Japanese New Half Videos

Japanese New Half Videos


Japanese New Half Videos
About how to call Shemale, Ladyboy and Newhalf.
【女装】池袋展望台 Crossdressing in Public #女装 #
Belle Delphine Gets Huge Dripping CREAMPIE
用生命表演,泰国人妖ladyboy惊艳大秀,Welcome to Thailand

ewww... my straight answer to ur question: NO!... hahas...

I agree they shd be given rights to walk around streets like normal pple, but I jus hope they dun go over-board and go around telling others that they are "halfs". it can scare the crap out of ya, esp since that pic looks so totally like a girl but was a man last time. its... disturbing?

OMG. super cool. but i don't understand why society would shun them. even if i found out that a particular someone close to me is a new-half, i wouldn't be the least disgusted. okay maybe it's cuz i see things crazier than other people.

^__^I think they should be given the same rights as everyone else.And if i was in Japan and met a New-Half i would love to be friends with them because they are human too.

Give a new name and it's a new phenomenon. I can't speak for these Japanese girls, but most of the transsexual women I know, myself included, felt like women trapped in men's bodies, and that isn't a new phenomenon, nor is it advanced technology. People having been making the change for centuries, it's older tech than the bible. The only thing new is the surgical aspect. Also I attract lesbians and straight men tyvm, if someone won't date me because I'm trans... oh well. I'm in a happy relationship anyways. Some of the slang like shemale and ladyboy i find offensive, but this "Newhalf" term is too new and almost cute, so it doesn't bother me as much. Anyways bet you didn't expect a comment from the real thing. :3

i would most defently date a new half i have already been invovled with one once, sence my stay in japan it really is the best of both worlds over here

Most important is - they are a human being with feelings and emotions and should be treated as any other person. There is no obligation to think of them differently nor to date one (ok, I personally do, but there we are!). Give everyone equal rights and treat everyone else with the respect they deserve

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