Jassie Gold

Jassie Gold


Jassie Gold

Jessie Gold Trivia

Jessie Gold was born in Northridge , United States , as Jessie Lynn Goldstein.
Jessie Gold’s birth sign is Scorpio.
She is the daughter of Bonnie Gold and Harry Gold.
She is an actress, best known for her work on Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds (2006), The Longest Week (2014) and Eating Out: The Open Weekend (2011).
Jessie has portrayed the role Natalie Pierce of ‘A Crime of Passion’, Violet of ‘Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds’, and Sasha of ‘Lien on Me ‘.
She has four sisters named Cassie Gold, Tracey Gold , Missy Gold and Brandy Gold .

Jessie Gold was born on November 21 , 1984 .
As in 2022, Jessie Gold's age is 37 years.
Jessie Gold‘s birth sign is Scorpio.
Jessie Gold was born in Northridge , United States .
As per the report, Jessie Gold lives in Northridge , California , United States .
Jessie Gold‘s hobbies are Reading, photography, learning, traveling, internet surfing and to name a few.
Jessie Gold holds American nationality.
Jessie Gold‘s Instagram profile link read as https://www.instagram.com/.
Usually the best way to contact the celebrity is by emailing the celebrity representative. Celebrities receive so many messages directly on their social media platforms especially from fans meaning that your message could easily get lost amongst them. Instagram is very good at filtering messages which also means your messages will often not reach the targeted celebrity. Orelse, get your celebrity’s attention on Instagram. Although some celebrities may disable private messaging, it never hurts to try sending a direct message. Comment on photos and posts made by your celebrity. You never know when a celebrity will respond to a comment.
Most searched terms about Jessie Gold on the Internet are Jessie Gold marriage, Jessie Gold age, Jessie Gold wiki, Jessie Gold photos, Jessie Gold lover, Jessie Gold instagram, Jessie Gold facebook, Jessie Gold family, Jessie Gold salary, Jessie Gold height, Jessie Gold bio, Jessie Gold income, Jessie Gold house, Jessie Gold latest news, Jessie Gold tiktok, Jessie Gold musically.
Birthday: November 21 , 1984 (37 years)

Jessie Gold is an American actress, who is best known for her work on Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds (2006), The Longest Week (2014) and Eating Out: The Open Weekend (2011). Born on November 21, 1984, Jessie Gold hails from Northridge, United States. As in 2022, Jessie Gold's age is 37 years. Check below for more deets about Jessie Gold. This page will put a light upon the Jessie Gold bio, wiki, age, birthday, family details, affairs, controversies, caste, height, weight, rumors, lesser-known facts, and more.
Jessie Gold‘ father’s name is Harry Gold and Jessie Gold‘ mother’s name is Bonnie Gold .
Jessie Gold‘s search trend from the last 12 months (The below graph report is directly fetched from the ‘Google Trends’ ):

What is the birth/zodiac sign of Jessie Gold?
What’s the profession of Jessie Gold?
What are the hobbies of Jessie Gold?
What’s the nationality of Jessie Gold?
What’s the Instagram id of Jessie Gold?
What are most searched terms about Jessie Gold on the Internet?
Jessie Gold Keywords: Jessie Gold, Jessie Gold wiki, Jessie Gold age, Jessie Gold birthday, Jessie Gold Actress , Music Department , Soundtrack , , Jessie Gold biography, Jessie Gold wikipedia, Jessie Gold imdb, Jessie Gold filmifeed.
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Sister(s): Cassie Gold, Tracey Gold, Missy Gold, Brandy Gold

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Sister of actresses Tracey Gold , Missy Gold and Brandy Gold .

Daughter of Bonnie Gold and Harry Gold .

Has another sister, Cassie, who is not in the film industry.


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Jessie Gold was born on November 21, 1984 in Northridge, California, USA. She is known for Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds (2006), The Longest Week (2014) and Eating Out: The Open Weekend (2011).

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November 21 ,


in Northridge, California, USA

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