Japanese Slut Wife

Japanese Slut Wife


Japanese Slut Wife
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Reinhardt is an old soul looking to make his impact on the world. His interest include business, robotics, engineering, fitness, swimming, and more.
I’ve been on Return of Kings for quite a while, reading and enjoying my fair share of wisdom, sardonic humor, and women bashing. Lots of women bashing. Now I won’t condemn this because I do it too and I understand the frustration. However, I’ve seen way too many men criticize women as a whole but then start praising Eastern Asian women. Some of these countries include Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, etc.
For this article, I will speak only about Japan; having been there myself. Men on this site preach the red pill but forget that it applies to all women, not just women in certain countries. So with that said, it is time I debunk some of these myths and bring you the reality. What I’ve experienced comes from dating Japanese women myself and speaking with foreign men that lives there. I’ve also had conversations with Japanese men as well that were married or dating.
In Japan, there is a huge emphasis on avoiding shame. As a whole, Japanese society stresses the image of something as of utmost importance. This means that the avoidance of responsibility and duplicity could be more prevalent depending on the situation.
On the bright side most of what I will mention below could be fixed by simply making it clear from the beginning what you will and will not tolerate. There are cultural differences here to consider and you need to try extra hard to get the point across. For some men unfortunately, you will encounter the following problems.
Many men are under the assumption that Japanese women are nice, submissive, and obedient. There was a time in Japan where women were expected to behave this way but it is not like that anymore. Japanese women tend to act this way when you are simply dating them. They will cook for you. They will stop by your house to drop off a gift that was bought for you. All will seem nice and well until you put that ring on. When that happens, the act will disappear.
If she seems just like the misguided stereotype that you’ve read about then trust me when I say that she is deceiving you! Trust me on this. You are being lured into a trap and it will come in the form of an “accidental” pregnancy, stalking, and just everything seeming like it’s too good to be true. Do not be deceived. You should be even more alert if she knows that you are wealthy or of high status.
In Japan, women tend to manage the money. The husband works many hours a week, gets his paycheck, and comes home only to give all of the money to the wife. This happens even if the wife is not working, which is also common as Japan still has a large portion of married women who are homemakers. When it comes to making financial decisions, is also common for the wife to have the final say. I’m talking about furniture, vacations, transportation, and more. The wife typically makes all of these decisions.
I don’t know about you guys but I have a problem with this. I ran into this problem with an ex of mine. She wanted access to my checking account and began telling me what I should buy with my own money. I told her that I will do what I want with my money and that she has no business asking me about my financial assets. Of course this was a problem so I broke up with her.
Here is a conversation I had with a woman I was dating. I was staying at her house and this was late at night; not too long after we had sex.
Her: I’m hungry. Go to the store and grab me something to eat.
Her: Go to the store and grab me something to eat.
Me: Get something out of the refrigerator. It’s too late and I don’t feel like leaving now.
Her: Fine then. I had a taste for Onigiri [steamed rice balls] which I don’t have here but that is okay. I will just not eat though I am hungry.
I left out the house and never came back. Of course she called multiple times over the next several weeks wondering what happened to me, but I was gone for good. I just cannot stand such blatant and poor attempts to manipulate me. This is all too common in Japan. The people there do their best to avoid conflict. There is a huge emphasis on this and a strong aversion to complaining, even to your loved ones in private. Being seen as a complainer is one of the worse things possible in Japan. No matter how bad things are going for you, suck it up.
A direct consequence of this is the inability to really speak directly and candidly. In Japan, it is nearly impossible to get someone to be forthright about something. You can ask someone something and they will smile and say “maybe” but what they really mean is a big fat NO. This will include your personal relationships when dating so be prepared for a barrage of passive aggressiveness. You thought American women and their shit tests were bad? Ha! You haven’t seen anything yet.
Something that really needs to be mentioned is that Japan doesn’t really have a mental healthcare industry. Many women are running around there with some serious unchecked mental issues and you would not have the faintest idea at first. Problems such as abuse can be seen as normal and that behavior will be projected towards you. There is also the chance of her pulling off a disappearing act, leaving you wondering what the hell happened.
This is simple. You marry a Japanese women and then that day comes when you finally go through divorce. Guess what? She will take away the children. You think it’s bad in the USA when women try to get full custody? In Japan, the wife will take them away from you and disappear. In the United States at least some courts treat some men fairly. Unlike Japan in which the court system won’t even try to help you.
Another simple thing that needs to be mentioned is that all too often many men get married in Japan and have their first child. Only to see that his wife has stopped having sex with him. Many men on ROK have said this is a deal breaker so nothing more needs to be said on the subject. There is also infidelity to consider. It doesn’t happen as often as countries like Russia, the USA, or the UK, but it still happens more than you think. Many husbands and wives in Japan have their own mistresses and both are aware of it and don’t care. I don’t think I need to explain why. A belief that isn’t totally uncommon in Japan is that paying for sex isn’t considered cheating.
Does any of what I mentioned sound familiar? I hope so because these are exactly the same complaints men on ROK typically have regarding women out here in the West. What needs to be said is that all women behave the same way generally speaking unless the culture checks that behavior. That is it. I ask that you be very careful when dating, no matter where the woman is from.
I dated J-girls almost exclusively and am now married to one. Allow me to separate fact from KJ bullshit.
1. True. They’re women first and Japanese second. A Japanese girl can be as big a pain in the ass as any other woman.
2. False. I have NEVER had a Japanese girl gold-dig on me or attempt to constrain my finances in any way. Author is simply repeating what he read online somewhere.
3. True. Until you figure out how Japanese communicate/argue, you will be VERY frustrated by their communication style.
4. True that they don’t put that much emphasis on mental health care. Also true that they suffer way less mental illness than Westerners. This one evens out.
5. Have no kids, don’t know. Does the author know this from experience? Probably not. More KJ’ing.
6. False. Total bullshit. Japanese women are no more or less forthcoming sexually than any other type of woman.
See, even #3, which I said is true, is bullshittily portrayed.
A Japanese woman would never, ever say, “go to the store and get me something to eat.” They’re passive aggressive, remember? It would go more like this:
Jgirl: I’m hungry.
WesternMan: There’s plenty of food in the fridge.
Jgirl: Oh….
10 mins later
Jgirl: [whining]: Iiii’mm huuuuungryyyy….
WesternMan: Food in the fridge, remember?
10 mins later, she’s just acting like a real cold bitch and you have no idea why. You were supposed to just figure out that she wanted something from the store. A Japanese man would have known – the Japanese have a kind of intra-racial telepathy. But you’ll never even know what the problem is, and you’ll think it’s #4 – she has mental problems.
It’s hugely cultural – people in many Asian cultures are less direct than in the West and social / unspoken cues are way, way more important.
Even Chinese culture, which seems more direct in some ways, is less direct in others. People who have these issues like Aspergers or low social skills by a Western standard would have even more of an issue there.
I have heard similar things about France as opposed to the Anglosphere like the first and second meanings of things, but am not sure if this is true.
There are two types of cultures : Guess cultures and Ask cultures. Note that the Germanic people have a Guess culture. Latins have an Ask one.
In Guess cultures, you don’t ask directly. The other party is expected to guess what you want by inferring it from what you say.
Safe to ask westernized Japan adopted a Guess culture, especially when it picked up Western trends since it forced itself to modernize.
File the “They don’t pop as much Prozac as white women!” under “attributes”.
Criticizing Japan for not having “mental health care” like the USA is like criticizing them for not having as much diabetes as the USA. It’s an unintentional compliment.
Would he rather Asian chicks be prancing about on Prozac at a 50% clip like white women in the US, jacked up on synthetic happiness?
Prozac is not synthetic happiness, there are too many physical and mental side effects. They were invented to replace the amphetamines which were used previously that would at least give you a quick high if you were depressed and which of course would also make the patient become addicted to them until they stopped working and then the person would be getting mostly side effects like Prozac.Prozac is actually worse than amphetamine because it takes a few weeks to work but then you have this constant low level agitation and lack of sleep which can lead to delusions and violence.Even if you stop taking it the t1/2 is 10 days which means that you eliminate it slowly and are still getting those bad side effects while stimulants like amphetamines wear off quickly.Cocaine wears off even faster and I’ve had patients when I was in the ER come in for overdoses but as long as they are breathing normally and their BP isn’t too high there is no treatment given because in 2 hrs they are back to normal.
The US may have more bogus “mental health” problems diagnosed because it is more of a money making racket both for the psych doctors who tend to be Jews and the drug companies.Many of these mental health problems are just minor everyday problems that are normal to the human condition and are not diseases and the real mental problems are the result of the drug “treatments”.To counteract the side effects of Prosac since the T1/2 is 10 days doctors will try to block it with periactin which is an antihistamine and this makes you even more depressed and you may end up in some psych hospital where the patient may receive other drugs that cause problems. Yes, it’s a nice racket. Get a patient for life who was basically normal and didn’t need to take anything to begin with.Amphetamines were common when I was a student and we used to take them to stay awake or get high, or fatsos would take them to kill their appetites to lose weight which is why they were made CII drugs. But the drug companies didn’t give up and invented this new ADHD “disorder” that these amphetamines could ‘cure’ although I’ve never seen a kid with this disorder so it’s very rare.The kids, mostly boys, are just bored out of their minds and some drugs relieve boredom but there was never any medical condition there to begin with.
^ truth. there is way too much of a profit motive in ‘health care’
Thanks. Some anti-psychiatry sense given by a guy from the industry. Rare gem.
I disagree with you, and agree with the author by a certain percentage.
The thing about Jap women, like any woman, is finding a good one. We all know how difficult that can be. I mean, anywhere, finding a good woman is hard to do.
Then, if and when you find one, there will still be crap you hate about her. And vice versa, we are both human by the way.
He is absolutely right about Japanese courts. I have numerous examples I can point to to emphasize the point. I have one rumor that I could not check because I don’t speak Japanese, that the Emperor’s own son, the prince, had custody of only two of his three kids. The other kid, has not seen his father or siblings until he was old enough to do so on his own. Japanese women will own your ass outright, and have your sorry ass deported. My brother in law is going through this, and has not seen his two kids in ten years. His kids do not know they have three siblings.
Japanese women are only submissive at first, because they want those government bennies. Once they get them, you will find out the hard way if she is a selfie obsessed bitch.
I have seen so many dudes of so many races marry and impregnate Japanese women to simply outright regret it within 5-10 years.
And forget taking her lame ass out of the country. A Jap who leaves there country for a long period of time is as rare very, very rare. Say 5 out of a hundred tops. So, if you marry one, plan on living in Japan, and have fun with the in-laws.
LOL. They will most likely hate you.
PREACH! I lived in Japan for a few years, experienced J-woman and had friends who ran through, impregnated, and married them.
Just about everything in the article is true. I can testify via personal experience, talking to locals and witnessing it through said friends.
I’ve dated a few. One in particular was insane, loud and embarrassing. She couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t take her anywhere.
One was a card carrying, proud to be gold digger. She would hang out in hotel bars by herself to meet rich guys and would date them for a few months, enjoying all the money, gifts and dinner etc. She dated me after her last guy dumped her (via his secretary, nice). We banged for a few weeks and then she cut off contact. I wouldn’t mind but I wanted my DVDs back.
“I wouldn’t mind but I wanted my DVDs back”.
Lol. That was hilarious. Japanese DVD digger woman.
Let me guess… she spoke fluent English?
I hate when guys date the very specific .1% of the population that has this specific trait – I trait which has an extremely high correlation incidency with cunthood – and then act like it is an example that has anything to do with Japanese girls in general.
In EVERY COUNTRY that is not native English speaking I have been to it is prudent to avoid English speaking women like the PLAGUE THEY ARE!!! Anything above the average high school student’s level in English capabilities is a serious level 10 warning sign.
Nail on the head. I avoid the parts of the city with English speaking locals. Learning the local language is the only way to capitalize on the girly gold that lies within.
So true! Guys have such a skewed perception of what Japanese (and Asian girls in general) are like because they date the girls who don’t fit into their own culture and decide to chase down beta foreign guys who think they’re getting over(well they kind of are…since the girls are thin).
^ This. It’s like taking a sample group of white women in relationships with black athletes / rappers and extrapolating to all white women. Not normal black guys but jocked out black guys.
The lower classes of course who can’t find a high quality girl in the ‘hood or trailer parks and who have delusions of getting a 10 lol
Bingo! Thanks for putting it so succinctly. For a good portion of any language training is knowing the cultural context in which the language is used. That means any girl who’s learned English as a 2nd language has a real head start on becoming a American style feminazi fairy princess, if she’s not completely corrupted.
Bullshit. Every foreign girl under 30 of any quality and had a good education knows English today, and knows it well.
If you don’t like that then go to some backward dirtwater Flippo village and find some #2 fugly girl there.These are the only types you pyjama boy lower class losers will get anyway.
I guess you haven’t been to Japan. They don’t need English, Japanese have plenty of money among themselves.
Yeah? Well, I can tell you haven’t traveled much and are basing this factoid on mere conjecture.
I’ve traveled over dozen countries on three other continents: Europe, Asia, and South America.I’ll concede that your theory holds in Australia and Antarctica. I have doubts about most of Africa though.
I challenge you to put your theory to the test and talk to at least 33 random girls under 30 (statistically significant sample in a normal distribution) and them report back how many of them “know” English.
Remember, you clearly stated “Every” girl knows English. Also, consider the conundrum of your statement on a forum where Roosh and others who post about the importance learning the local language in international game. Why would these men waste their valuable time learning foreign languages when clearly there is no need too according to your premise.
Wow bro, your claim is so unbelievably stupid I’m not even going to BOTHER coming up with points to counter it. Either you are literally a retard or you are straight up trolling. I’ve lived more than 5 years outside the USA in more than one country.
Good luck with your life, being so ignorant and disconnected from reality…
Obviously you know nothing of the Philippines (Flippo to racist bastard idiots like you.) Everyone in the Philippines speaks English. It is the second official language. There are 32 different languages in the Philippines and many dialects of each. My Filipina wife speaks four languages, including English. She is from a middle, to upper middle, class family, but I can tell you from experience that even street beggars in Manila can speak English fairly well. English is the language most common to all, so most important newspapers, and national political speeches, are in English.
Phillipines speak English because it’s their only ec
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