bringing in for themselves every year as well as their status within society or culture today.
Her date of birth is 25th March, 1995. making her 26 years in 2021 and she has a zodiac sign of Aries.
For someone who is an adult, her height as we know it is 5 ft 6 in (168 cm) and her weight is 115 lbs (52 kg), trust me she is able to really control herself very well.
someone of her caliber it is only natural that she makes her presence on the internet active so that she can communicate with her fan base. The table below shows the social media she is available on. 
Her relationship status is “unknown” at the moment.
Jaye Summers has had an eventful life, to say the least. She is a self-made lady who has never shied away from taking risks and leaving her impact on the world in a significant way, from childhood to the present. We hope you enjoyed the insight about what makes this incredible individual tick as much as we did.
Her date of birth is 25th March, 1995. making her 26 years in 2021 and she has a zodiac sign of Aries.
She is worth an amount of $280,000 to $489,000. this is largely because of the kind of job she does and the duration of time she has been doing it. 
For someone who is an adult, her exact height is 5 ft 6 in (168 cm) and weight is also 115 lbs (52 kg).
The only way to get in touch with her is by reaching her on her social media which are (Twitter: —), (Instagram: —) and (Snapchat: —)
Yes, as far as we know, she is still alive
Her place of birth is United States of America
Her relationship status is “unknown”.
Just like you, we are also wondering the name of her boyfriend or partner could be, we will however up you here as soon as we get to know her boyfriend’s name.
We assume her real name is Jaye Summers.
Her verified Twitter account is unknown
Her verified Instagram account is unknown
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Jaye Summers is an Instagram Star from the United States. She is well known for Modeling. Jaye Summers was born in 1996 in the United States. She is 25 years old.
Jaye Summers has over 179K followers which she has earned by uploading attractive photos and short videos. Further, she has been the face of various different lingerie and fashion brands.
Jaye Summers’s age is 25 years . Jaye Summers’s height is 5 feet 8 inches and her weight is approx 57 kg .
Eric Wakeham and Gladys Tesalonika both are popular celebrities from the United States.
How much is Jaye Summers’s Net Worth? She has a net worth of $1m.
Age of Jaye Summers is 25 years old.
When is the Birthday of Jaye Summers?
Jaye Summers’s birthday is in 1996.
Jaye Summers is 5 feet 8 inches tall.
Jaye Summers is from the United States.


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by Corey Melton
March 11, 2013


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Today the NY Post published a pictorial which reveals the one remaining entertainment industry that was pure and honest with nothing to hide, the adult entertainment industry. Who would have thunk it?! You mean the girls starring in pornographic films across the world may be augmented, made-up or skewed in their appearance?
Here are some that I specifically picked out for you all to see, but there are many more on the NY Post's original article
Hold on guys, I'll be back in a few...
"...and almost paint away the deep dark holes in these ladies’ souls."
Came here to post something similar; that statement sounds incredibly judgmental. You could easily add this to the start of any article about fashion photography as well.
Oh well, better to pick on those whom others won't support, I guess.
YES! Incredibly judgmental!
I feel very sorry for many of these (and other women) who have destroyed their appearance with surgery. Not saying that surgery is all bad but in many cases (and in many of the images above) the faces are... let me just say that I feel sorry for them.
Also, MOST women look very different with and without makeup. So the statement would apply just as much on society as a whole.
Some of these women do look quite normal but I think you could find a lot of pornstars not looking like surgery try-outs.
Probably one of the few posts I really dislikes here.
What has Fstoppers resorted to this Corey Melton, all he has done was STEAL thievery these photos from another phototographer without permission, and then added his own lowblow insult comment. Shame on Fstop, thanks to Corey Melton!!!
Hope someone reports corey melton's felony to xmelissamakeupx via Instagram.
Yea I agree. Very tacky comment ; (
I work with this hair/makeup artist all the time here in LA, she's
brilliant. The makeup looks a bit overdone in these "available-light"
iphone snaps, but with stobe lighting, the kind that I use when I shoot,
the makeup is always perfect.
I thought that was good writing / insight. Without that all we have is a simple repost.
well hat guy who wrote the article is an a$$hole prick.. and that´s my opinion about him
Well, I'm never watching porn again... said no man ever. :)
This is the single worst post I have ever seen on Fstoppers. I started reading this site thanks to the wonderfully informative original articles but this is nothing more than drivel.
C'mon guys, get it together. I know you class yourselves as bloggers but with a readership as broad as you currently enjoy, a more journalistic tone should be taken throughout the site. The comment that Jon Sharman points to highlights the issue perfectly; there's absolutely no need for a personal jab at an entire workforce of people. I'm sure the writer has enjoyed the fruits of the adult entertainment industry on at least one occasion - why the need for a personal affront?
Keep it classy, on point and, above else, objective. If else, I have a feeling I won't be alone in removing Fstoppers from my daily internet routine.
"...and almost paint away the deep dark holes in these ladies’ souls."
That is a ridiculous statement! Who are you to judge the state of these ladies souls? Im sure the native Americans of the early century would say much the same thing regarding you being a photographer (they believed that photos stole your soul)....
I still believe that I am capturing souls when I photograph. It's a legit argument and it's what got me into the business in the first place.
Capturing souls is a great reason to get into photography. Judging porn actors/actresses and saying they have "deep dark holes in their souls" is pathetic. 
My god I'm getting so sick and tired of all the ridicules comments people write, keep it classy, judgmental, very tacky??? VERRY SIMPLE, if you can't handle or don't like the article thats posted, then don't read it!!! I find this article rather interesting to see how again make-up makes a huge difference and not how judgmental this post is... Keep up the good work FSTOPPERS!
thanks! I too am sick and tired of those who act as though they are forced to read an article just because it's on the site. We can't please everyone 100% of the time, and I'm okay with that. RVG is good in my book :)
 We're no more forced to read articles any more than you're forced to read comments.
People don't like hypocrites and that particular comment of yours clearly demonstrates that criticism of others opens yourself up to criticism as well (especially if it's in regards to a controversial topic). For this reason, it's generally considered professional to remain neutral when writing about this kind of subject matter.
By and large, this website is held in high regards with it's readership but you marred that reputation, and an otherwise interesting article, with that thoughtless remark.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
I personally could let the snide, tacky writing slide. But the staunch defense of your "right" to post it leads me to believe you're just tacky in general, which does a disservice to fstoppers, and it's readership as a whole.
Thing is, we commented because we already read the article. And it was a very interesting article, until you ruined it with your pathetic, small-minded comment about deep dark holes in their souls. 
Yeah the whole "if you don't like it don't read/watch/listen" to it defense for artists is fine, but I don't necessarily want to take fstoppers off my RSS feed. In general the articles have been really good off the site but it seems like with many more writers things are harder to control.
I feel like there's a lot more "pay to learn photography techniques" advertisements as well.
You realize that the article wouldn't be so offensive if the unnecessary comment was left out? I haven't seen any comments in other posts like this. It's unnecessary and ignorant.
It is just as interesting to see models with and without makeup and just as or more relevant for most fstop-readers I'd say. It is just as bad to complain about the comments. I agree that it is at times unnecessary comments at times here, but this is in a whole other league than fan boy-wars.
In the end I think it is important that people say what they think and I value your comment just as much.
sure is an engaging comment though, isnt it? ;)
What on earth is this article doing on here?
Didn't know Fstoppers resorted to troll to fill their sites...
My question is if you got the permission of the Post to use the photos. That on top of the lack of tact in the aforementioned comment in the article.
I wonder if the Post had permission to use them from the artist's IG feed in the first place?
No different than in fashion except there are more of those herpes moths scars then normal.
Funny little post FS
I agree that not all comments in fstoppers posts are always well chosen, but what bothers me is the crazy comments people leave behind. If I come across an article that really does not make sense to me, I JUST DON"T read it!! I'm just glad that blogs like fstoppers exist, a bunch of interesting stuff thats posted on 1 blog and I filter out what I find interesting or not! 
But the article does make sense, it's a great showcase of the job that makeup artists and hair people do. The before and afters are incredible.
The comment about deep dark holes in their souls is what pissed people off, and if we want to comment about that fragment of a sentence we have every right to. 
every right indeed. As much right as I have to write the article as I did. Thanks for understanding Jon
Understanding what? That you're a dick? You're welcome.
I understand Corey's mother had a rather 'large hole' in her when she had her kids. What a woman, right guys?
If you s**k d**k for a living, you have deep dark holes in your soul. Period!! These gals have bigger issues than being insulted by a comment in a blog, trust me! I think that was a very funny and witty comment, bravo fstoppers for not being PC. All the above guys who were not happy with the comment, keep that in mind next time you'll jack in front of the computer while watching porn...
PC is the death of America, just you wait and see. Thanks for the comment
I can't believe that I, a 21 year old white male, need to tell you this:
... holy fuck man. Your comment is at best judgmental and completely devoid of humour, and at worst an anti-intellectual stance on heteronormativity (ie: La la, can't hear you explaining the lifestyle choices/non-choices of individuals whom I am completely unable to connect with over the sound of how right I think I am).
so let me get this straight, I have to tolerate what you think I need to tolerate, but you can tolerate a joking comment? weak
 He was just joking brah. You don't have to tolerate anything! THIS IS 'MERICA.
I hope he does and sucks a... wait... too soon here?
I never thought I'd say this, but your usage of all caps is an elegant way of avoiding Poe's law. That's right, all caps being useful for something... :P
 Haha, well thank you bro, I definitely do appreciate that.
It's always fun proving internet rules wrong, and sadly, the sarcasm is lost on many people here.
Cheers bro! Keep up the good fight against ignorant pricks on the interwebs, my friend.
 There's a difference between political correctness- little person, and midget.
And saying all little people are raging whores.
 How would *you* know? Are you a hooker, or pornstar? Maybe they think you're just a conservative, jelly dbag, but what would *they* know? They just don't give a fuck what other people think of them, way more than you do. Jelly Fu is really hard brah.

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