Jaslyn Ome Naked

Jaslyn Ome Naked


Jaslyn Ome, Playboy’s Miss April 2013 is an alluring mix of East Indian, African American and Caucasian.
She resides in L.A. and was listed as single in the article I was reading, something I find hard to believe is more than a very temporary situation.
Jaslyn loves sharks and guys with nice smiles, has no tattoos but has a tragus piercing (that bit in your ear). More importantly her Playboy photos are freaking awesome—you can’t see them here but you can find them here and here.
Birthday: July 21, 1991
Birthplace: Hayward, California, USA
Eyes: brown
Hair: brunette
Height: 5’5″ (166cm)
Weight: 110lb (50kg)
Measurements: 32C-25-35
Playboy’s Miss April 2013
The lovely Jaslyn Ome indeed looked fabulous in Playboy and I thought that she would have made a terrific Playmate of the Year, but as was usual for Playboy, the winner was the blonde with the biggest bust.
I’ve always thought Jaslyn looks incredible in some pictures and OK in others. For that reason, I’ve never become a big fan of hers. Just can’t make up my mind with this girl.
Well…hello Jaslyn! Just downright gorgeous.
One of my favourite new playmates by the way. Also, I didn’t know she had Asian blood in her as I assumed she was half-black and half white originally.
I can only bestow the title of “really good looking woman” on her as she strides in the footsteps of true titans of beauty here at AS.
True Siren. Beautiful girl. Something about the playboy shoot feels a bit… I don;t know… off. Is she nervous? Uncomfortable? Can’t put my finger on it.
She’s very pretty, with a great body, and super nice titties. I think with a woman like this it’s unreasonable to criticize anything (what can you criticize?–it’s all great), but she’s just a matter of taste. If I say she’s not my type then I sound like a buck-toothed turd; but she’s not my type…
Oh, that last sentence just begs for a follow up.
Nice. Looks a bit like Norah Jones in some shots.
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"I swear, by thee I swear, Asian women I find the most fair."
I shot with some of the worlds top photographers at some amazing beaches, and I am really proud of the final result. I hope you like it too
I am sorry it is a bit late in the year…[Read more]
That’s great news—congratulations Purtri!
You have seen a couple of the girls featured over recent weeks but have you checked out FoxiModels? They are releasing fresh material every week of very sexy, very naked girls!
Foximodels was great but way overpriced. Looks like the site is down.
Yes they stopped putting out new material. Putri has gone out on her own and seems to be working with the same crew.
I reckon the $10 per month was reasonable considering they’re trying to make a living. The premium packages can get pricey.
HIN is coming to Sydney, Australia Dec 10th featuring Emily Lee!
Yeah I’m not sure if a HIN event has been held here before. I don’t think I will be able to get up there but I am tempted.
She’ll be within a stones throw! Just tell the wife you’re going out for milk.
The gallery on the official site is very small but there’s some interesting stuff too: https://toricago.info/gallery/
Official site of the band: https://toricago.info/
I would like to know more but can’t find much else besides some weird Blogspot sites and tumblr pages.
She apparently does this with other bandmates too?
Having to upload one at a time annoys me but I don’t want to resize them… Some of them can’t be uploaded no matter what
Site says that they are too heavy?
Anyway I could propose her for a featured article if she goes on this way!

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Девушка месяца Jaslyn Ome | Playboy USA (ФОТО 18+) - Технополис завтра
Asian Sirens · Jaslyn Ome
04-Jaslyn Ome Exclusive – смотреть видео онлайн в Моем Мире | Mia F
Jaslyn Ome ‡Playmate of the month April 2013 | Форум
Jaslyn Ome (@JaslynOme) | Твиттер
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