Jasmine Slave

Jasmine Slave


Jasmine Slave

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Published October 27, 2021 By admin
The movie Aladdin has been an incredibly controversial movie since its debut in 1992. The misrepresentation of the middle east in the movie has had serious negative impacts on the middle eastern community. Orientalism is defined as how Asia and the Middle east are portrayed, specifically in a stereotyped Western view point. Throughout this movie you can see countless examples of this, especially throughout their portrayal of women in the film. Oriental women throughout Aladdin are portrayed as inappropriately exotic and provocative, and very overly sexualized. 
On the surface level Aladdin is an enjoyable and funny movie for young children, but when you look closely you can begin to see how harmful this movie has truly been. In the scene “Jafar’s Third Wish,” where Jafar holds Jasmine captive, Jasmine is made to be very sexual and exotic. 
Throughout the entire movie Jasmine wears an incredibly revealing outfit, that would not have been accurately representative of a middle eastern princess of that time. The usual attire for a princess would have been dressed very modestly, in a long, flowing dress with multiple layers of fabric, to protect them from the heat. Princess Jasmine’s attire could not have been further from accurate. Throughout the entire movie Jasmine is wearing a shirt that has the same coverage as a strapless bra, and some very low waisted pants. Her pants even outline the curvature of her hips. What makes this worse is that in the scene “Jafar’s Third Wish” her outfit is changed from a light blue color to a bright red. The color red is often used to connote sex and attraction. Disney took an already sexualizing outfit and made it even worse. Jasmine’s outfit in this scene suxualizes her to an inappropriate and unnecessary degree. Her outfit does no justice to how middle eastern women actually dress. It is an inaccurate depiction that has helped perpetuate the orientalist stereotypes about how women in the middle east are not respected and are thought of only for their bodies. 
If the clothing in this scene was not enough, the scene gets significantly worse when you start paying attention to the dialogue. Throughout the entire film, especially in this scene, Jafar aggressively flirts with Jasmine, calling her things such as “pussycat” and “beautiful desert bloom,” even though she makes it abundantly clear she is not interested in him. Jafar is using very derogatory language to interact with Jasmine. While the term pussycat is not inherently sexual, when you put it in context with the sexual tension Disney has already created it takes on a very sexual connotation. This is just another example of how Disney has enforced this incorrect generalization about middle eastern women. They created a dialogue in which the man just continues to flirt with the women, despite her being not interested. 
Disney made a lot of harmful choices throughout this scene alone. Throughout this scene they depicted Jasmine as a child-friendly version of a sex slave. Disney chose to show Jasmine chained up, in a very sexual outfit, being forced to do demeaning tasks for Jafar all while he is relentlessly and inappropriately flirting with her. I am not entirely sure Disney intended to portray Jasmine in such a wildly inaccurate and sexual way. I assume that the directors were trying to pique the viewer’s interest by making this movie seem to take place in an exotic, far away place. They even state this in the opening song “Arabian Nights” when the song says, “Oh I come from a land, from a far away place.” This line is logistically confusing, because if the character is from Agrabah, the setting of Aladdin , why would they refer to it as a far away place? I feel this is Disney’s way of creating more space between the setting and the audience. I also interpret this as the directors trying to add intrigue and a sense of exoticness to the film. This may also have contributed to Disney’s choice in outfits. The outfits in Aladdin are far from accurate. This may be because, again, Disney was trying to make the women in this movie seem more exotic and unique. Whatever their reasoning may be, this depiction of middle eastern women was and continues to be incredibly harmful. The representation of women throughout this film can be interpreted, by the uneducated mind, that women in the East are only used for their bodies. This image of eastern women is incredibly inaccurate. While women across the world have had to deal with oppression, oriental women have made tremendous strides towards equality. They are highly respected and very powerful throughout their society. The sexualization of Jasmine, in Aladdin , feeds into a harmful orientalist stereotype that needs to be stopped. 
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I find the topic of your essay very interesting because it goes in depth about the sexualization of Jasmine with Aladdin. Princess are normally seen in modest clothing but in this particular movie they made Jamsine a sex symbol. They dressed her in skimpy clothing and used her as an object that could be gained. What I find most interesting in your writing is that you noticed the change in Jasmine’s outfit from blue to red. The color red in used to symbolize sex and they sexualized her even more when they changed her outfit from blue to red. This representation is not remotely accurate of middle eastern women and purpurates the stereotypes that middle eastern women are used as sex slaves. I did not even notice the significance of this change until I read what you wrote.
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Misrepresentation of Women (rough draft)
What Makes Aladdin Different? (Rough Draft)

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   “Ugh, come on! There’s gotta be something here…” Princess Jasmine poured over the scroll for what felt like the hundredth time. Putting it down, she rubbed her weary eyes and her aching temples, trying to fight off the pounding headache she had gotten. Sighing, she leaned back a bit, muttering, “Ten months since our marriage, and still, I haven’t found anything…” It had been hard for Jasmine—not because of anything with Aladdin. Sure, they had their disagreements and arguments like any other couple, but theirs had been a joyful marriage. Still, that didn’t mean there weren’t other problems the two had to deal with. Putting aside the event with Hercules, some of their enemies were still around—Mirage almost enslaved Eden, Saleen used a potion to hypnotize Aladdin (and it seemed the mermaid had taken an interest in Jasmine as well), the Amazons attempted to “recruit” Jasmine a second time, and some people said Chaos was seen around Agrabah.   But amongst all these problems, the one that Jasmine worried about the most was Mozenrath. Sure, everyone else could be a dangerous threat, but they at least were in a position where Jasmine knew where they were and what they were planning. In contrast, Mozenrath hadn’t been seen since Genie sent him away; in some ways, this was a blessing; after all, with him gone, it was one less threat to deal with. However, the young desert princess doubted that that was the last they’d see of him. She knew that Mozenrath didn’t give up easily and that they needed to be prepared for anything. Besides, with him incapacitated at the moment—at least as far as she knew—then this would give them plenty of time to strike first.   And what better way to do this than to look for what he craved most: a genie?   Problem was, genies weren’t exactly easy to find beings. Other than Genie and Eden, the wish-granting beings were largely absent from the Seven Deserts. She knew there were more of them, as Genie had told her once before, but that any ones who were not free had been hidden incredibly well. Sadly, it appeared that no one else had any such luck—everything she tried to find in regards to the genies only mentioned either the Cave of Wonders, or it was some great story about people who had either wisely or foolishly used the powers of their newfound slave.   As she began to reach for a new scroll, it hit her: the Cave of Wonders! How could I have been so foolish! Jasmine thought to herself as she got up and quickly rushed out of the room, hoping to find Aladdin. If she remembered correctly, he had gone off with Carpet and Iago to find a special treasure, but he would be returning soon. Entering the palace gardens, she looked up to see her husband on his carpet, slowly flying down. “Aladdin!” She called out, waving her hand excitedly.   Gently landing, Carpet let Aladdin off, who quickly rushed over to his beloved wife and took her in his arms. “Oh, it’s great to see you again, Jasmine. It’s been so long,”   “You’ve only been gone since this morning,” Jasmine replied, smiling slightly.   “Every second I’m away from you feels like an eternity!” Aladdin responded in an overly dramatic way, causing Jasmine to snicker at his antics.   “Yech,” Iago groaned, turning to Carpet. “How many times do you think we’ll have to see them making goo-goo eyes at each other?” The carpet shrug as the two took off, wanting to give the street rat and the princess their privacy.   Finally controlling herself, Jasmine asked, “Aladdin… there’s something I need to ask you.”   “Sure thing, Jasmine,” Aladdin said as he went back over to Carpet to grab Abu. Returning, he asked, “What is it?”   Preparing herself mentally, Jasmine walked up and asked, “Aladdin… could you take me to the Cave of Wonders?”   Abu and Aladdin exchanged looks, a bit confused. “The Cave of Wonders?” Aladdin asked. “Why would you want to go there?”   “I swear if this is about getting that ultra-rare ruby I told you—“   “No, Iago.” Jasmine deadpanned. “I’m not after some stupid jewel.” Turning back to face Aladdin, Jasmine continued, “Aladdin, I need to find the Cave to see if there are any more genies in it.”   Giving a confused look in response, Aladdin asked, “Jasmine… is this about Mozenrath again?”   Sighing, Jasmine responded, “Look, I know you guys think I’m just being paranoid, but let’s be honest; when has anything we’ve done to Mozenrath stopped him from trying again?”   “Aren’t you being a little unreasonable there, Jasmine?”   “Aladdin, I once left the man frozen in crystal,” She responded with dead eyes. “I really don’t think he’s just going to let stuff like that go.”   “Even so… we haven’t seen him for months. He had so many chances to attack. Why wouldn’t he do it?”   Jasmine rubbed her temples in frustration, a part of her wondering what she saw in her husband right now. “He could be searching for new magic somewhere else, enslaving a new population, hunting down other heroes. Aladdin, I’m sorry, but we can’t just stand idly by and let Mozenrath harm others, or us!”   “And I’m sorry, Jasmine, but I can’t let you risk your life for a fear,” Aladdin replied sternly, causing Jasmine to flinch a bit. Aladdin wasn’t always strict with her, but when he was it always surprised the young princess. After all, he usually was someone who worked with her on these subjects; he didn’t try to establish any form of dominance.   Of course, Aladdin didn’t like it either. He only did such events when someone he cared about was going to make a stupid decision that could, and probably would cost him or her everything. It was like the problem with his mother; a beautiful young woman who Aladdin was certain Jasmine would have loved to meet, but she too made a mistake when she fell for the charms of a mysterious man. Despite the bad feeling he had about him, her mother didn’t listen and it cost her both her freedom and her humanity…   Shaking his head out of those thoughts, he turned back to Jasmine, holding her by the arms gently. “Jasmine… I know you feel this the best way to do things,” He began. “But trust me; the Cave of Wonders is far more dangerous than you could think.”   “But—“   “Look… I’ll ask Genie later if he can scout it out, and then we’ll see if it’s safe to go there. But right now, I really need you to trust me when I say it’s too dangerous.” Aladdin gave Jasmine a quick peck on the cheek and went to look for Genie.   “Uh, actually, Aladdin…” Jasmine responded a second later, turning to him. Aladdin turned around, waiting for her response. “I forgot; Sadira came over, saying she had something to discuss with you   “Really? What was it?”   “I’m not sure, but she said it was really important. And that she’d be at the Marketplace if you needed to find her,”   Nodding, Aladdin replied, “Okay… sorry to go so soon Jasmine, but I really think I should meet with Sadira.”   “It’s fine, go right ahead,” Jasmine replied, smiling. “I can wait. Just remember you’re married now,”   “I always do,” He said, before giving her a kiss on the lips and heading out.   Breathing out, Jasmine said to herself, “Looks like that got rid of him. Now to find Genie,” Turning around, she headed into the Palace.   After the marriage, Aladdin had brought Genie’s lamp back to his and Jasmine’s room, in order to make sure that any unsavory characters wouldn’t find their friend. Of course, this just made it easier to talk with him. Grabbing the lamp, Jasmine gave a good rub to it, causing a certain blue-skinned fellow to pop out… apparently, while he was taking a bath, considering he was wearing a pink showercap and holding a brush and rubber duck.   “Never fails; you get in a bath and there’s a rub at the lamp,” With a couple of squeaks from his duck and a grin, he turned to the princess. “Hello?”   “Uh, hi Genie,” Jasmine said, a bit flabbergasted by seeing she might have called Genie at precisely the wrong time.   “Oh, Princess!” Genie responded with surprise, quickly vanishing away any of his bath items and putting on his normal attire—which, to be fair, was actually less than in the bathtub. “Sorry, didn’t expect the Royal Company. What can I do for you?”   “Well… Genie, there’s something I want to know,” As Genie floated down to her eye level, she asked, “Were there… any other genies in the Cave of Wonders with you?”   “Hmmm….” Genie hummed as leaned back, stroking his chin. With a flash, he took out a Rolodex, some glasses, and a desk.   “Let’s see… Somid? Nah, he’s not there…Thafe was with the fam… Shaitan, ohh you don’t want about him…” After a few minutes, he looked up and responded, “Nope, sorry Princess! Not anyone I’d know!” With a puff, he leaned in and asked, “But, uh, why you interested in some of my own folk, Jazzy. Don’t tell me Al’s gotten that boring already,”   “No, it’s not that,” Jasmine replied with a smile and a pat. “It’s… well, I can’t help but shake this feeling that we need to check the Cave to be safe. Just with Mozenrath out, I’m worried he can find a way into the Cave and get a genie.”   “Mozenrath, eh?” Genie put an arm around the princess’s shoulders. “You sure you’re not just being scared? I sent him off flying for the Himalayas, remember?”   “Well, yes, but… I just think that it’s better to keep safe about this all. I mean, imagine if he did a genie! How horrible it would be!”   “I doubt you’d have to worry about that, Princess,” Genie lifted himself up, smiling and crossing his arms. “There’s probably no genies back in the Cave, and any lamps are probably dormant,”   “Dormant?”   “Yeah, lamps without genies!” He rushed down next to hear, carrying his own lamp. “It’s quite simple, really; when a genie is freed, his lamp becomes his home. But, if a lamp never had a genie in the first place, then the first person trying to summon a genie from it, well…” He looked nervous, before having the lamp suck him in, him yelling surprised as he did. Once it stopped and fell down to the ground with a “clunk” he burst out the tip again. “You see? Even if Mozenrath got his hands on one of those lamps, he’d just end up becoming what he searched for,”   Jasmine put a hand to her mouth, thinking about that. On one hand… if this was true, the Cave of Wonders was more-or-less protected from the likes of the Black Sands Sorcerer. Then again, what if there was indeed a genie in the Cave, completely vulnerable to a crafty spellcaster like their foe.   Turning to the Genie again, Jasmine asked, “Still… if I wanted to go to the Cave, just to be safe, would you help me?”   “Well, I suppose I could… but, Jazzy, you’re asking to be put into some hot water. I mean, what would Aladdin think?”   Even though she knew Aladdin wasn’t one to force her into situations, the Princess of Agrabah did agree that Aladdin would prioritize her safety over her duties or desires. Then again… that’s only if he knew what was going on.   “Oh, Aladdin would be fine with it,” Jasmine gave a small smile, trying to look okay.   “Really? Are you sure? Maybe I should go check with Al,”   Just before Genie left, Jasmine replied, “Wait! We talked about it. He thinks it’s a great idea, but that because of needing to learn more about the politics of the realm, he can’t go with me.”   Giving a skeptical look, Genie responded, “Really? Al would say that?”   “Yes,” Jasmine tried to keep herself from stuttering. “Trust me, Genie, he really thinks this is for the best,”   After a few agonizing seconds, Genie sighed and replied, “All right, I believe you. But trust me when I say that once we get to the Cave of Wonders if you aren’t back in time I’m pulling the plug on it all.” Turning around, he responded, “Now, let me just go tell Al and—“   “You can’t do that!” Jasmine replied quickly, before cursing herself, realizing that she was about to blow her cover.   Turning to her, he asked, “And… why not?”   “Because… there’s not enough time!” She continued, which wasn’t technically a lie. “Mozenrath could already have gotten into the Cave; who knows what he could find there! Besides, Aladdin said he wanted me to focus on getting the lamp and getting out.”   Genie looked a little suspicious, but shrugged it off and said, “Well, if the Big Man says so, then we can go. Let me just go find the Keys and the Ride,” Turning into a strange carriage that could move, Genie sped off, leaving a smiling Jasmine in his wake.   “Now, what determines a dormant and an active lamp again?” Genie, dressed in a teacher’s uniform and glasses, asked in a strange accent.   “The coloration; dormant lamps are dull, active lamps shiny.”   “Yes, and why do you need to get an active lamp first?”   “Because a dormant lamp will turn me into a genie if I rub it.”   “Excellent!” Genie replied, hugging the princess. “Oh, I’m so proud of you. They grow up so fast!” He began crying, forming a handkerchief and blowing his nose. Carpet patted Genie on
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