Jarjar Binks Porn

Jarjar Binks Porn


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A little info on this clip: It's a recut of a SW1 deleted scene, the recut was done by the Phantom Editor and is on the "Phantom Edit" DVD5.

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A little info on this clip: It's a recut of a SW1 deleted scene, the recut was done by the Phantom Editor and is on the "Phantom Edit" DVD5.

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"Oh, mooie-mooie! I love you!"
"You almost got us killed. Are you brainless?"
"I spake."
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
―Jar Jar Binks and Qui-Gon Jinn[src]
Jar Jar Binks was a Gungan male military commander and politician who played a key role during the Invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars that culminated in the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Once an outcast from Gungan society due to his clumsy behavior, he regained favor with his people by helping secure an alliance between the Gungan boss Rugor Nass and Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo, an alliance vital in ending the Trade Federation's invasion of their shared homeworld. In the years that followed, Binks became a Junior Representative for his people in the Galactic Senate, serving alongside Amidala once she became the planet's senator.
Ten years after the Naboo Crisis, growing tensions between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems threatened an outbreak of full-scale galactic war. In the absence of Senator Amidala, whose life was under threat by Separatist assassins, Binks was convinced by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to propose that the chancellor receive emergency executive powers to raise a Grand Army of the Republic. The proposal passed, leading to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, during which time Binks participated in several diplomatic missions for the Galactic Senate.
The emergency powers Binks proposed were used by the chancellor, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, to amass total power and transform the Republic into the Empire. In the years that followed, Binks once again became an outcast on Naboo due to his role in the rise of the Empire. By the time of the Battle of Jakku, Binks was a street performer in the capital city of Theed, where he was scorned by adults but beloved by the children who came to watch his antics.
"You were banished because you were clumsy?"
―Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]
Binks meets Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Boss Nass banished Jar Jar Binks from his home of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city that lay beneath the Mid Rim planet of Naboo's Lake Paonga, for crashing his personal heyblibber submarine. During the time of the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, Binks was out foraging for food when he stumbled across OOM-9's invasion force. Panicking, he bumped into the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, an ambassador who had been sent to resolve the crisis between the Naboo and the Federation. Jinn saved the Gungan from being run over by a passing Multi-Troop Transport. As a result of this act, Binks believed that he owed Jinn a life debt and insisted on following Jinn, much to the Jedi's annoyance. Both Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, needed to contact Queen Padmé Amidala in the capital Theed but had no way of reaching her. Despite fearing for his life, Binks reluctantly agreed to take them there.[1]
Upon reaching Otoh Gunga, Binks was arrested by his old friend Tarpals and brought before Boss Nass, the city's ruler. Since he had unlawfully returned to his home city, Binks faced punishment. However, Master Qui-Gon, who needed a guide to take them to Theed, convinced Boss Nass to commute Binks' punishment, stating that the Gungan owed him a life debt. Nass reluctantly complied and provided them with a bongo submarine to travel through the planet's watery planetary core. After two perilous escapades with an Opee sea killer and a Colo claw fish, Binks and his companions reached Theed, only to discover that the city had already been occupied by Trade Federation forces.[1]
After Master Qui-Gon and his Padawan Kenobi managed to free Queen Amidala and several of her entourage, Binks and his companions fled aboard a Naboo Royal Starship. Despite escaping the Trade Federation's naval blockade, the Royal Starship sustained damage to its hyperdrive, forcing them to land on the desert planet of Tatooine. This marked Binks' first trip off-world. Binks joined the two Jedi and Amidala when they disembarked from the cruiser to visit Mos Espa to obtain parts. They tried to buy the parts from a Toydarian dealer named Watto, but Watto refused to accept their Republic credits.[1]
While returning to their starship, Binks was accosted by a local Dug podracer named Sebulba, who was angered when Binks accidentally ruined his meal by spitting out the leg of a Gorg rather than pay for it. A local human boy named Anakin Skywalker defended Binks and offered the Gungan and his companions shelter at his family home, where he lived with his mother, Shmi, and his protocol droid, C-3PO. Binks and his companions learned that Anakin and his mother were slaves and that the boy wanted to compete in the upcoming Boonta Eve podracing event.[1]
Later, Master Qui-Gon made a bargain with Watto to sell him the parts and free Anakin if the boy won the Boonta Eve race. Qui-Gon also discovered that Anakin was Force-sensitive and decided to train him as a Jedi. Despite a challenging race, Anakin won the Boonta event, and Watto reluctantly supplied the parts and freed Anakin. Binks' trip to Tatooine marked his first encounter with Skywalker. After making the necessary repairs to Queen Amidala's starship, Binks and his traveling companions traveled to the galactic capital, Coruscant. Following a failed attempt to get the Galactic Senate to end the suffering of her people, Amidala turned to Binks, who revealed that the Gungans had a Grand Army.[1]
Armed with this information, Queen Amidala and her Jedi protectors traveled back to Naboo. Binks visited Otoh Gunga only to discover that his people had evacuated to a Sacred Place. After leading them there, Queen Amidala convinced the Gungans to put aside their difference and join forces with the Naboo to oust the Trade Federation's droid army. Boss Nass agreed and subsequently promoted Binks to the position of Bombad General. During the Battle of Naboo, General Binks led his forces against the Federation's droid army at the Great Grass Plains. The droid army overwhelmed Binks' forces and forced them to surrender. However, defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory when Skywalker destroyed the Droid Control Ship orbiting Naboo, disabling the Federation's droid forces on Naboo.[1]
"…a treasure mappen! To a sobig powerful Gungan relic? Will you be helpin me find it?"
―Jar Jar Binks to Queen Padmé Amidala[src]
Binks asked Queen Padmé Amidala to join him on the hunt for the blobball.
Boss Nass sent Binks a map leading to a soshinyday blobball. Binks asked Queen Padmé Amidala to help him collect the blobball. Queen Amidala said that she wished not to intrude into Boss Nass' territory, but Binks replied that it was Boss Nass' idea. Eventually, she joined Binks for the hunt. A few minutes later, Binks and Queen Amidala rode kaadus through a jungle, where they ran into a cluster of slitherfish. They escaped by bringing in light, which frightened slitherfish. When they entered the cave where the blobball was located, they faced many obstacles before reaching the blobball. When Queen Amidala lifted it, a gundark entered and tried to kill them both. Binks screamed, which defeated the gundark because it had keen hearing. They then both delivered the blobball to Boss Nass. When Binks and Queen Amidala arrived, Boss Nass ate it and revealed it was just an old Gungan delicacy.[9]
"It's-a clear desa Separatists made a pact wesa desa Federation du Trade. Senators! Dellow felegates! In response to this direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor!"
―Representative Jar Jar Binks[src]
Representative Binks in the Senate.
Ten years after the Naboo crisis, Jar Jar Binks had ascended to the position of Representative in the Naboo delegation to the Galactic Senate. In transitioning to his new role, he notably had to learn Diplodialect.[10]
Representative Binks rose to prominence after the now Senator Padmé Amidala was forced into hiding after a series of assassination attempts on Coruscant. At the request of Amidala, Representative Binks agreed to stand in for her in the Senate. In her absence, however, Binks was easily manipulated by more experienced politicians, and as they preyed on his innocence, they convinced him that the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic was a course of action that Amidala would have taken. In fact, the creation of an army was exactly what Amidala had been fighting against. Feeling that it was his duty to act in her stead, he suggested that the Senate give the now Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the emergency powers required to create the Grand Army of the Republic. The motion passed, and soon afterward, with the First Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars began.[5]
"Mesa'd being grand proud to, cap'n."
―Jar Jar Binks to Rex[src]
Jedi Master Laan Tik was the commander of the Battle of Mimban. When Tik died, Binks took command. Several hours later, Binks saved Clone Captain Rex using Laan Tik's lightsaber. At first, Rex thought it was Laan Tik, but Binks revealed it was him. Rex then took the lightsaber from Binks for safekeeping.[11]
Representative Binks distracts Senator Lott Dod with a conceptual work of art.
Following the Separatist invasion of Ryloth, Representative Binks traveled to the planet Toydaria with the Alderaanian Senator Bail Organa to ask King Katuunko for permission to use the planet as a supply staging base for Republic forces to relieve Ryloth. Their negotiations with King Katuunko were complicated by the presence of the Trade Federation's Senator Lott Dod, who convinced the king to deny the Republic access to Toydaria's facilities on the grounds that such military activity would violate the planet's strict policy of neutrality. In private, however, Katuunko was sympathetic to the plight of the Twi'leks of Ryloth and agreed to load Senator Organa's ship with provisions if the Senator could conceal Toydaria's involvement. While Binks distracted Senator Dod during a banquet, Organa loaded his ship with supplies for Ryloth. Following this event, the king announced that he would reconsider his government's policy of neutrality.[12]
"I think Jar Jar's dead, Threepio."
"Not again."
―Padmé Amidala and C-3PO — Listen (file info)[src]
Later, Representative Binks accompanied Senator Amidala and C-3PO on a mission to Rodia to ensure the planet's allegiance to the Republic. Senator Amidala was a close friend of the Rodian Senator Onaconda Farr, whom she referred to affectionately as "Uncle Ono." However, Farr had already made a deal with the Separatist leader Nute Gunray, who offered to deliver food supplies to Rodia in return for securing the planet's allegiance. Amidala was promptly taken prisoner by Gunray, who wanted to execute her.[13]
Binks tried to communicate with some jungle natives, and in response, a fruit was flung at C-3PO. Binks and C-3PO were then attacked by several Separatist B1-series battle droids and a crab droid. While attempting to escape, Binks accidentally destroyed Amidala's yacht with a magnetic crane, ruining their chance to call for help. He donned a Jedi robe Amidala had stored in her back closet, which led the droids to mistake him for a Jedi. While fleeing the Separatist droids, Binks fell down a grate that led to the sea. Meanwhile, C-3PO was captured and thought that Binks had died.[13]
After escaping a Kwazel Maw, Binks attempted to rescue Amidala, only to discover that she had already escaped. Later, Binks caught up with Amidala only to be spotted by a B2-series super battle droid. Fleeing underwater to escape the droid's thermal detonators, he encountered the Kwazel Maw again but managed to befriend the creature, which he nicknamed "Bogey." He and Bogey rescued Senator Amidala and C-3PO and defeated Gunray's battle droids. Shortly after, Republic reinforcements arrived on Rodia and arrested Nute Gunray. Senator Farr revealed that his collaboration with the Separatists was only a ruse to trap Gunray.[13] Despite their efforts, Gunray later escaped Republic custody with the aid of the bounty hunter Asajj Ventress and the traitorous Senate Commando Faro Argyus.[14]
"He's probably going to get himself killed."
"Don't worry. He's smarter than he looks."
―A clone trooper and Commander Stone on Jar Jar Binks — Listen (file info)[src]
After the Separatist leader Count Dooku was captured by a Weequay pirate gang led by Hondo Ohnaka, the Republic agreed to pay a hefty sum as a reward for capturing the Sith Lord. Representative Binks along with the Gran Senator Kharrus were dispatched to the Weequay pirates' lair with a bounty of spice as a ransom for Count Dooku. However, one of the pirates, Turk, decided to deal with the Separatists and shot down the shuttle carrying Binks and Kharrus. The pilots and Kharrus were killed in the ensuing crash, leaving Representative Binks in command of the surviving clone troopers.[15]
Binks and the survivors evaded pursuit by Turk and his men by hiding near several acid geysers. While his clone charges wanted to wait for reinforcements, Binks decided to fight the pirates. He succeeded in taming several skalders and managed to defeat Turk and his pirates. They then made their way to the pirate base, where Commander Stone sent Binks to "negotiate" with the pirates, knowing that his ineptitude would be useful. Before the pirates could take him hostage, Binks managed to ram one of their tanks into another, shutting down their power grid. The Weequays attempted to kill Binks only to be restrained by the clone troopers. During the ensuing blackout, Dooku and the two Jedi Kenobi and Skywalker escaped while Turk was killed.[15]
Following the discovery of several Separatist droids on Naboo, Representative Binks and Senator Amidala along with C-3PO were summoned back to Naboo by Queen Neeyutnee, who demanded that the Republic assist them in eliminating the Separatist presence there. Binks was present when his companions interrogated a captured T-series tactical droid, which had its photoreceptors removed to confuse it. Through C-3PO, Binks and his companions learned that a secret laboratory was producing some sort of virus. Before they could extract any more information, Binks' clumsiness destroyed the droid.[16]
Despite this setback, Binks noticed a blue bug emerging from the tactical droid's body. Deducing that the droids came from the Eastern swamps, Binks and Amidala traveled there to continue their investigation. During their travels, a local Gungan farmer named Peppi Bow attacked them, believing that Binks and his companions were responsible for the deaths of her herd of shaaks. After Amidala convinced Bow that they were not a threat, the farmer informed them that a nearby river was polluted. Binks and his companions then entered a swamp where they found a secret hatch.[16]
They were captured by several Separatist battle droids led by a Faust scientist named Nuvo Vindi. He revealed that the Separatists had a secret laboratory on Naboo and that he had been developing an airborne version of the deadly Blue Shadow Virus. Binks and his companions were later rescued by the Jedi Obi-Wan, Skywalker, and his new Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who overpowered Dr. Vindi and his droids. During the struggle, Binks and Amidala stopped one of Dr. Vindi's droids from escaping into Naboo, thus containing the Blue Shadow Virus within his secret bunker.[16]
Despite Dr. Vindi's capture, one of his servant droids hid one of the virus bombs and released the virus throughout the facility. The Jedi and the clone troopers locked down the facility, preventing the virus from spreading to the rest of Naboo. While Anakin and Kenobi traveled to the planet Iego to find the antidote reeksa root, Binks, Amidala, Ahsoka, and the clone troopers stayed behind to trap Dr. Vindi's remaining droids and to prevent them from reaching the surface. During the fighting, Amidala accidentally ripped her envirosuit while tackling Jar Jar to save him from blaster fire, exposing herself to the virus. Fortunately for Binks and his companions, Anakin and Kenobi returned with the antidote. Binks and his companions survived their ordeal in Dr. Vindi's laboratory.[17]
Following the assassination of the Mon Calamari King Yos Kolina, tensions broke out between the Mon Calamari and Quarren species, the two dominant species of the ocean world of Mon Cala. The Quarrens regarded Kolina's successor, Prince Lee-Char, as too inexperienced to rule. The Separatist ambassador, the Karkarodon Riff Tamson, stirred up trouble between the Mon Calamari and Quarren. In response, the Republic sent Senator Amidala and the two Jedi Skywalker and Kit Fisto to mediate between the two parties. With Separatist backing, the Quarren overthrew the Mon Cala Government and waged war against the Mon Calamari and their Republic allies.[18]
The Republic was unable to commit sufficient Clone SCUBA troopers to Mon Cala and decided to dispatch Master Kenobi to seek the help of the Gungans, an amphibious species with a Grand Army. At Kenobi's urging, Binks convinced the Gungan High Council to send the Grand Army to relieve Republic forces on Mon Cala. Binks and the Gungan reinforcements arrived just in time to render valuable aid to Skywalker, Amidala, and Lee-Char. However, the Separatist Commander Tamson counterattacked by using his Trident-class assault ships to create whirlpools, which disoriented the Gungan forces. During the fighting, Binks and the Gungan reinforcements were captured by Tamson's Separatist forces.[19]
Following their defeat, Representative Binks along with Skywalker, Amidala, and Kit Fisto were brought before Commander Tamson, who interrogated
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