Jay Dyer & the Orthodogs have no Political Power nor anything else for you Western man

Jay Dyer & the Orthodogs have no Political Power nor anything else for you Western man

Justin Stamm with Why We Fight - May 5, 2024
Justin Stamm - Obersalzberg - Berchtesgaden, Germany (November 2023)

Recently somebody shared with me a stream Jay Dyer hosted on more Catholic bashing under the guise of a debate. I hadn't heard any of his streams in a few years since our falling out. Or should I say his meltdown after I decided to become Catholic, where the rest of my family already was, instead of Orthodox. I could only take five minutes of the droning on about "west bad - east good" Russia worshiping. After all said and done, what the most blaring mistake that Jay makes in his theologically Purity spiraling diatribes is the absence of political philosophy and historical ignorance... or willful stubbornness in order to continue on with the double standard of the Eastern Nationalist Orthodox postilion.

(He refuses to debate Peter Dimond)

No Political Answers

He never mentions one word about political power that can protect the west, the Western Christian man & his homelands. Why? Because not only does he and his ilk believe that it is west itself that is the ailment but additionally he has no answers to offer for political power & because he has none himself. Nor does any other Orthodox church or organization. He's just a talking head with a show.

If you're going to act like you're throwing a lifeline to a sick and ailing western man who's struggling for identity and security in this turbulent time, you should actually have something pragmatic and tangible to offer as a demonstration of your worldview. The Orthodox simply don't offer this. They're devoid of power in the west & the ability to help us and or protect us from the deconstruction and degeneracy surrounding us. Ironically the very Soviet Union that many in these circles go through mental gymnastics over in order to polish off its image of death and atrocity is astounding. Russia is in large part responsible for the spread of atheism, Marxism and the all encompassing cultural revolution that penetrated the west after the October Revolution in its effort to push this satanic civilization destroying worldview. Yet they say the answer to our ills lies in the Mother Russia? Hell no. I think not.

Since both Catholicism and Orthodoxy are total World View systems of thought (Weltanschauung) that have always possessed a political entity in which to protect the continuity of that faith & culture, then for one to promote an abandonment of the Catholic church and your Western identity for an Eastern nationalist identity, one would have to ask, what political entity or power do you possess to help me and or protect me, my family and friends? Again. They have none or anything to offer other then a call to abandon ship.

Alexander Dugin Promoting White Replacement in our own lands

The political Minds involved with the spread of Orthodoxy into Western lands, like Alexander Dugin, advocate the total replacement of white Europeans with Blacks and Arabs. He also himself referred to the Jewish Kabbalah as the greatest human achievement of all time. Not the bible. Or the Patristic teachings. He also referred to Putin as the political Messiah of our modern time that can save the world. These are the diatribes of a crazy man that has much influence on political Orthodoxy.

Eradication of Europe is the purpose of the Nazbol mentality

This Dugin is not only a high-profile political advisor to Putin but is himself orthodox as well and promotes the total implosion and replacement of Catholicism. Just as the modernist liberal Catholics do. No matter what mistakes and problems we have in this crisis of the western Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox have had even more and continue to.

Putin Worshiping in Dugin's own words

A historical ecclesiastical hypocrisy and a double standard

Historically the Romanovs were corrupt and meddled in the Affairs of the church constantly. At one time they shut down the Patriarchate completely and at a later time established a reign of Caesaropapism where the bishops and Patriarchs were appointed by the emperor. Nullifying the claim against the Pope in Rome had no right according the apostolic canon. Later on the soviet controlled Russian Orthodox Church killed not only the clergy but also lay people and 1.6 Million Eastern Catholics as well for not joining the national Church under Stalin. These criminals not only are recognized as legitimate clergy by modern Orthodox but also they recognize their canonized communist saints as well. Furthermore when the international criminal court in the Hague received a delegation of Orthodox Clergy to account for the atrocities numbering in the tens of millions in the Soviet Union, they lied and said it was all made up by the CIA and Western Press and everything is normal as before and that communism is completely compatible with Real Christianity. After the collapse of the Iron Curtain, the numbers of victims of the Communist reign of terror were far more than anyone would have believed before. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn declared more than 60 million victims. Normal indeed.

The Nazbol movement (National Bolshevism) - was born in the mind of Dugin as white denial.

Additionally the unity in the Orthodox church is not to be found anywhere. The different jurisdictions have anathematized each other and are not in communion. The Greek Orthodox has become liberal and modernistic just like current so-called Rome. None of the jurisdictions share the exact same doctrines, such as the Toll Houses and ratios of Palamism required to accept, and even certain Bishops allowing non Christians to partake in Communion. In addition population decline is even worse in Russia and Eastern Europe than it is in Western Europe and the colonies reaching an point of no return crises while also an exploding Muslim population that the state itself sustains and builds mosques for.

Dugin and his nutty diatribes of Soviet revivalism

When I attended Orthodox catechism for one year before becoming a Roman Catholic adult convert, I had the chance to meet Bishop Benjamin of the Orthodox Church of America and ask him why Orthodoxy is exploding in growth in Russia. He explained to me that "it's not and that it is government propaganda. They're building churches but they're empty because people don't go and they're not having enough babies to replace their population." He himself attended Seminary there and is where he served in his first Deacon position. So I think he knows a little bit more than an internet personality. Ironically this same Bishop claimed that although the Communists did a lot of bad things, they did a lot of good things too. I almost fell out of my seat. What a mess. Well... He does live in San Fransisco.

"Communism and Christianity have a lot in common."

The lie that Jay Dyer and the Western Orthodox converts promote is that Orthodox Russia is the last great hope for mankind and that Real Christianity only remains in Russia. This is simply a lie that he wants to believe in because its to hard to accept that the men of the west have to work hard at taking control of our own destinies but its much easier to think about being saved by some strong man savior from an exotic foreign land. The strength of Mighty Mother Russia is an empty shell of a propaganda machine that is nothing more than a trick to get the Western man to further abandon his identity and allow his own racial and spiritual replacement in the very European lands which the gospel was brought to the entire world from. Remember, the world was not colonized and evangelized by the Orthodox church. It was the Holy Roman Catholic Church when it was in its full glory. Not the disfigured abomination we see now.

New Soviet monuments built to lionize Stalin are cropping up in break neck speeds. Even in Churches.

What he's ignoring is that Putin continues to support the preservation of its communist past and stubbornly refuses to recognize its historical atrocities and make anyone still alive pay for them. Not against the Russian, European and not even Ukrainian. Instead he continues to build grand monuments to Stalin with Hammers and sickles and all manner of communist regalia abounding.

Much Work to Do

Now, we Catholics do have it bad. We have a lot of false clergy that work with the enemy to open the borders of our homelands up to be invaded, promote ecumenism and degeneracy as well as apostasies and heresies without a peep about the atrocities committed by these invaders. Instead they wash and kiss their feet while they criminally hand over the wealth and inheritance that belongs to our children. This leads to the logical conclusion that political strength and clarity will not be found in the ranks of the clergy or the remainder of the do nothing remnants of the aristocracy, and it shouldn't be. This is our jurisdiction, not theirs and although we are without political representation or power, we as laymen should and need to focus on a building political and security advocacy for our own without the precondition of begging for out of touch clergy that are not politically intelligent as well as morally ambivalent on such an endeavor. Least of which we don't need the consent or the approval of our enemies.

Where to go from here

This is not meant to be theological refutation of Jay Dyer and the Orthodogs. That job was already accomplished by Peter Dimond on multiple occasions with tremendous success. This is meant to point out that your despair doesn't come from a lack of access to good Catholic moral teachings for the average man that has no control over what the clergy should straighten out but doesn't. Its meant to point out that your despair comes from a complete lack of pragmatic political direction to represent your way of life and fight off those hypocrites calling for your replacement and or genocide.

The answer for saving Catholic Europe & Western civilization is not abandoning it because gossiping internet spergs want to explain how their Church that dindu nuffin wrong ever is the way to go. Nor is it to become Purity spiraling Catholic E theologians that are politically illiterate and ignoramuses on history on what got us here. Its the slothful mind that wants to fight incessant twitter wars with each other on the nuance of theological differences that leads to even more division. In his effort to have his conscious intellect satiated, Dyer has not led anyone to a political clarity on what to do next but simply has simply caused more confusion and division, like the Marxists that permeate the hypocritical Orthodox ranks, leading to more inaction as the enemy gains more ground everyday. He will be judged for his role in this tumultuous time in the west.

The true answer is to stop looking for outside help and begging others to do what we ought to do ourselves. Only we can represent, protect and save ourselves if we retain a common principle of Western Christian political Unity.

Deus Vult

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