Java Virtual Machine LauncherError: A JniError Has Occurred

Java Virtual Machine LauncherError: A JniError Has Occurred

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One reason can be that you have installed a 32-bit Java on 64-bin OS. Open console and run command to verify.

This will provide basic information about JRE. It will also indicate whether it is 32 or 64 bit. If it is 32-bit, uninstall it and install 64-bit version.

@Angelgce: The 2nd screen shows that it is a 64-bit JRE which is OK. Then 1st one shows it is a 32-bit JRE. You can remove it and install 64 bit JRE. - mentallurg Jun 21, 2020 at 11:40

I was able to solve the problem by installing JDK on other computers.

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