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Sex, Schoolgirls, and the Japanese Pop Culture Empire

For the past three months, I have had the pleasure and honor of volunteering at a Tokyo-based NGO called Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims, where I have been primarily assisting with their public relations and advocacy work. Founded by Shihoko Fujiwara, who has been a powerful advocate for human trafficking survivors in Japan and abroad, Lighthouse was originally designed to assist migrant survivors of forced labor. But they have moved on to focus on an issue closer to everyday Japanese life.

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Walk down the main avenue in Akihabara, the mecca of Japanese pop culture in Tokyo, on any weeknight and you will see dozens upon dozens of young girls, dressed in their infamous "sailor-suit" schoolgirl uniforms, asking whether you are interested to, for a fee, have a chat with them, or take them around town for a walk. A compensated date, or enjo kosai , between a minor and her male client may end with a night of child prostitution. Walk across the scramble crossing in Shibuya, a busy commercial district for young people, and you may be accosted to join a model photo shoot. That photo shoot may become a filming session for a pornography video.
In Japan, it is normal for high school and college-aged students to work part-time jobs to earn money on the side. I myself recently got a job working at a convenience store on campus. When marketed as an easy, high-prestige, and high-paying job, modeling or compensated dating appeal to youth who live in a culture of consumerism and/or grow up in relative poverty. Shame, embarrassment, and the threat of legal action from the companies can coerce these survivors of child prostitution and pornography into silence. Each week, Lighthouse receives calls from these survivors, and it provides confidential counseling and assistance over the phone, through text messaging, and in person.
What I found most tragic was the complacency that stakeholders in Japanese pop culture have towards the widespread sexual commodification and objectification of young children. Most bookstores and convenience stores have a wide selection of pornography magazines or the euphemistically-named shashinshu , photo books of sexually objectified singers, actors, and "idols" that any customer can just flip open and read. Most weekly newsmagazines also contain a few pages of porn.
When a city in Osaka Prefecture made an agreement with a major convenience store chain to cover up pornography magazines in plain paper packaging, publishing industry associations responded in a high-profile statement objecting to the agreement on freedom of speech grounds. Travel guides to Japan now highlight Tokyo’s maid cafés, where young female waitresses dress up and treat their "husband" customers like royalty, and merchandise stores, where you can purchase full-size body pillows complete with prints of your favorite schoolgirl-aged anime character, as must-see attractions for foreign visitors. When the Japanese government finally banned child pornography in 2014, anime and manga were not included because they were not "real" depictions of children.
While these other industries do not necessarily have a direct connection to child pornography and prostitution in Japan, in my personal opinion, they do engender a social tolerance and norm that sexual commercial activity involving children is acceptable. Or perhaps, from a foreign perspective, this is something that is inevitable and exotic, a phenomenon that will only happen in Japan because it’s Japan. But, of course, it’s not: all countries share issues of child poverty and helping youth get back on track, especially in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan where compensated dating is spreading, and child prostitution and pornography are unacceptable anywhere in the world.
So for those who are wondering whether to step into a Japanese maid café, or to purchase that large print of an illustrated schoolgirl with her skirt flapping in the wind, think twice on whether you want to financially contribute to this social tolerance on the sexual commodification and objectification of children. And for those who are looking to study abroad in Tokyo, I would recommend to anyone who would like to volunteer even just a little bit of their time to Lighthouse, who stand with a group of other NGOs on the front lines of changing this devastating norm in Japanese society.
(The opinions in this blog post are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims or its staff.)
Kenneth Lee graduated from the Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service in 2017 with a major in international politics. He studied at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan during the spring 2016 semester and blogged for Berkley Center's Junior Year Abroad Network.
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Japanese teen to eel in swimsuit sexist, netizens complain

Teen girl swimming before she turns into an eel & eventually is cooked. Inset: after turning into eel & after being cooked.

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Japanese teen to eel in swimsuit sexist, netizens complain

advertising : telling the public about a product or a service, political candidate, etc. in order to encourage people to buy, use or support it - การโฆษณา
all of a sudden : suddenly; quickly and unexpectedly - อย่างกะทันหัน
apparently : based only on what you have heard or think, not on what you are certain is true; seemingly - ตามที่ได้รู้มา
aspiring (adj) : wanting to start the career or activity that is mentioned - ที่ต้องการ, ที่ปรารถนาให้ถึงจุดหมาย
aware (adj) : knowing that something exists, or to have knowledge or experience of a particular thing - ทราบ, รับรู้
barbecue : cooking meat with a grill - การย่างอาหารโดยใช้เหล็กเสียบเนื้อสัตว์, บาร์บีคิว
bizarre : very strange and unusual - แปลกประหลาด,วิตถาร,ผิดปกติ
blasted : criticised severely - โดนว่า
bucolic : connected with the countryside or country life - บ้านนอก
clad : dressed or covered - สวมใส่
commercial : an advertisement on the radio or on television - โฆษณาทางโทรทัศน์หรือวิทยุ
community : the people living in one particular area - ชุมชน
complain : to say that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied about somebody/something - บ่น, ร้องทุกข์
controversial : causing disagreement or disapproval - ความไม่ลงรอยกัน
criticism : comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad - การวิจารณ์
cuts to : changing the image in a film or video, so that people are looking at a new scene -
deemed : considered - เห็นว่า ถือว่า
delicious : having a very good taste - อร่อย
delusion (noun) : a mental condition in which you believe things that are not true; a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation - อาการหลงผิด (ทางจิตวิทยา), อาการหลอน
demeaning : putting somebody in a position that does not give them the respect that they should have - เสียเกียรติ
diver : a person who works underwater, usually with special equipment - นักดำน้ำ
draw attention : to cause to notice something - ดึงดูดความสนใจ
eel : a long thin fish that looks like a snake -
exercise : physical activity such as running or weight lifting to make your body strong and healthy; physical training - การออกกำลังกาย
fattened up : when a farmer makes his animals fat so he can get a better price for them -
female : being a woman or a girl - สตรี, ผู้หญิง, เพศหญิ
form : the particular way something is, seems, looks or is presented; a type or variety of something - รูปแบบ, รูปทรง
gentle : not strong or extreme - เบาๆ, ค่อยๆ
harvest (noun) : the activity of collecting a crop - การเก็บเกี่ยวผลผลิต
host : to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event - ทำหน้าที่เป็นเจ้าภาพ, เป็นผู้จัดรายการ
image : a photograph, painting, or other work of art that represents a person or thing - รูปภาพ
in hot water : in trouble - ยุ่งยาก, มีปัญหา
insist : to keep saying very firmly that something is true - ยืนกราน ยืนยัน
kidnap : to take someone away and make them a prisoner, especially in order to get money, freedom for someone else, etc. - ลักพาตัว
local : in or related to the area that you live, or to the particular area that you are talking about - ท้องถิ่น
lock (noun) : used to close a door, drawer or other place so that other people cannot enter - กุญแจ
male : being a man or a boy - ผู้ชาย
mascot : an animal, a toy, etc. that that represents an organisation, event etc, or that people believe will bring them good luck - สัญลักษณ์, ตัวนำโชค
narrator (noun) : a person who tells a story - คนเล่า, ผู้เล่า, ผู้บรรยาย
netizen : a person who uses the Internet a lot - พลเมืองเครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์
obscene : connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive - ลามก
offended : upset because of something said that is rude or embarrassing - ขุ่นเคือง
officials : people who have the power to make decisions or enforce the law - เจ้าหน้าที่ผู้มีอำนาจ
pearl : a round shiny valuable ball found that grows in pearls and is used in jewelry - ไข่มุก
pervert : to affect something good or right in a negative way so that it becomes bad or wrong - นำไปในทางผิด
plenty : more than enough - มากพอ
pool : Swimming pool, a small area with water in it at a home or public place for swimming and water play - สระว่ายน้ำ
pull (verb) : to take something away; to withdraw something ถอน - ถอน
reason (noun) : why something happened or exists - เหตุผล
scene : a part of a film/movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type - ฉาก, ตอน
search (noun) : looking somewhere or through something carefully in order to find something - การค้นหา
seaweed : kelp, a large thing living in the sea, popular as food, but not an animal - สาหร่ายทะเล, พืชที่เติบโตในทะเล
sexism : gender discrimination, bias, prejudice, discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, particularly as affecting women and girls. -
sexist : discriminating against or biased against a person's sex or gender, particularly as affecting women and girls. -
shape : the form of the outer edges or surfaces of something - รูปร่าง, รูปทรง, โครงร่าง
shock : to surprise, or frighten someone - ทำให้ตกใจ, ทำให้สั่นสะเทือน
slithery : sliding along, slipping along quickly -
spot : a commercial on TV; an advertisement on the radio or on television - โฆษณาทางโทรทัศน์หรือวิทยุ
sticky (adj.) : made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it - เหนียว
subtitle : a translation or written description of what people are saying in a film or video, that appears at the bottom of the screen - คำบรรยายที่เขียนไว้ข้างล่างในภาพยนตร์
swimsuit : swimwear, bathing suit - ชุดใส่ในน้ำ, ชุดว่ายน้ำ
talks (noun) : negotiations; when two sides that disagree get together and "talk" to reach some agreement - การเจรจา, การเจรจาต่อรอง
teenager : a person who is between the ages of 13-19 - บุคคลที่มีอายุระหว่าง 13-19 ปี, คนรุ่นหนุ่มรุ่นสาว, วัยรุ่น
traditional (adj) : of a custom, a way of life or a way of doing things that has not changed for a long time - เป็นประเพณี, ตามธรรมเนียม, ตามที่ปฏิบัติกันมา
traditionally : of a custom, a way of life or a way of doing things that has not changed for a long time - ตามธรรมเนียม, ประเพณี ดั้งเดิม ตามที่ปฏิบัติกันมา
twist : an unexpected change or development in a story or situation - การเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ไม่คาดคิด
unimpressed : not having a high opinion of or respect for someone or something - ไม่ประทับใจ
unstated : not said, you are not told this -
viewer : a person who watches TV -
voluptuous : attractive in a sexual way with large breasts and hips - ยั่วยวน
widespread : happening or existing in many places, or affecting many people - อย่างแพร่หลาย
yank : to pull something/somebody hard, quickly and suddenly - กระชาก, ดึงอย่างแรง
yanked : to pull something/somebody away hard, quickly and suddenly - กระชาก, ดึงอย่างแรง

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Meaning: having a duty to do something
Thai Translation: มีความรับผิดชอบ-footer


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Right before taking the final dive when she turns into an eel mid-air.

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More stories to check out before you go
Japanese teen in swimming pool fattened, then turned into eel & barbecued in failed Japanese ad to promote fish.
26/09/2016 AFP News agency TOKYO - A controversial online ad featuring a swimsuit clad teenage girl who turns into an eel was pulled Monday after Japanese internet users complained it was sexist .
CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO The bizarre two-minute spot begins with a teenage girl in a black one-piece swimsuit swimming in a pool .
Gentle piano music is playing. In one scene she asks a man to feed her and then eats by the side of the pool . Apparently, she is being fattened up for some unstated reason . She has problems holding a sticky bottle of water or maybe it is her skin that is becoming sticky . In another scene , the girl is seen poolside exercising with a hula hoop. Then the TV commercial takes a bizarre twist . After an apparently long period of time has passed, the girl dives into the pool and turns into an eel . She says goodbye and swims away. The male narrator tells us, "I fed her delicious food until she was full and allowed her to get plenty of sleep." Next, the eel is seen being cooked in a barbecue . The narrator tells the viewers , "We take great care when farming our eels ." Bucolic images of southern Japan are intermixed with what is apparently a sort of eery eel farming Japanese fairy tale.
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