Jay S Pov

Jay S Pov


Jay S Pov







As soon as Jays POV puts the camera down, we may have an album to view.

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

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I'm jay, a bodyboarder from far northern NSW, now living in the big smoke (sydney) and surfing the northern beaches!

I love booging - and love capturing the ocean with my camera.

So if your a bodyboarder or a surfer, or just curious - come get barrelled with me!

Check out jayboogiepov on instagram.

To follow me, hit subscribe and join the boogie Family!


PERFECT BLACKROCK - The Arvo session (part 2/2 | Bodyboarding POV)
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0:00 / 31:20 β€’ Watch full video Live

Ben Player Interview - July 2018 (3x Bodyboard World Champion)

I recently (18/7/2018) caught up with Bodyboarding legend Ben Player for a quick chat, which ended up going way over time...haha

We ended up discussing Bens travels and waves he scored!
In particular the recent South coast slab session featured in the video by bodyboard king called "southern Bombs", his trip to Namibia to surf skeleton bay, and also the recent swells to smash Sydneys Northern beaches.
We also discussed the APB world tour and his future plans for competing..
We did a Q and A session. Topics such as Board design, surfers vs Bodyboarders and worst injuries were dicussed, plus more.
We also discuss his Board - The NMD BP Quad Concave - and how it is different from boards with a regular flat bottomed hull.

Overall it was a an awesome catch up.
Thank you Ben for giving up your time - Show him your appreciation by liking/sharing and leaving a comment on this video.
You can also follow his on Instagram ------- ben_player
Bodyboarding wouldnt be the same without him!
Cheers Ben!

Check out the video below and also the Instgrams of the contributing photographers/Videographers.

Bodyboard king's Video (filmed edited by Tyge landa)
Southern Bombs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfmUC...

Photos/POV Clips
Guy Williment - Instagram - gfunk_
Josh kleve - Instagram - Klevey_wonder
Ben Player - Instagram - ben_player

#Bodyboarding #Benplayer #Skeletonbay

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I'm jay, a bodyboarder from far northern NSW, now living in the big smoke (sydney) and surfing the northern beaches!

I love booging - and love capturing the ocean with my camera.

So if your a bodyboarder or a surfer, or just curious - come get barrelled with me!

Check out jayboogiepov on instagram.

To follow me, hit subscribe and join the boogie Family!


PERFECT BLACKROCK - The Arvo session (part 2/2 | Bodyboarding POV)
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0:03 / 31:20 β€’ Watch full video Live

Ben Player Interview - July 2018 (3x Bodyboard World Champion)

I recently (18/7/2018) caught up with Bodyboarding legend Ben Player for a quick chat, which ended up going way over time...haha

We ended up discussing Bens travels and waves he scored!
In particular the recent South coast slab session featured in the video by bodyboard king called "southern Bombs", his trip to Namibia to surf skeleton bay, and also the recent swells to smash Sydneys Northern beaches.
We also discussed the APB world tour and his future plans for competing..
We did a Q and A session. Topics such as Board design, surfers vs Bodyboarders and worst injuries were dicussed, plus more.
We also discuss his Board - The NMD BP Quad Concave - and how it is different from boards with a regular flat bottomed hull.

Overall it was a an awesome catch up.
Thank you Ben for giving up your time - Show him your appreciation by liking/sharing and leaving a comment on this video.
You can also follow his on Instagram ------- ben_player
Bodyboarding wouldnt be the same without him!
Cheers Ben!

Check out the video below and also the Instgrams of the contributing photographers/Videographers.

Bodyboard king's Video (filmed edited by Tyge landa)
Southern Bombs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfmUC...

Photos/POV Clips
Guy Williment - Instagram - gfunk_
Josh kleve - Instagram - Klevey_wonder
Ben Player - Instagram - ben_player

#Bodyboarding #Benplayer #Skeletonbay

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