Java Software Engineer Weekly Newsletter - week 3 - January 21, 2020
Oleksandr StefanovskyiJava
- RFC-7807 problem details with Spring Boot and JAX-RS - A great overview of this IETF standard for communicating problems and errors to API clients.
- Key annotations you need to know when working with JPA and Hibernate - An excellent primer for newbies, and a nice review for the more experienced JPA connoisseur.
- Special Cases Are a Code Smell - In this article, we discuss the importance of eliminating special cases in order to write more effective and generalized code.
- Your first 90 days as CTO or VP Engineering.
- Upcoming Software Testing Trends in 2020 - For QA professionals, it is crucial to quickly adapt to new changes in the testing domain. Find out the trends for 2020.
- Can
Make a Query Go...Faster? — Most of the time, including as few columns as you need inSELECT
queries is a good way to go, but one of Brent’s SQL Server-based clients encountered an edge case whereSELECT *
queries actually ran faster. - Two Edge Cases in Postgres's Full-Text Search — When using
s andto_tsquery
, there are some quirks that could trip you up. - Why Developers Love Postgres — A just released, high level talk about why Postgres is a great database, including a section about how a department at Chevron migrated from Oracle to Postgres.
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