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One of the most diversified Groups offering numerous opportunities for partnership in strategic management, technology transfer, technical and/or financial support.
Our over 14-years experience in sanitation management helped us to bring our experience in bear in helping Ghana's fight against COVID-19.
It is no mean achievement to have over 6,000 global work force. This is a testament to our conducive working environment for human resource development.
We are one of the key drivers of Ghana's manufacturing industry. The group has industrial enterprises in aluminium processing, plastic & waste recycling and jute production.
We are one of the most diversified holding companies in Ghana with operations in Africa and Asia. We are always open for international partnership that will improve lives.
The Jospong Group prides itself as one of the pioneers of this vibrant industry. We provide complete printing and publishing services.
Jospong Group is a major player in this industry. We have a strong influence in Ghana's burgeoning Banking and Insurance industries.
The Jospong Group has carved a niche for itself as being the solution to waste management problems that befall developing in Africa.
The Jospong Group has interests in industrial enterprises such as aluminum processing, Plastic & Waste Recycling, and Jute Production.
The Jospong Group of Companies is one of the most diversified holdings companies in Ghana with operations in the Oil & Gas Sector.
The Jospong Group has over the years given its clients top notch ICT Services to small medium and large scale enterprises in Africa.
The Jospong Group of Companies is one of the most diversified holdings companies in Ghana with operations in the Agriculture Space.
The Jospong Group is one of the biggest logistics handling firms in Ghana. We operate in this sector through Amaris Terminal and JSA Logistics.
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
Companies in Ghana, China, Dubai and India
Kind words from our customers and partners
It is a manifestation of my government's encouragement of the private sector in the provision of critical infrastructure in the area of management of solid waste. Indeed, this facility is a state-of-the-art waste management facility
The opportunity provided by the Integrated Recycling and Composting Plant (IRECOP) of the Jospong Group by producing compost for Agriculture and seedlings production is of great interest to Zambia as it will help create jobs for the youth in the Agribusiness sector
The High Commissioner of Zambia to Ghana
In Ghana, Austrian environmental technology provider Komptech has received the largest order in its history. Over the next twelve months, 25 machines will be shipped to Ghana
I am impressed with Jospong’s new Hi-Tech Recycling Plant
Trusted by 1,000+ world-class brands and organizations.
Through our 25+ years of working to improve lives via the over 60 companies under the Jospong Group of companies, we have been privileged to work with some of the world’s best brands and organisations.
We are optimists who love to work together
Jospong Group’s core business is to identify gaps and churn out innovative solutions to bridge the identified gaps.
Nmai Djorn Near Zoomlion Head Office, Accra. +233 (0) 544326770 info@jospongroup.com
Our firm is capable of providing a broad range of services, which are categorized under the following service lines:
To be the most successful African Holding company, leading in every sector we operate.
With over 60 companies spanning diverse sectors, The Jospong Group of Companies is one of the most diversified holdings companies in Ghana with operations in other African countries and Asia.
The company has business interest in about 14 sectors of the economy with its biggest operations in Waste management, ICT and Banking as well as Automobile and Equipment.
The Jospong Group has business interest in over 14 sectors spanning 60 subsidiaries with operations in Africa and Asia.
One of the most diversified Groups offering numerous opportunities for partnership in strategic management, technology transfer, technical and/or financial support
Boasts of a huge workforce of young and old talented and skilled personnel with a good balance in gender, race, and social stratification
Our businesses are mostly situated in Ghana which is one of the most peaceful and stable economies in Africa
We have extensive experience in our various sectors of operation over the past 25 years.
We have strong financial and infrastructural base in terms of equipment and facilities
We have built strong relationships with the government and other businesses.
The Managing Director (MD) of Dredge Masters Limited (DML), Captain Ansar Ahmed Khan, has been inducted into the Corporate Ghana Hall of Fame Awards 2022
26 Researchers Benefit Twenty-six (26) teams of researchers from thirteen (13) universities and research institutions across the country have received grant from the Jospong Group
The University of Ghana, Legon has appointed the Executive Chairman of the Jospong Group of Companies, Mr Joseph Siaw Agyepong unto the Annual New Year
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Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.
Jospong Group’s core business is to identify gaps, churn out innovative businesses and build capacities to provide value and nurture them to become market leaders; fit to play on both the local and international markets.

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Jason John Bonham (* 15. Juli 1966 in Dudley , Worcestershire ) ist ein britischer Schlagzeuger , Songwriter und Sänger . Er ist der Sohn des 1980 verstorbenen Led-Zeppelin -Schlagzeugers John Bonham . [1]

Jason Bonham begann mit vier Jahren unter Anleitung seines Vaters das Schlagzeugspiel zu lernen. Mit 17 debütierte er in seiner ersten Band, bevor er 1985 in die Rockband Virginia Wolf eintrat [2] und mit dieser zwei Alben einspielte. Im Jahr 1987 nahm er mit dem Led Zeppelin-Gitarristen Jimmy Page das Album Outrider auf und ging mit ihm auf Tournee. Im Jahr darauf trat er mit allen verbliebenen Musikern von Led Zeppelin anlässlich des 40-jährigen Bestehens ihres ehemaligen Plattenlabels Atlantic Records auf.

Sein erstes hardrock -orientiertes Solo-Album mit Eigenkompositionen veröffentlichte er 1989 unter dem Titel The Disregard of Timekeeping . In den folgenden Jahren war er wiederholt mit Led Zeppelin-Coverbands zu sehen und produzierte weitere Alben. Von 2003 bis 2006 spielte er mit der britischen Rockband UFO , im Anschluss daran bis 2008 mit Foreigner . Am 10. Dezember 2007 übernahm er in London beim Reunion-Konzert von Led Zeppelin in der O2 Arena die Rolle seines Vaters als Schlagzeuger.

2009 schloss sich Bonham mit Glenn Hughes , Joe Bonamassa und Derek Sherinian zur Gruppe Black Country Communion zusammen. Die Formation produzierte in den ersten vier Jahren ihres Bestehens zunächst drei Alben und beendete ihre Zusammenarbeit 2013 vorerst. Im gleichen Jahr gründeten Bonham und Hughes zusammen mit dem Gitarristen Andrew Watt das Nachfolgeprojekt California Breed , dem Derek Sherinian nicht mehr angehörte und das sich nach nur einer Veröffentlichung wieder trennte. [3] 2014 stieg Bonham bei der Gruppe The Circle des Sängers Sammy Hagar ein und produzierte mit ihnen ein Album. Angeregt durch Joe Bonamassa fanden sich die vier Mitglieder von Black Country Communion im Jahr 2017 erneut zusammen, um das bis dato letzte gemeinsame Album BCCIV aufzunehmen, welches im September veröffentlicht wurde.

Bereits 2009 begann Bonham seine Arbeit mit dem Sänger James Dylan, [4] die in dem Projekt Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience mündete, einer Hommage an die Band seines Vaters. Mit Unterbrechungen und wechselnder Besetzung ist Bonham bis heute damit auf Tournee. [5]

Bonham, Jason John (vollständiger Name)

britischer Schlagzeuger, Songwriter und Sänger

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