



The Church must approach this new medium with realism and confidence. Internet can offer magnificent oppurtunities for evangelization if it is used with competence and complete awareness of its strenghts and weaknesses. It provides information and stirring interest that makes it possible to encounter with the Christian message, specially to young people who increasingly turn to the world of cyberspace as a window on the world. Therefore, it is important to Christain community to think of very practical ways of helping htose who first make contact through the internet to move from the virtual world of cyberspace to the real world of Christian community.
Internet provides the kind of follow-up which evangelization requires. Especially in an unsupportive culture, Christian living calls for continuing instruction and catechesis and which the internet can provide excellent help. The essence of it is that it provides an almostunending flood of information. But it can never replace profound experience of God which only the living liturgical and sacramental life of the Church can offer, it can certainly provide a unique supplement and support in both preparing for the encounter with Christ in community and to sustain the new believer in the journey of faith which then begins.
As of now, internet provides an easiest way to communicate, research projects, and all that we want to learn can also be found in hte internet. Intenet is a door opening on a glamorous and exciting world with a powerful influence, but not everything on hte other side of the door is safe, wholesome and true.
Pornography and violent fantasy websites is not right to publish in the internet because as of now internet places in hte grasp of young people at an unusual age and has the capacity for doing good and doing harm to themselves and others. It can enrich their lives in return. It can also plunge them into consumerism, and pathological isolation.
It has been often said that young people are the future of our society. Good use of it can help prepare them for their responsibilities. But this will not happen automatically, it is not merely a medium of entertainment and consumer gratification. It is a tool for accomplishing useful work, and hte young must learn to see it in a better way and use it also in right things.
Im Jasmin Casiño 4rth year taking up BS Information Management,20 yrs.old,married,

THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETTE Rule 1: Remember the human . We knew for a fact that the golden rule states that, do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. But in the cyberspace, this first rule is the one more basic to us, remember the human.When we are using the computer in communicating, we can’t see the facial expressions of the person you are talking with, no gestures as well as the tone of the voice meaning we can’t feel if the person is only or not. We should bear in mind that even though all we see is just a computer screen behind the person you are talking is a human, they can feel and understand more or less like ourselves.From my own observation, I myself when I engaged in chatting particularly yahoo messenger, I frankly reply words that are not good to hear to them in a sense that I’m doing this because he/she were the first send those messages to me and after I will reply to the message I automatically sign out my account to avoid long conversation with no sense. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. In our own real life we have our own standards so to avoid troubles and being what you are. If you are a god-fearing person you should be carried out the attitude whenever you are in the cyberspace.We think that we are only talking in a computer screen because we can’t see except it without even knowing that behind the computer is a human with a standard of their own. Avoid talking to person that they believe is not what you believe in so to avoid the person disappointment and disgusted. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace. This rule says that what's perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another.We should learn and know that we are joining in a group that we can sense that of how the people who are already there act. Then go ahead and participate. Take me, for example, I usually join the group regional that in the romance group coz I know that the topic and conversation of romance group is mostly in the romance aspect and relationships. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth We should learn to make everything electronic mail as important as is so that we can assure that they were not get bored on reading as well as they will not waste their time reading on such e-mail that is not important to them. Always be alert on whom you should address the message so to avoid conflict. I, on my part I dont really read such messages in my e-mail if it has nothing to do with me. You should aware that you are not the center of the cyberspace. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Almost all of us, takes the advantage that they can't see us (vice-versa) so we knew for a fact that even though were not that pretty we will told them that we are. We will be judged by the quality of our writing, spelling and grammar are very important and it count to our self. Make sure that your notes are correct and you understand what you are talking about coz we knew that in order to impress someone we uses words that sometimes we as our own self does not understand. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge Among these rules, this one is the most positive one because we are just being polite and kind. If you are in kind of doing such things 'sharing your knowledge to other', as what we had discussed in our last meeting, the best to do is for us to create a group where in that group can enable anyone to join and share their expertise for example in the field of software...you will built a group with a C++ expertise so if anyone can view it and he/she has a knowledge about the software, they will post it on the group. It is not bad to be kind! Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control Flaming takes only if a person strongly express their opinion without even holding back any emotions. But, sometimes flaming is a lots of fun to both writing and reading. The cause of all flaming is that if ever they are mad at a certain person or a group, he/she would sent a message that can particularly hurt the both parties without even knowing that the issue is not right..,,just better talk to the person personally. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy This rule is just we should be learn and understand that we knew the meaning of the word 'PRIVACY' to each and everyone of us. I've got the lesson on this, I know it was my fault, i know i haven't the right of doing it. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Even though, people who knows that they are mighty enough of powers, they should never take advantage on to his/her subordinates. It is not right to do such things like reading e-mails of your employee and you are the manager. This may cause you of lossing your job/work. Rule 10: Rule 10:Be forgiving of other people's mistakes It simply says that we must forgive those person that commits mistakes to you. But depends in the weight of his / her mistakes.

posted by Jasmin @ 5:28 PM 


1.) site used: www.lycos.com question: Who was Vardhamana Mahavira?the URL where the answer was found: http://ronaldbrucemeyer.com/rants/0412almanac.htm
the answer to the question:most famous leader of Jainism, Mahavira was born. He was born with the name Vardhamana, which means "increaser," but acquired from his followers the Hindu descriptive title, Mahavira, which means "Great Hero." Mahavira was not the founder of Jainism: he was the 24th and the last saint of the religion, and the only one historically verifiable.
time it took to find the answer: 4 mins.
2.) site used: www.go.com
question: What is one cause of diabetes?
URL: http://www.digits.com/articles/health-care--is-too-much-soda-a-cause-for-diabetes.htm
answer: The benchmark for minimal intake was set at around one drink a month. The study was conducted on 51,000-odd female nurses. Though the results of this study seem a bit far-fetched, there might be some logic to the findings. While it is true that carbonated drinks contribute extra calories to the body, and extra calories can lead to weight gain - a definite risk that increases the chances of someone being afflicted with diabetes - it would be unfair to pin the entire thing on carbonated drinks.There is a chance that carbonated drinks might cause diabetes , but it is not a surefire cause. At least that is what critics and people from the carbonated drinks industry believe. Their argument is that people should concentrate more on junk food and other unhealthy eating habits, instead of passing the buck towards the carbonated drink industry.
time it took to find the answer: 4 mins.
3.) site used: www.findspot.com
question: How did the great Chicago fire start?
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chicago_Fire
answer: Despite a well known legend that the Great Chicago Fire was started by a cow kicking over a lantern in the barn owned by Mrs. O'Leary on DeKoven Street , historians now believe it was begun by Daniel "Pegleg" Sullivan , who first reported the fire. Prior to his death, Sullivan confessed to starting the fire. The legend, however, was immortalized in the lyrics of a song about the great fire, which begins:"One dark night, when we were all in bed,Mrs. O'Leary lit a lantern in the shed,And when the cow kicked it over, it winked its eye and said,There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight."
time it took to find the answer: 2 mins.
4.) site used: www.dogpile.com
question: Who is the top person of IBM? How can you contact him or her?
URL: http://news.com.com/2100-1001-243567.html?legacy=cnet&tag=st.ne.1430735..ni
answer: IBM has named Sam Palmisano to become its president and chief operating officer and John M. Thompson to the position of vice chairman in what could be the first stages of a succession plan for Lou Gerstner. The promotions of the longtime IBM veterans come at a time of inconsistent growth for Big Blue. In recent quarters, IBM has seen strong growth in software sales, microelectronics, notebooks and Web servers. On the other hand, the company has been losing market share in PCs while mainframe and services sales have been relatively lackluster recently.
time it took to find the answer: 5 mins.
5.) site used: www.dogpile.com
question: What is the most popular sport in Egypt?
answer: The main form of recreation in cities and villages is socializing. People enjoy going to the bazaar, an outdoor market, to do their shopping and to visit friends. They like to sit and talk while drinking tea or coffee. In rural areas, relaxing after a hard day's labor in the fields is a favorite way to spend time. Egyptians enjoy reciting poetry or singing folk songs. In urban areas, clubs, restaurants and coffeehouses provide a variety of entertainment. Coffeehouses are large, noisy places where lively discussions and arguments are part of the entertainment. Many Egyptians like to argue over small matters at one moment and forgive and embrace the next. Egyptians have a good sense of humors and love to play practical jokes on each other. Most Egyptians love sports and soccer is the most popular. Girls and boys from middle-class families play tennis, squash and other sports. Films are a popular form of entertainment as are soap operas on television.
time it took to find the answer: 2 minutes
6.) site used: www.excite.com
question: What is one medication used for the treatment of asthma?
answer: Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease characterized by acute episodes in which breathing becomes more difficult. Typical symptoms of asthma include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. People with asthma typically have extra sensitive or hyper responsive airways in their lungs. An acute asthma episode results when trigger substances irritate tissues in the airways, causing them to become red, swollen, and narrow. The resulting bronchoconstriction (muscles that encircle the airways tighten or go into spasm) makes it difficult for the asthma sufferer to take air in and out of the lungs. Most asthma medications work by relaxing bronchospasm (bronchodilators) or reducing inflammation (corticosteroids).
URL: http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/medicine-medication-prescription-drugs-asthma.html
time it took to find the answer: 5 mins.
7.) site used: www.yahoo.com
question: What is Pres. Bush e-mail address?
answer: GeorgeW@hotmail.com
URL: http.//albinoblacksheep.com/text/bushmail.html
time it took to find the answer: 3 mins.
8.) site used: www.go.com
question: Name two possible side effects of Prozac -- or any other medication? answer:PROZACGeneric Name: fluoxetine (flew OX e teen)Brand Names: Prozac, Prozac Weekly, SarafemWhat is fluoxetine?Fluoxetine is in a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Fluoxetine affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression or mood disturbances, eating disorders, or obsessive or compulsive symptoms.Fluoxetine is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic disorder, and bulimia (binge eating and purging). Fluoxetine is also used to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), symptoms of which occur in the week or two before a woman's menstrual period and commonly include irritability, mood swings, and tension as well as the physical symptoms of bloating and breast tendernessFluoxetine may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.
URL: http://go.google.com/hws/search?client=disney-go&channel=homepage
time : 6 mins.
9.) site used: www.go.com
question: Where can you join an association of rabbit breeders?
answer: The AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy.With over 30,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred animalsEach aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry, whether it be fancy (for exhibition) as a pet, or for commercial value, is encouraged by our organization.
URL: http://www.nmia.com/~arba/
time: 3 mins.
10.) site used: www.go.com
question: How much does the average elephant weigh at birth?
answer: The heaviest land animal ever recorded (according to the Guinness World of Records) was a male African bush elephant shot in Mucusso Angola on November 7, 1974. He weighed 13.5 tons (12.2 tonnes)--as much as nine average-size U.S. cars.The African bush elephant is the largest (and the second tallest) land mammal, weighing an average of 4 to 8 tons (4-7 tonnes), and standing an average 11 feet (3.35 m) at the shoulder. He also has the largest ears: 4 feet wide, 6 feet long, and covering his shoulders.He starts life big--three feet (1 m) tall and over 200 pounds (91 kg)--a size convenient for wandering under his mother. He just fits. He can walk 20 minutes after birth and nurses for four years since his baby teeth are only the size of quarters and not good for much. His mother wraps her trunk around him and helps him to his feet if he stumbles. She boosts him over fallen logs and pulls him out of mud.When the mother gives birth, she leans against another female. Other elephant cows and calves gather, rumble loudly, wave their trunks, and flap their ears. The baby drops to the ground.The trunk--both a nose and an upper lip--is a 5-foot (1.5 m) boneless hunk of flesh, weighing 300 pounds (136 kg), with two opposing 'fingers' at the tip. An elephant can pick up objects as small as seeds with the tip or carry a 600-pound (270 kg) log with the trunk wrapped around like a lifting chain. He constantly sniffs the ground and raises his trunk high to sniff the air. His sense of smell is the sense that he relies on most. He can smell a human more than a mile away.Elephants hear well, too, especially low-frequency sounds below human hearing (called infrasound). They communicate with infrasound calls over long distances (at least 2.5 miles and perhaps twice that) as they range together. Their language has more than 25 calls, each with a different meaning.
URL: http://www.wonderquest.com/elephant-ant1-ant2.htm
time: 5 mins.

posted by Jasmin @ 7:55 PM 


posted by Jasmin @ 2:55 PM 


The church considers the media as a social communication tool to contribute greatly to the enlargement and enrichment of mans minds and to the propagation and consolidaiton of the kingdom of God. Announcing the Good News to people formed by a media culture requires taking carefully into account the special characteristics of the media themselves. Because of scientific process by which humankind advances and develops other way to do much to meet human needs and do even more, the discovery of new resources is developed in the internet.
Internet today applies in some special way which is helping bringing about revolutionary changes in commerce, educaiton, politics, journalism, the relatiionship of nation to nation, and culture to culture. But this changes is not just in how poeple communicate but in how they understand their lives. We must be aware that we are now in a computer age that almost all things can be done through computer which helps us a lot. That is why the church nneeds to understand internet. This is necessary in order to communicate effectively with people -- specially young ones who stepped in htis new technology and also in order to use it well. It offers people direct and immediate access to important religious and spiritual resources. It alao has a remarkable capacity to overcome distance and isolation, bringing people into contact with like minded persons of good will who join in virtual communities of faith to encourage and support one another. The Church can perform an important service to Catholics and non-Catholics by the selection and transmission of useful data through the use of it.
Internet is relevant to many activities and programs of the Church -- evangelization, traditional missionary work and gentes, catechesis and ohter kinds of education, news and information, apologetics, governance and administration, and some forms of counseling and spiritual direction. Although virtual reality of cyberspace cannot substitute the real interpersonal community, the incarnational reality of the sacraments and liturgy or direct proclamation of the gospel can compliment and attract people to a fuller experience of faith and enrich the religious lives of users. It provides the Church with a means for communicating with different groups who are difficult to be reached.
It also can be used in other purposes like creative projects under the Church sponsorship that exists in some places on national and regional levels, and as a tool of internal communications. It is important that people at all levels of the Church use the internet creatively to meet their responsibilities and help fulfill the Church's mission immediate access to information, and the Church can readily inform the world of her beliefs
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